Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1756: : Xun?? Milk??/a>

"This is also Liu Bei. If you have the ability, the two sides will lay out their troops and engage in a battle to see who wins and who loses." Dian Wei said dissatisfied.

After the Yizhou incident spread all over the world, it naturally attracted a lot of discussion, but the Da Jin Bao directly stated that Liu Bei was a hypocrite, and used Liu Qi’s trust in him to seize the throne in Liu Qi’s hands. There is no polite language in the content of the Jinbao, anyway, now Lü Bu has publicly denied the Yizhou court.

After such things, the person in charge of writing the Dahan Bao would not be soft.

In the world, most people refute Liu Bei. After all, Cao Cao and Sun Quan previously supported the content circulated in the Dajin Daily. Liu Bei became the king of Hanzhong and found something to do for the civil servants who were good at debating and writing under them.

All of a sudden, there were a lot of speeches accusing Liu Bei, and Liu Bei became a hypocrite in their eyes. Jiangdong News even speculated when Liu Bei would seize the throne from Liu Qi's hands.

All kinds of remarks pushed Liu Bei to the opposite. Faced with this situation, Liu Bei was not afraid of it. Through this incident, Liu Bei also understood that wanting to become the emperor of the Han is not something that can be done today, even if Liu Qi Faint, but Liu Biao's eldest son, sitting on the throne is justified. Although the princes refuted the imperial court of Yizhou, Liu Qi still had the lineage to inherit the throne.

If it was replaced by his words, the consequences would definitely be a new round of criticism.

Anyone who hears the world scolds himself will not feel good, Liu Bei is not a masochist, although Yizhou officials secretly supported him to become the new emperor of the Han Dynasty.

At this time, among the princes of the Quartet, only Cao Cao still did not claim the title. This situation made the officials of Xudu praise Cao Cao.

Unlike Yizhou officials’ disappointment with Liu Qi, Xu Du’s officials at this time still had a certain idea that Cao Cao could revitalize the Han Dynasty. They hoped that through the hands of Cao Cao, the Han Dynasty would be revitalized, although the Han Dynasty gradually The decline has continued, and there are still many courtiers who support the Han Dynasty.

It’s not that Cao Cao didn’t want to be king, but Xu Du’s officials were definitely opposed to him calling him king. However, many officials secretly supported Cao Cao. All have great prestige, and if Cao Cao is the king, he can make the civilian officers and generals under his command more fighting spirit.

This is also the benefit of being king. Liu Bei didn't want to lower his head when facing other princes, and let him feel that his status was humble, so he followed Zhuge Liang's suggestion and became king. In this way, Cao Cao's position was in the princes. Among them, it became the lowest, and even Liu Bei, who was hiding in Yizhou, could be the king. Why not?

Some of the civil servants may oppose Cao Cao's claim to king, but in the army, Cao Cao has absolute prestige, that is, the words of Cao Cao, the generals in the army will not violate, and Cao Cao has absolute control over the army.

In the officialdom, Cao Cao must rely on the power of the family. After all, the family has many talents. However, in the army, Cao Cao does not allow voices against him. This is what a monarch must have in troubled times, otherwise he will be ruled. There will be an unstable situation.

"Lord, now Liu Bei is the king of Hanzhong, Sun Quan is called King Wu, Lv Bu is called King Jin, and the lord is called king. Otherwise, how to order the generals under his command and how to convince the civil officials under his rule." Cheng Yudao, for Cao Cao, he absolutely supports Cao Cao. .

Xun Yu said: "No. Now that the saint is young, the master assists the saint to put down the big man. It is a world-wide effort. If you are a king, isn't it like Liu Bei and others? Will do such things."

Cao Cao squinted his eyes and looked at Xun Yu for a long time. Among the officials, Xun Yu was headed by many officials who opposed his claim to the king. Otherwise, there would not be such pressure in the court, and Xun Yu has been under the rule these years. He made great contributions and had considerable influence under Cao Cao's rule. Officials in the court formed a force headed by Xun Yu to oppose Cao Cao's claim to kingship.

What Cao Cao had to do was to exercise absolute control over the rule and not allow any voices against him in the court. Xun Yu stepped up to influence the situation of the court at this time, which has already aroused Cao Cao's jealousy.

Xun Yu saw dissatisfaction and disappointment in Cao Cao’s eyes. However, he would not give up the persistence in his heart. He assisted Cao Cao in order to revitalize the Han Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty has gone through too many turbulences, the establishment of the Xudu court, It was the beginning of the revitalization of the Han family. If Cao Cao were to be king at this time, wouldn't the dignity of the Han family be weakened again?

After Xudu established the imperial court, Cao Cao had great respect for the sage Liu Cong. This made the officials of Jingzhou have a good impression of Cao Cao. However, when he became king, he was provoking the authority of the great man and the dignity of the saint. At this point, Xun Xun Yu opposed Cao Cao, also for Cao Cao's good.

"Master Xun's remark, I forgive you for not agreeing with it. Lord Xun has been fighting for many years, and he has made great achievements for the big Even Sun Ce can be king. Why can't the Lord be the Lord? Could it be that the Lord Xun's contribution to the Lord is not comparable to the merits of the Lord. Jiangdong Sun Quan?" Cheng Yu said.

Cao Cao remained silent in the face of this situation. He knew exactly what kind of emotion Xun Yu had towards the Han Dynasty, but in a troubled world, having such persistence would be no small thing to the Xun family. Challenges. Over the years, the Xun family has made considerable progress under the rule of Cao Cao, and Xun Yu is a pivotal figure under the rule of Cao Cao.

Xun You also has a certain position in the army. Originally, Xun Yu wanted to pull Xun You into the camp against Cao Cao’s rule, but he refused because Xun You did not want to see the Xun family head toward the road of rebelling against Cao Cao’s rule. .

Cao Cao’s respect for the sage Liu Cong was out of his recruitment of talents. There are a lot of talents among the officials in Jingzhou. If they can be used by Cao Cao, they will definitely improve their power in governance. This does not mean that Cao Cao wants to see officials in the DPRK. Oppose his scenario.

If there is power to oppose it in secret, Cao Cao will find it difficult to rest assured, he needs to exercise absolute control over the governance.

"Wen Ruo's words are true, proclaiming the king will shake the court, and the big man currently has such rebelliousness as Lu Bu, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei." Cao Cao said slowly.

In just such a moment, Xun Yu’s back was already wet with sweat. Don’t look at his high status under Cao Cao’s rule for so many years. With a word from Cao Cao, he can be pulled down. The existence of the imperial court is restricted. After reaching the power of Cao Cao, how could Cao Cao give up, but Xun Yu didn't want to see Cao Cao heading towards the road of confrontation with the big man.

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