Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1888: : Wei Yan scolds, Zhang Fei takes action

Liu Bei's heart was tense, and he couldn't help thinking of the original war outside Huguan, that fight, although the three of them forced Lu Bu back, it was more because of Jia Xumingjin's retreat. Otherwise, it is hard to say who won in the end. For Lu Bu Liu Bei is extremely in awe of his martial arts.

I carefully reminded Guan Yu and Zhang Fei not to be impulsive later, but before the two armies, if they acted like this, they would fall short.

Wei Yanyun said vigorously: "Liu Xuande is just a peddler who sells seats and weaves shoes. He met the butcher Zhang Fei and the fugitive Guan Yu. With his bravery, he also made a name for himself in the Yellow Turban Rebellion. The reason why Liu Xuande Becoming brothers with Zhang Fei and Guan Yu is because of Zhang Fei's family assets and Guan Yu's Wu Yong."

"Zhu Zi'an dare to speak such nonsense!" Zhang Fei was furious, just hearing the first sentence, could not bear the anger in his heart.

Wei Yan sneered and said: "General Zhang is so angry, is it because this general said that he hit the pain of the three people?"

The generals behind Lu Bu burst into laughter. They could feel Zhang Fei’s feelings. Liu Bei was the king of Hanzhong and even the monarch. Now in Wei Yan’s mouth, he has become such a character. They will also be angry.

The blue veins on Guan Yu's hands were raised, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes full of killing intent when he looked at Wei Yan.

"Shameless people, dare to talk nonsense in front of the two armies." Liu Bei shouted, but he signaled Guan Yu to stop Zhang Fei.

Wei Yan said, "In the eyes of the King of Hanzhong, this is nonsense, which may not be the case in the eyes of others."

Seeing Wei Yan's serious appearance, Liu Beiqiang held back the killing intent in his heart, and his hands trembled slightly, showing that his heart was already angry.

Lu Bu's reaction to Liu Guanzhang was naturally expected, but Wei Yan's rhetoric was modified by Guo Jia.

"Cao Cao led troops into Xuzhou. Xuzhou is in a critical condition. The King of Hanzhong sent reinforcements. This is a righteous act. However, after King Hanzhong entered Xuzhou, he secretly attracted the family of Xuzhou and persuaded Chen Deng and Cao Bao to join in. This is nothing. The king of Hanzhong actually killed Tao Qian. In the eyes of outsiders, Tao Qian died of illness. Before he died, he recommended the king of Hanzhong to be Xuzhou herd. The truth is not like this. After the king of Hanzhong entered Xuzhou, he won over the aristocratic families in the city, and even Threatening Tao Qian, if he does not give up the position of Xuzhou Muzhi, he will kill his family. Tao Qian is a loyal person and does not want his family to be killed. Moreover, the King of Hanzhong is powerful, and in desperation, he surrendered Xuzhou to the King of Hanzhong. However, the king of Hanzhong didn’t want to give up so easily. After receiving Tao Qian’s promise, he was afraid of changes, and secretly poisoned Tao Qian’s wine and dishes, which made Tao Qian die." Wei Yanxin vowed: "Poor Tao. Zhou Mu, he thought he would be able to repel Cao Jun after receiving reinforcements, but he led the wolf into the room."

Seeing Wei Yan's pity, Liu Bei's expression kept changing, and he shouted: "Shameless villain, dare to slander this king in front of the two armies."

"The enemy will die!" Zhang Fei shouted and slapped his horse to kill. The anger in his heart was already burning fiercely. If Wei Yan could not be killed, it would be difficult to calm the anger in his chest.

When Wei Yan saw this scene, he was not surprised and rejoiced. His main task was to make Liu Bei's generals unable to help but take action. As for the authenticity of these things, let others guess. After all, when Liu Bei entered Xuzhou, but It was a Pingyuan Order, with only a few thousand soldiers and horses, and it would only be related to Yu and Zhang Fei. Tao Qian’s cede of such important positions as Xuzhou Mu to Liu Bei was incomprehensible in itself, no matter how critical Xuzhou was at the time. It was still the prefecture and county where the great Han was prosperous, Tao Qian didn't have to give up Xuzhou, and at that time Pengcheng had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, which could completely stop Cao Jun.

The more unpredictable things, after a sudden emergence of an argument, are likely to affect other people's views on Liu Bei.

"Zhang Fei, kid, dare to be so presumptuous in front of King Jin." Zhao Yun Yuema shot him.

Wei Yan was reluctant to ride his horse and rushed back to the current battle. Once this battle started, he would not stop easily, and let Zhang Fei take the shot in anger. Wei Yan's goal has been achieved. The rest will be the same. He didn't have much involvement anymore, and Wei Yan was rather regretful that he couldn't show off his powerful martial arts in front of the two armies.

The general's gaze at Wei Yan was obviously very different. The power of these words was even more shocking than winning on the battlefield.

Zhang Fei shot out in a rage and stopped Zhao Yun. The two stood in one place, but they saw Zhao Yun's white robe and silver armor, and the night jade lion illuminated under him. He was a handsome military commander on the battlefield, and Zhang Feibao’s head and eyes were more like Kill the gods on the battlefield.

The Zhangba Snake Spear in Zhang Fei's hand can evoke the sound of breaking through the air every time he makes a shot, and the bright silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand is airtight.

Zhang Fei burst into anger, but he couldn’t help but Zhao After the two played against each other, Zhang Fei woke up from his anger. Only then did he relied on his ferocity and wanted to defeat Zhao Yun. , Who knows that after the two played against him, he felt more and more pressure, especially Zhao Yun's marksmanship, which gave people a sense of illusion, extremely exquisite, and his strength in strength, when facing Zhao Yun, it seemed that there was no It is of general use.

Zhao Yun shouted angrily, and the bright silver spear in his hand shook, and he shook the snake spear to take Zhang Fei's throat, and a faint sound of breaking through the air came from the spear head.

Zhang Fei's eyes tightened. Obviously he didn't expect that Zhao Yun would suddenly shoot in this situation, and he was so fierce in attacking speed. In the previous fight, Zhao Yun was in defense, giving Zhang Fei a kind of Zhao Yun's martial arts. But with this feeling, Zhao Yun suddenly changed from defense to offense, which made Zhang Fei a little uncomfortable.

However, Zhang Fei has been on the battlefield, and his martial arts is already extremely strong. Although he was a little hasty, he still resisted Zhao Yun's attack. If Ma Chao were here, he would definitely be worried for Zhang Fei. He and Zhao Yun were both in the first time. The two were in a state of being indifferent, but in the ensuing battle, the rhythm on the battlefield could be controlled by Zhao Yun steadily.

Ma Chao and Zhao Yun fought twice, and they all failed. Not to mention when they played against Lu Bu. The two sides are not at the same level in terms of strength. How sophisticated your moves are, it is still difficult to win.

Zhang Fei realized the mood of Ma Chao and Zhan Yun when he was playing against Zhan Yun. With all his strength, it is difficult to win. Instead, he must always guard against the offensive from Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun's marksmanship is extremely fierce, and the angle of attack often gives people an unbelievable feeling. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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