Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1750: : Ma Chao arrives

After Zhang Qian fled Anhan and came to Langzhong, it caused a lot of turmoil in the city. Langzhong Lingfu Ji did not intend to resist, mainly because he could not see the hope of victory from the Yizhou army, but under Zhang Qian's persuasion , Fu Ji decided to put it together.

Relying on Langzhong, Zhang Qian led his soldiers and horses to stop Yan Yan for ten days, and then led them toward Jiameng Pass.

After receiving the news from Zhang Ren, Jia Mengguan naturally strengthened the defense and prepared to face the Yizhou Army.

The arrival of Zhang Qian led by thousands of soldiers and horses made the generals stationed at Jiameng Pass overjoyed. Today, the number of defenders at Jiameng Pass has reached 3,000.

Jiameng Pass is an important checkpoint in Yizhou, and it is also an important place for the Yizhou army to leave Sichuan. If Jiameng Pass is captured, Liu Bei can take more initiative in the process of sending troops in the future, otherwise, he can only be passive. The threats from Hanzhong and Chang'an have been endured.

Yan Yan led an army of 15,000 to Jiameng Pass. Looking at the towering checkpoint ahead, Yan Yan showed anger. The important checkpoint in Yizhou actually fell into Lu Bu's hands. This kind of hatred can only be found at Jiameng Pass. Only breaking through can calm the anger in his heart.

If Jiameng Pass is in the hands of Liu Bei, the army can walk out of the Jiange plank road calmly from the middle of Sichuan.

If you attack Jiameng Pass from the side of Yizhou, the terrain is relatively flat. As long as the soldiers in the army are brave and rely on the advantage of numbers, it is natural to break Jiameng Pass. The same is to attack Jiameng Pass. If you attack on the other side, you can definitely make the general army feel the breath of despair. Jia Meng Pass, as the Xiong Pass of Yizhou, can be imagined.

Jia Mengguan’s guard is Chen Shi. Although Chen Shi was born as a poor civilian, he can walk step by step to the position of a military commander. There is no doubt about his ability. Moreover, Chen Shi has experienced a lot of battles and is defending. The above is even more unique. After learning that the enemy might attack Jiameng Pass, fifty Thunderbolt cars in Baishui Pass were mobilized into Jiameng Pass. At this time, there were hundreds of Thunderbolt cars in the pass. With 15,000 enemy troops, Chen Shi still had confidence.

At the time when Yan Yan led the army in Lianzhan Lianzheng in Bajun, Liu Bei dispatched Yizhou general Ma Chao to lead five thousand soldiers and horses out of the Jian Pavilion plank road, preparing to attack Jia Mengguan.

Ma Chao naturally hated Lu Bu. Ma Teng’s words before his death could not affect this. He moved from Zhang Lu’s account to turn to Liu Bei in order to be able to avenge Xue very on the battlefield. Now the opportunity has finally come. .

In fact, Liu Bei doesn’t trust Ma Chao very much. It’s mainly because Ma Chao had been in charge of Liangzhou’s army before, and he was also a master of Ma Chao’s martial arts. One day he can get revenge, and Liu Bei guards against Ma Chao because he is afraid that Ma Chao will go out of style with excitement, such as leading an army to attack Liangzhou suddenly.

As the deputy general of the army, Cao Bao accompanied Ma Chao to attack Jia Mengguan, playing more of a supervisory role.

Jia Mengguan still stood stubbornly under the fierce attack of the Yizhou army, with hundreds of Thunderbolt cars as help, so that Chen Shi and Zhang Qian would not be passively defensive when facing the attack of the Yizhou army. The terrain advantage of Jiameng Pass allows the defenders' Perak cars to be farther in range than the Yizhou Army. A hundred Perak cars are enough to deter the Yizhou Army.

In the process of resisting the Yizhou army, Chen Shi still recognized Zhang Qian's skills, especially Zhang Qian's unique ability in defending the city, which allowed Chen Shi to learn a lot.

If literati are interested in war, it is also extremely terrifying, and they can often think of more good ways.

Seeing the situation of the siege, Yan Yan was very angry. The attack on Jiameng Pass took less than five days, and the soldiers in the army had already damaged nearly two thousand people. These soldiers were all elite soldiers who had experienced the battle.

Ma Chao led the arrival of the army, which greatly boosted the morale of the Yizhou army.

And Ma Chao is worthy of being a strong general in Xiliang, and personally led the soldiers to charge, which greatly improved the morale of the army.

Chen Shi looked at the densely packed Yizhou Army outside the pass, frowning, and his mood was not as relaxed as before. Jia Mengguan nearly captured the Yizhou Army several times.

In the middle of the night three days later, the Yizhou Army suddenly attacked Jiameng Pass and unexpectedly attacked, allowing the Yizhou Army to gain a firm foothold on the wall. When Ma Chao led the elite soldiers on the wall, the defenders were already at an absolute disadvantage.

"The general left as soon as possible, and now that the enemy has attacked Jiameng Pass, it is difficult to stop with the strength of our army." Zhang Gan hurriedly persuaded Chen Shi to rush to pass.

Chen Shidao: "Under King Jin is the general. How can you retreat in the face of the enemy's attack?

Zhang Qian’s eyes were red, and although the time he spent with Chen Shi was short, he did not despise Chen Shi because of Chen Shi’s status as a general. As a general, Chen Shi’s status is no different than Zhang Qian’s. Lu Bu attaches great importance to generals. A general is a remarkable existence in front of ordinary officials.

"General, there are still two thousand defenders in Jiameng Pass. After the arrival of King Jin's army, they will surely be able to repel the enemy." Zhang Qian persuaded again.

"I don't need to persuade you anymore. This general was ordered to garrison Jiameng Pass. Before he got the order, he would not leave. Not only the general but also the defenders of Jiameng Pass would not back down." Chen Shi finished. , Kill Xiang Guan.

With the shadowy flames, Zhang Qian saw a celebrity soldier attacking Guan Shun fearlessly. They knew that the enemy had already taken advantage of the situation, but they did not give up resistance. How much Zhang Qian hopes to be able to pass it now. Give an order to make Chen Shi and others retreat.

"Let's go." Zhang Qian ordered.

The soldiers who followed Zhang Qian also felt a sense. From Jia Mengguan’s guards, they felt what is meant by the will to fight forever. Even when the enemy army has an absolute advantage, they still fear death. This behavior It may seem stupid to some people, but these stupid people are worthy of awe.

The shouts of killing at the gate were getting farther and farther, and Zhang Qian's heart still couldn't calm down, he even watched how the defenders at Jiameng gate were fighting desperately.

"Who is in front of you?" A loud shout came, interrupting Zhang Gan's thoughts.

This was between Jiameng Pass and Baishui Pass, and it was naturally one's own army that was encountered.

"Jia Mengguan is in critical condition, please go to the rescue as soon as possible." Zhang Gan shouted.

This army came from Hanzhong to defend Jiameng Pass. They didn't expect the Yizhou army to move so fast. The main reason was that Yan Yan attacked Dianjiang so fast that it made people feel dizzy. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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