Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1732: : 3 steps to renovate a family

Jincheng's army has a total of 6,000 people. These 6,000 people are the elite of Han Sui's subordinates. Three thousand people were selected as one of them, which is cruel to the soldiers who want to stay in the army.

Especially after the soldiers under Han Sui announced the treatment of lieutenant generals of Lu Bu's army in the army, many soldiers were moved. They were also soldiers in the army. No one would admit that they were weaker than others and entered the new army. , Can have a better treatment, why not do it.

The most challenging is the generals in the army. Originally, they had a not weak position in the army and could enjoy more power. If they are eliminated in this selection, it means that everything they currently have will be good. disappear.

However, in Liangzhou today, Lü Bu is in charge. They have no other choice. They have to work hard to preserve their current status.

Since Lu Bu entered Jincheng on the third day, the training enthusiasm of the lieutenant soldiers has been thoroughly mobilized, and they are preparing for the selection after five days.

The aristocratic families in the city didn't do anything else after seeing Lu Bu entered the city, and felt a little relieved, but some shrewd families were able to see that Lu Bu entered the city first against the army.

Jincheng was the most important city under Han Sui’s rule. However, the power of the family in Jincheng should not be underestimated. They also have a lot of influence in the military. If the situation in the military develops according to the current situation, the power of the family in the military will be Will be greatly weakened.

After the generals are greedy for enjoyment, they are not much better than ordinary generals. However, Lu Bu is able to place himself in an important position in the general after reorganizing the army. After the ordinary soldiers have been promoted through their own efforts, Naturally, I would be grateful to Lu Bu, and all of this gradually broke away from the control of the family, and even reduced Han Sui's influence in the army.

Although the aristocratic family who understood the way was secretly anxious, they did not dare to take the shot easily. But now Jincheng is under the control of Lu Bu. The army guarding the city is stationed outside the city and waiting for the candidates. Even if the aristocratic family wanted to fight, they also lost the power to fight.

"Lord, even if the families in the city are dissatisfied, they dare not show dissatisfaction." Guo Jia smiled.

"This is Wenyou's plan to draw salaries from the bottom of the tank. When Wenyou travels in the future, he needs more guards by his side. If he learns about this for the family, Wenyou will become the biggest enemy of the Jincheng family." Lu Bu laughed.

Li Ru smiled slightly when he heard this. Lu Bu was able to tell him this kind of joke, and he felt warm. A monarch was able to tell this kind of joke to his subordinates, indicating that he had completely accepted him.

"The lord has dealt with more aristocratic families, and now these aristocratic families are still submissive." Li Rudao.

"This king is a thorn in the eyes of the aristocratic family. If given the opportunity, these aristocratic families will not give up easily." Lu Bu said. Over the years, he has gone all the way. Not many people can understand the dangers he has experienced. Outsiders see. It is often the side of a person's scenery, but it ignores the bitterness and bitterness behind the scenery.

"The subordinates must do their utmost to assist the master to settle Jincheng and Hanyang fairly." Li Ru arched his hands.

"Wen You don't need to be polite, I'll just wait for three people here, just feel free." Lu Bu said.

The situation in Jincheng at this time seems to be stable, but it is actually undercurrents. After Hanyang went through the initial flood, the power of the family was greatly damaged. As long as the family of Jincheng is cleaned up, Hanyang County will naturally be ignored. Down.

Having been on the road of confronting the aristocratic family for many years, Lu Bu still has a certain experience in cleaning up the aristocratic family.

The first step is to control the city and ensure the loyalty of the soldiers in the army. The second step is to weaken the private forces of the family. This is an important means to further weaken the influence of the family. Of course, it is necessary to secretly explore the information. If people take action, as long as they find that there are private soldiers in the family that do not follow the regulations, they will directly eradicate it. The previous order is the reason. The third step is to take away the land from the family.

After the three steps are successful, the strength of the family is basically weakened. As for the family’s use of the power in their hands to cause shocks in the officialdom, as long as the army is in their hands, whoever dares to kill directly, replace them with their own officials. .

These three steps are summed up after repeated lessons. Facts have proved that these three steps are extremely effective for the aristocratic family. One by one, the aristocratic family gradually loses resistance, unless the aristocratic family dares to immediately after Lu Bu enters the city. Resistance, otherwise it can only become fish on the chopping board.

If you let the aristocratic family know the three-step method that Lu Bu summed up to deal with the aristocratic family, I don't know what kind of emotion it would have.

The control of talents is the greatest support of the family. However, when a monarch does not desire the talents of the family as much as he imagined, what kind of impact will it have on the family? The monarch does not need their talents and can still govern the land normally. development of.

When the army outside the city was selected, the situation was extremely If ordinary soldiers can achieve good results in this assessment, they will be promoted in the army. This is for an ordinary soldier. This is an important step for soldiers to make progress. Don't underestimate this step. Once successful, it means that they are no longer ordinary soldiers.

This selection is a fair opportunity for the generals in Jincheng. Military generals do not want such an opportunity. After failure, everything in front of them will be lost.

Ordinary soldiers wanted to take this opportunity to go further, and the generals who were depressed in the army saw the opportunity.

For various reasons, they attach great importance to this assessment. Six thousand people, there will be three thousand people who will be kicked out of the army from this assessment and become a member of the ordinary people. In the past, Ordinary soldiers are eager to do this, and now they don't think so.

After the selection is over, naturally some people are happy and some are worried.

After the selection of the sergeant and soldier, Lu Bu only selected a lieutenant from the outstanding generals, temporarily responsible for training the army, and Huang Xu temporarily took charge of the army.

Such a decision surprised the generals in the army. Although Huang Xu has become the deputy commander of the guards through his own efforts, his qualifications in the army are still relatively low. If he is in charge of an army, it feels a bit wrong. , But this is Lu Bu's order, and naturally no one dares to violate it.

Guan Yu, as Huang Xu's deputy, went to train the army.

Judging from the previous battlefields, Huang Xu is a capable general. Whether in strategy or martial arts, he is good. Let Huang Xu temporarily take charge of the army this time. It is also a kind of training for Huang Xu. After the true leader of the army arrives, it will naturally be handed over. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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