Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1886: : The King of Jin Army to

Cao Cao planned Jingzhou for his own reason. He knew that there would be a battle between himself and Lu Bu sooner or later, but the war would not be carried out at this time. After Jingzhou was leveled, Cao Cao's strength would be even stronger and he would clean up Jiangdong. To be honest, when facing Lu Bu in the future, even if he fails to break Jiangdong, he will be able to ally with Jiangdong. He believes that the people of Jiangdong can definitely judge the current situation. At this time, if you fight against Lu Bu, Cao Cao will have it. Greater odds.

The navy was dispatched from Jiangdong and directly sent troops to Jizhou, entering the important prefectures and counties under Lu Bu's rule, and the result can be imagined.

In this competition, Liu Bei was ruthlessly excluded for Cao Cao.

"Xianhe, do you think this king can defeat King Jin?" Liu Bei suddenly asked when Jian Yong came forward to salute.

Jian Yong was taken aback for a moment. He could feel the hesitation and anxiety in Lu Bu's heart. This is something that a monarch shouldn't have. Perhaps this is Liu Bei's most true thought at this time. He can also feel Liu Bei's pain. When facing Lu Bu, no princes dare to say that he has an absolute chance of winning. Over the years, Lu Bu's methods have been too powerful, which is eye-catching.

"The king of Jin was brave and good at fighting. However, the lord performed a benevolent governance in Yizhou. The kindness was spread throughout Yizhou. The army and people of Yizhou were all grateful to the lord, and the family of Yizhou supported the lord. The lord had strong generals such as General Guan and General Zhang, and even military officers. Plan on the side, against the army of the King of Jin, it is natural to win." Jian Yong said: "The terrain of Yizhou is complicated. Even if there are many elite soldiers under the king of Jin, it is difficult to achieve success in Yizhou."

Liu Bei felt relieved when he heard this. Jian Yong followed him for the first time and put in a lot of effort. These Liu Bei are all in his eyes.

"Xianhe, defeating the king of Jin's army, but also relying on the concerted efforts of the civilians and generals in Yizhou." Liu Bei said.

"Here." Jian Yong saw Liu Bei regain his previous self-confidence, arched his hands.

Three days after Liu Bei led the army into Fucheng, Lu Bu led 70,000 soldiers and horses to the outside of Fuguan.

The 70,000 army is vast and boundless, giving people a visual shock, especially the Chang'an army is black clothing, which gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Following the order from the Chinese army, the army stopped outside Fuguan.

Looking far away from Fuguan, Lu Bu nodded secretly. Fuguan is worthy of Yizhou's dangerous checkpoint. Although its terrain is not as dangerous as Jiamengguan and Baishuiguan, it is still easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are fifty thousand soldiers and horses in Fucheng, and it is extremely difficult to break through Fuguan with an army of seventy thousand.

Conquering Yizhou is bound to be a long-term war, just as Cao Cao wants to conquer Jingzhou. At this time, Lu Bu's rear is stable and there is no worries. Cao Cao and Sun Quan are fighting in Jingzhou, which is a good time to clean up Liu Bei.

Compared with the soldiers and horses of Yizhou, the soldiers and horses under Lu Bu have experienced more wars. The camps, the dead soldiers, the euphorbias, the sword soldiers, and the flying cavalry are all invincible on the battlefield. Yizhou has a profound presence. Lv Bu's background is supported by Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, Bingzhou, Liangzhou, and Sansui. There are many soldiers, and even if it is difficult to break Yizhou, Lv Bu will not retreat in the slightest.

The 70,000 troops set up their formation outside the city, and the feeling of silence for the defenders closed. From the order from the Chinese army to the formation of the formation, it felt so orderly, and Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were led by Lu Bu. Entered Fuguan before the army arrived.

"The army of the king of Jin is so powerful." Liu Bei exclaimed.

Not only did Liu Bei hold the same opinion, but the generals of the Yizhou Army did the same. They felt tremendous pressure from the enemy troops outside the city. It would be extremely difficult to win if they faced such enemy troops on a frontal battlefield. The Fuguan Pass is the support of the Yizhou Army. In order to break the Fuguan Pass, the Chang'an Army will have to pay a heavy price.

"The art of war, ten encircles it, but now there are only 70,000 soldiers under the king of Jin, but there are 30,000 soldiers and horses in Fuguan. With the danger of Fuguan, our army's elite soldiers will naturally be irrelevant to resist the enemy. Down." Jian Yong said loudly.

"Xianhe's words are very true." Liu Bei smiled.

Seeing Liu Bei and Jian Yong chatting and laughing, the expressions of the surrounding generals became much more relaxed.

"Yun Chang points 10,000 soldiers and horses together, and will accompany this king out of customs and will become king for a while." Liu Bei ordered.

Guan Yu left with his fists, the two armies fought, Fuguan has the chief general of the Yizhou army, and Lu Bu is in the army, the chief generals of the two armies will definitely have a conversation. The main purpose is to rectify the name of his army. This is true of the so-called famous teacher.

Having said that, Liu Bei's heart was still a little solemn. He felt a lot of pressure from the army outside the city. He commanded wars of more than 100,000 people. Liu Bei had no experience in this area.

Commanding such a large-scale battlefield is a great test for the Of course, Liu Bei did not intend to compete with Lu Bu outside the pass, but relying on the dangers of Fuguan to resist Lu Bu. The Yizhou army has There are hundreds of thousands of people, but there are no more than 20,000 people who can be called elites on the battlefield. Even though the rest of the army is usually trained and vigorous, what kind of performance will behave after arriving on the battlefield, but it is unknown. The real battlefield is not normal. The training is very different.

The door opened wide, Liu Bei led an army of 10,000, and opened the battle outside Fuguan. The leaders of the two sides had a dialogue, and Liu Bei would certainly not show weakness at this time.

When Lu Bu saw the Yizhou army leaving the customs, he nodded secretly.

"Follow this king to meet Liu Xuande for a while. Xuande claims to be a kin of the Han clan, but now he is the king of Hanzhong. It can be seen that this king is not the only one who wants to be king." Lu Bu laughed.

The generals who accompanied him did not feel improper when he heard the words. In their view, Lu Bu was king because he had enough credit, and the support of Lu Bu by his soldiers was unquestionable, for Lu Bu's order. , They can do anything at all costs. This is Lü Bu’s greatest reliance on being king. As for the dignity of the Han family, not to mention that in front of the princes, that is, in front of the generals under the princes, they are all gone, unless there is really a Han in his heart. The people of the room, in the face of today's situation, no one will be loyal to the Han room.

Wars and turmoil in the Han Dynasty reduced the influence of the Han Dynasty indefinitely.

Lu Bu, who was chasing the wind under him, wearing a black cloak, a golden armor and holding a Fangtian painted halberd, was definitely a dazzling presence in front of the two armies.

In terms of appearance, Liu Bei was not a bit worse than Lu Bu. Liu Bei was seven feet and five inches tall, and the horse under him was only seven feet tall, making him a head short. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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