Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1745: : Containing Cao Jun

Cheng Yu said: "Lord, Jiangdong had the ambition to attack Jingzhou before. Sun Ce mobilized soldiers and horses in Jiangdong, not wanting to die. This is the chance for the lord to seize Jingzhou."

If Jiang Dong bow his head to be his ministers, Cao Cao’s influence can be greatly enhanced, but Cao Cao also understands that with today’s strength, it is still difficult to break the Jingzhou occupied by Jiangdong Army, let alone to break Jiangdong, which is occupying a dangerous place, but in the face Facing this great opportunity, Cao Cao didn't want to give up easily.

Jiangdong bowed his head to proclaim his ministers, and there was a big gap between taking the land of Jingzhou as his own.

"Now that Jiangdong is in turmoil, it is rumored that Cao Ren will lead the army and wait for the opportunity to move." Cao Cao said.

"Here." Seeing that Cao Cao had made a decision, the counsellors in the field could only hand in hand to say here, but it was reasonable for Cao Cao to attack Jingzhou, after all, at this time Cao Cao occupied absolute righteousness.

After Cao Ren stationed in the southern county received the order of Cao Cao, he mobilized soldiers and horses to garrison in Dangyang, and has the potential to attack Jiangxia. As long as Cao Ren can gain an advantage on the battlefield of Jingzhou, Xu Du’s army will enter Jingzhou and obtain Greater results.

Besides, after Zhou Yu returned to Jiangdong, he went to worship Sun Ce. He was very sad and cried out for several times. When he first followed Sun Ce, how energetic and energetic the two were. When he achieved today's achievements, Sun Ce was dead.

After Sun Quan went to persuade him in person, Zhou Yu gradually recovered from his grief.

"Gong Jin, now that my brother has passed away, Jiangdong is in turmoil. On this occasion, Gong Jin should lead the army to resist Cao's army and prevent the foundation laid by his father and brother from falling into the hands of others." Sun Quan said sincerely.

Zhou Yu saluted: "This is a matter for his subordinates. If Cao Jun dares to take this opportunity to invade Jingzhou, his subordinates will do their best to repel Cao Jun."

Sun Quan said: "So there is a Lao Gongjin."

For some reason, Zhou Yu suddenly felt that Sun Quan gave him a very different feeling from the past. This might be the majesty of the monarch.

"I wonder if Gong Jin has any good strategy to prevent Cao Jun from attacking?" Sun Quan asked.

Zhou Yu pondered for a moment and said: "The subordinates went to Chang'an to plan an attack on Jingzhou. If the Jin king can answer Jiangdong’s request, the Jiangdong army will surely be able to achieve greater success in Jingzhou, and Jiangdong’s shock is the most important thing. The matter is to stabilize Jiangdong. If the King of Jin deterred Cao Cao at Wuguan, Cao Cao would not dare to send troops to attack Jingzhou easily. In this way, Jiangdong has no worries."

"The King of Jin is now leading troops to pacify the Qiang people in Liangzhou, how can he easily send troops?" Sun Quan asked.

"The King of Jin is an ambitious person. The purpose of pacifying Liangzhou is to make Chang'an more stable. It will certainly not let Cao Cao sit up easily. After Cao Cao occupies Jingzhou, his strength will definitely be greatly improved and become a threat to Chang'an. How can King Jin fail to see this? Before his subordinates left, they had already persuaded Jia Xu. Unsurprisingly, King Jin would definitely help Jiangdong survive this disaster." Zhou Yu said.

Hearing Zhou Yu's words, Sun Quan felt quite relieved. Zhou Yu had a high prestige in the Jiangdong Army, and he had just taken control of Jiangdong, and Zhou Yu needed help in many things.

"For Jiangdong, I hope Gongjin can do his best." Sun Quan solemnly bowed.

"Lord, don't do this." Zhou Yu hurriedly returned the courtesy.

"For military affairs, Lao Gongjin will bother a lot." Sun Quan said.

Zhou Yu said: "The subordinates must try their best to assist the lord in stabilizing the situation in Jiangdong."

After Zhou Yu's analysis, Sun Quan felt relieved.

Three days later, Sun Quan learned that Cao Ren led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to station in Dangyang, and hurriedly asked Ji Zhou Yu, who led the troops to Jiangxia.

Jiangxia is an important road for Jiangdong to enter Jingzhou. It takes time and effort to enter Jingzhou from other roads. Otherwise, Sun Ce will not attack Jiangxia repeatedly when he is in the hands of Jiangdong. Now Jiangxia is in Jiangdong's hands, so naturally he can't let it out easily.

Zhou Yu led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses into Jiangxia, which made the city more stable.

Cao Ren led troops and horses to station in Dangyang, waiting for the opportunity of Jiangdong turmoil. Sun Ce's death would inevitably cause anxiety for Jiangdongxiao's younger generation. Once Jiangdong is chaotic, he will be able to get enough benefits from the battlefield in Jingzhou. .

What surprised Cao Ren was that after Sun Quan took control of Jiangdong, with the help of Zhang Zhao and others, he quickly stabilized Jiangdong’s family. Although there were some minor rebellions, they were quickly put down. In this case, he wanted to break Jiangxia. It will take a lot of effort.

Jiang Xia used to be under Liu Biao’s rule, and Liu Cong was in Jingzhou at this time. When he attacked Jiang Xia with Liu Cong’s prestige in Jingzhou, he had a great chance of winning. After all, Jiangdong did not occupy Jiangxia for a long time. Jiangdong’s power in Jingzhou is not to be feared. Among the four counties of southern Jingzhou, there are many who support Liu Cong. As long as Jiangxia can be defeated, Jingzhou will definitely return to Cao Jun's, after Jia Xu got the news, Immediately sent Tai Shici, who had just returned to Chang'an, led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses into Wuguan, posing a threat to Nanyang. Through Lu Bu's order, Jia Xu could feel that Lu Bu was preparing to change the power in Jiangdong, and the relationship with Jiangdong went further. Although Jiangdong is far from Chang'an, if Sun Quan can stand on Chang'an's side, it will definitely be able to greatly contain Cao Cao's power, so that Cao Cao has no time to take care of Chang'an.

To prevent Cao Cao from gaining Jingzhou, Lu Bu made a profit.

Tai Shici led the troops into Wuguan, and the situation in Nanyang County immediately became urgent. Nanyang County was an important county in Jingzhou and the gateway to the north of Jingzhou. Once it was captured by the army of Chang'an, it would be difficult for the Cao Jun of Nanjun to compete with Xu. They both contacted each other, and in the long run, it would be even more difficult for South County to hold on.

If Chang'an's army could threaten Xu Du after occupying Nanjun, Xu was an important city under Cao Cao's rule. There is no room for loss. Xia Houyuan stationed in Wancheng immediately sent people to inform Cao Cao, and then ordered the army to defend.

The Battle of Liangzhou gave Taishici a lot of credit, and the suppression of the Qiang rebellion in Wudu also made Taishici's reputation greatly improved. When the Wudu Qiang was put down, Taishici was the commander of the army, only It is this status and the importance that Lu Bu attaches to Taishici, which is enough to explain how important Taishici's position in Lu Bu's heart is.

Tai Shici, who was originally not well-known under Kong Rong, had a dazzling record under the account of King Jin.

Ten thousand troops entered Wuguan, which made Cao Cao feel the urgency of the situation. He did not expect that Lu Bu would dare to deter Jingzhou at this time, but at this time the Qiang disease in Wudu and Beidi County had been calmed down, and Chang'an had enough Strength comes to threaten Nanyang. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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