Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1738: : Learn from Liangzhou Army

A hint of excitement flashed across Jiang Ding's expression. This feeling had never happened even when he saw Han Sui. He hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "The last general Jiang Ding has seen King Jin."

"Okay, this king has heard of you, but he is a passionate man with a martial arts skill. You can't just leave it alone. In the future, you will kill the enemy on the battlefield, order stability under the rule, and make the aliens afraid to make trouble." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

"Here." Jiang Ding clasped his fist and said, making the foreign race afraid to make trouble. Jiang Ding was completely committed to Lu Bu. Sometimes, between the generals, there was no need for too many words. Just one sentence and one action might be enough.

What Jiang Ding felt from Lu Bu was a strong aura, coupled with Lu Bu's height of more than nine feet, it gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Lu Bu said: "It has been a few days since the army was formed. I don't know how the training is, so I take Benhou to the army to watch it."

"Here." Huang Xu said with a fist.

The training method of the Jincheng army is the same as that of the Union Army. The overall ability of the soldiers is trained. The most important thing is the surprise attack ability of the soldiers. The battle depends on the surprise attack of the soldiers on the battlefield. If you can’t join the battle as soon as possible after a long run , It will affect the course of a war, and run fast. When retreating, it will be easier to get rid of the enemy's pursuit.

After spending half a day in the army, Lu Bu nodded slightly. From this army, Lü Bu felt the passion for training. When they were training, they were not much different from the elites in the Bingzhou Army and could be left to protect. The safety of Jincheng, one can imagine how elite these soldiers would be.

Once these soldiers really take refuge in, more powerful combat power will erupt on the battlefield in the future. A soldier who has changed his mind will be completely different from the performance of a soldier who has not changed his mind on the battlefield. This is also true. A general in the army.

The system of Lu Bu's army is to let the soldiers see hope and see that they can achieve greater success through their own efforts. They have to train hard, otherwise they can only be eliminated from the army and put in the past. At that time, they might be eager to leave the army, but now that they see hope in the army, would they still choose this easily? Even ordinary soldiers have their own dreams.

"All the lieutenants in the king's army are elite." Lu Bu praised.

Jiang Ding clasped his fist and said: "The king of Jin, a lieutenant soldier, more than 90% have experienced wars. With a little training, they can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy." Huang Xu is the chief general in the army. It is said that this should be said by Huang Xu. , But he has been in the army longer after all, and has a deeper understanding of the soldiers in the army.

Today's army in Jincheng has undergone a completely different change from the past. The army generals' respect for Lu Bu, their yearning for credit, and the departure of many family generals have allowed the army to show its vitality.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "If this is the case, Dian Wei, you take two hundred people to check it out and see if these soldiers can go on the battlefield."

"Here." Dian Wei clasped his fists excitedly, looking at Huang Xu and Guan Yu, who were bitter, with excitement. This kind of lesson was used by the guards in the past.

Although Jiang Ding didn't understand what to check, but seeing Huang Xu's face, he knew that this matter was not as simple as Lu Bu said.

After Lu Bu left, Jiang Ding approached Huang Xu and asked in a low voice: "General, what is inspection?"

"The test is the battle between the soldiers on both sides, to see if your soldiers have the strength to go to the battlefield." Huang Xu said.

Jiang Ding said, "That's it."

"Do you think it would be such a simple matter for General Dianwei to lead people to the inspection?" Huang Xu saw Jiang Ding's expression calm, without the slightest panic, he couldn't help asking, but he had seen too many defeats of the elite team at the beginning. In the hands of the guards, and he knows the combat effectiveness of the guards. When facing one or two people, Huang Xu can easily defeat them, but when facing ten or eight people, Huang Xu is choking. Now, what kind of training the personal guards usually do, as the deputy commander of the personal guards, Huang Xu couldn't be more clear.

When the guards are trained, they are lunatics in the eyes of other soldiers. When facing guards, except for the special existence such as trapping the camp and first ascending the dead, there is nothing else not afraid of. You are a cavalry and you have to dismount. Come and discuss with us, the comparison between robes and ze, naturally does not need a weapon, then it is to test the skill of fists and feet.

As far as Huang Xu knows, Lu Bu is the most powerful in his fist, but he has never seen Lu Bu make a move.

"Please also enlighten the army." Jiang Ding hurriedly said. He has not been under King Jin for a long time. In some matters, he certainly doesn't know much about Huang Xu.

Huang Xu said: "Don't hide from the general, this general was the deputy commander of the personal guard before, and General Guan is also the deputy commander of the personal guard."

Jiang Ding was surprised. They naturally didn’t understand Huang Xu’s identity. They didn’t expect Huang Xu to be such a prominent presence in the Although the guards were deputy commanders, they were. People around King Jin.

"Just now, the lord ordered General Dianwei, who is the commander of the guards, to lead two hundred people to test. In fact, it is to fight with our soldiers. Under normal circumstances, the guards will fight twice as much as their troops. If they can win, Baitan Jinjiu will be rewarded. This matter is not too secret under the account of King Jin." Huang Xu said slowly.

"General, since it's like this, it's time for our soldiers to increase their reputation. The sergeant soldiers are tough, and they won't show weakness even in the face of personal guards. At that time, I will wait for the three of them to fight together. "Jiang Ding showed excitement, the reward is second to him in his opinion.

Huang Xu smiled bitterly and shook his head. Under normal circumstances, generals who don’t know the personal guards will be heartbroken after hearing such conditions. However, after the actual match, when they face the guards again, they absolutely can’t afford it. The slightest intent to fight.

Even with Huang Xu's reminder, Jiang Ding still had high morale and wanted to defeat the personal guards so that the strength of the Liangzhou Army could be recognized. Jiang Ding had this idea and it was reasonable.

Dian Wei saw the three of them walking along and talking all the way, and laughed: "Brothers, look at your deputy commander, but now he is going to discuss with us. Is it because he wants to lead these newly formed army and guard him? beat?"

The two hundred guards behind him cooperated and laughed.

The laughter made the soldiers in the army look a little angry at the guards. From Dianwei’s words, they felt contempt. They are the elite of the Liangzhou army. Have they ever been so angry? After Huang Xu gave an order, he would teach these guards a severe lesson. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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