Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1765: : Dianwei’s Discovery

Lu Bu waved his hand and motioned to Ma Jun not to say anything.

Ma Jun understood, and seemed to want to see how Cheng Tie and Pang Tong would react after reading them.

Pang Tong was already a little impatient, no matter how outstanding Pang Tong's strategy was, he was a bit young after all, and he had never touched this thing before.

Finally, when Pang Tong took the telescope in Tie's hand with expectation, and looked into the distance, two soldiers in the forest clearly appeared in front of Pang Tong, and Pang Tong even saw the two men talking in a low voice. , And here is six miles away from the mountains and forests. At this long distance, it is extremely difficult to see the situation in the mountains and forests even from a high place.

After Pang Tong took off the telescope in disbelief, even with his eyes wide open, he couldn't see the situation in the opposite mountains. Through the telescope, two soldiers appeared in front of Pang Tong again.

"Congratulations to the lord for obtaining this divine object." After Pang Tong carefully put the telescope into the box, he arched his hand. He seemed to see how useful these things can be on the battlefield, even though they were seen at this distance. The thing is a bit vague, enough to prove the extraordinaryness of this thing.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "This object is the credit of the craftsman in the workshop."

"Master, does this thing have a name?" Ma Jun asked. After all, this kind of thing hadn't appeared in the big man before, and they made this thing under Lu Bu's order. After seeing this magical effect, naturally It is the name of the thing that wants to know this.

Lü Bu pondered for a moment and said: "This king was also accidentally aware of the production of this object. Its original name is a telescope, but this object is quite magical. I will call it a fairy mirror in the future."

"The fairy mirror is really a means like a god." Pang Tongdao.

"This thing can't be called. If a larger telescope can be built, the distance that can be seen will be farther, and the fairy mirror currently built by the craftsman's workshop can only be at a distance of six miles at most. But it is difficult to achieve." Lu Bu said.

"Don't worry, the subordinates will work hard to get the fairy mirror when they return to the workshop." Cheng Tie arched his hands. After hearing Lu Bu's words, he found the goal of his struggle, which was to create a more exquisite fairy mirror. , So that it can provide great help for Lu Bu.

Ma Jun also had the same idea, but the artisans under his command could play a limited role in this matter.

"Nevertheless, you can't waste business affairs. If this is the case, temporarily build a hundred and send soldiers to Chang'an Mansion. No one can open it without the king's order." Lu Bu said.

Dian Wei, who was guarding Lu Bu's thoroughness in the distance, saw the scene here, and he was already irritated. He was sure that Lu Bu had gotten something good again.

"General Dian, don't have to look around. This is Baibo Valley, which is difficult for ordinary people to approach." Lu Bu smiled.

Dian Wei grinned when he heard the words, and ran over in three steps in two steps. As long as there are lively things, how can he be missing.

"Master." Dianwei said with a fist.

"You can use this thing to see if you can find anything." Lu Bu smiled.

Dianwei learned how to use it under Pang Tong's guidance. After looking at it from a distance, his reaction was greater than that of Pang Tong and the other three. The whole person jumped back and the fairy mirror in his hand almost fell to the ground. , Ma Jun and Cheng Tie were frightened, no matter what the effect of this thing, after all, it reached Lü Bu's standard, and it was the first one, and it was of great significance.

After seeing the faces of Cheng Tie and Ma Jun, Dian Wei apologized: "I was scared just now."

When Lu Bu and others heard this, they couldn't stop laughing, and it was really unbelievable to be able to make Dian Wei, a strong general in the army, say these words.

Dian Wei once again placed the fairy mirror on his right eye, patrolling back and forth in the mountains and forests not far away, seeing things not far away appear in front of him, quite excited, but after such a moment, he felt a little bit Dizziness.

At this moment, the swaying fairy mirror in Dianwei's hand stopped. He was in the forest on the opposite side, and he noticed something wrong. Only then did he see two figures sneaking forward to watch their dressing up. , It was clearly the people in the White Wave Valley, and there was a road to the outside on the opposite mountain, but this road was quite secret. Soldiers in the White Wave Valley were defending secretly. The two men appeared in the opposite mountain, acting suspiciously.

Seeing Dian Wei's expression a little dignified, Lu Bu couldn't help asking, "What happened?"

As the leader of the personal guards, Dianwei is more cautious when doing things. Although Baibogu is safe, there are too many unstable things in it. The responsibility of personal guards is naturally huge.

After hearing a word, Lu Bu showed doubts on his face, took the fairy mirror from Dian Wei's hand, and looked into the distance, and he saw two people in the mountains and forests.

Ordinary people will definitely not appear in the opposite The workshops of artisans are separated from the places where ordinary people live, and the idlers and others cannot approach the workshops.

"You lead your guards and don't disturb other people." Lu Bu whispered.

After Dian Wei recognized the direction, he walked away quickly.

Pang Tong and the others noticed something wrong from the looks of Lu Bu and Dian Wei. Pang Tong was sure that Lu Bu had found something in the forest opposite, but at this time, the fairy mirror was in Lu Bu's hands, so he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

"Let's go, follow the king to return to the workshop." Lu Bu said lightly. If the two people really have an unruly plot, the workshop will indeed conduct an investigation.

The craftsman’s workshop was an important place under Lu Bu’s rule. The craftsman’s workshop gained a lot of benefits for Lü Bu. The weapons forged by hundreds of steel-making princes even did not hesitate to increase Lu Bu's strength and exchange them for food and grass. If these forging methods were spread, the impact on Lu Bu's rule would be huge.

After returning to the workshop, Lu Bu ordered people to summon Pu Yuan.

After taking a closer look at Pu Yuan, Ma Jun and Cheng Tie, Lu Bu did not speak, but observed the performance of the three.

Feeling the implication in Lu Bu’s eyes, the three of them were very nervous. In front of their craftsmen, the three of them were relatively prestigious figures. Under Lu Bu’s rule, they had a very high status. However, in the face of Lu Bu At the time, they did not dare to have the slightest prestige. Everything they have now is given by Lu Bu. With a word from Lu Bu, they can take away the things in their hands. This is the majesty of the monarch and cannot be violated. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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