Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1934: : The Might of the Crossbow

"Prepare!" Chen Dao ordered Shen Sheng. This is the Liangjian battlefield after the Strong Crossbow Army has been trained. What they need to become famous is the blood of the enemy army.

Five thousand strong crossbow troops came to Fuguan in neat steps. During the march, the heavy footsteps gave people a sense of depression.

After closing off the sharp weapons such as the Thunderbolt and the bed crossbow, their offensive range returned to normal. Even with the advantage of the terrain, the range of the bow and arrow can only be increased by ten steps at most.

When the distance to Fuguan was only 150 steps, the 5,000 crossbow troops suddenly became busy. Among the tens of thousands of crossbow troops, there were 2,000 crossbowmen with a range of 150 steps. , And need two thousand soldiers from the side to assist.

Among the five thousand people, except for the thousand soldiers who use strong crossbows, the rest of the soldiers can be used to fight the enemy, relying on the crossbow in their hands to cause damage to the enemy. The crossbow in their hands can reach a range of one hundred. Twenty steps, it is also extremely fierce on the battlefield.

Following Chen Dao’s order, the five thousand strong crossbow troops immediately began to be nervous and busy, and after two thousand of them were ready, they aimed the strong crossbow in their hands in the direction of closing the door, as long as the enemy was in If they appeared at this time, they would be able to make it difficult for the enemy to get out of the barrier simply by relying on the powerful crossbow in their hands.

"Master, does the enemy rely on bows and arrows to attack the city?" Jian Yong doubted. At a distance of one hundred and fifty steps, it is very difficult to pose a threat to the defenders who closed. Anyway, Jian Yong hadn't seen it before. The bows and arrows that pass this equidistant, of course, if they are bed crossbows, are another matter.

Looking at the army outside the city, Liu Bei felt a little heavy. If the enemy's crossbow could really reach a range of one hundred and fifty steps, what a terrifying effect the two armies would bring if they fought on the plain. After an enemy army encounters such a team, I am afraid it will be overshadowed.

"Qiangbow?" Liu Bei was puzzled looking at the enemy's movements outside Guan, but he saw two soldiers helping Qiangbow to wind up.

"Pass the army, guard carefully!" Liu Bei hurriedly said.

After the two thousand strong crossbows were wound up, Chen Dao gave an order, and two thousand crossbow arrows poured towards Guan. For a time, the sky over Fuguan was covered with dots of black marks.

Different from the usual straight shot wounds, when using the crossbow arrows to attack the city, Chen Daoshi ordered the soldiers to shoot the crossbow arrows diagonally upward. Li used the falling force of the crossbow arrows to cause damage to the enemy. Facts have proved that this kind of attack means. , Is extremely terrifying for the enemy.

Seeing the enemy attacking the city, the closed defenders did not feel fear. In their view, it was the Thunderbolt that caused the greatest damage to them, not these crossbow arrows.

However, the defenders miscalculated again. When some responsive shield soldiers saw these black spots, they were able to avoid this catastrophe. However, more defenders were unlucky.

The crossbow arrows slanted from above caused the city to scream one after another.

Liu Bei saw this situation, the corners of his eyes kept shaking, he found that the enemy can always bring them surprises, and the appearance of such powerful crossbows will cause deterrence to the defenders, you can imagine. There are still a large number of crossbowmen among the enemy forces. Even if they send cavalry to fight, they will have to pay a heavy price. After the cavalry breaks through the crossbowmen’s line of defense, they can cause huge damage to the crossbowmen. Soldiers also restrain the cavalry. When the cavalry charges, if they can't avoid the crossbow arrows in the hands of the crossbowmen, they are already dead before they get close to the enemy.

The strong crossbow army, just through a round of crossbow arrows, caused the closed defenders to pay a heavy price.

At the rear of the Strong Crossbow Army, Lu Bu appeared on a higher ground. Observing the results of this battle, seeing the deaths and injuries in the city, Lu Bu smiled. If this situation continues, Fuguan will definitely be breached. Thunderbolt cars and strong crossbows will gradually defeat the fighting spirit of the defending army.

The Thunderbolt brings a psychological shadow, while the Strong Crossbow Army is a real killer. Through the dense crossbow arrows, it causes a steady stream of damage to the enemy. This kind of damage is not comparable to the Thunderbolt.

The generals next to Lu Bu also took out the fairy mirror to watch the battle at Fuguan. The effect of the strong crossbow army on the battlefield shocked the generals in the army. Although the enemy was not sufficiently prepared, a round of crossbow arrows made the defenders Having paid a heavy price, what would be the situation if it were to meet such a strong crossbow army on the plains.

"Lord, the crossbow army is so powerful, it will be within a few days to break through Fuguan." Guo Jia laughed.

Lu Bu nodded and said: "The Strong Crossbow Army is one of our army's important cards, and it is worthwhile for Liu Bei to taste the power of the Strong Crossbow Army."

The generals in the army burst into laughter when they heard this. If Liu Bei knew about it, they would not know how they would They could realize how miserable the Yizhou army was passively defending at Fuguan. They I definitely don't want such honor, no one is stupid enough to suffer death or injury.

With the strong crossbow army, the generals in the army have greater confidence in breaking through Fuguan. The giant Thunderbolt car makes Fuguan not dare to show the Thunderbolt car, and the strong crossbow army is constantly forming a steady stream of enemy forces. Damage, in this offensive mode, even the most powerful defenders will collapse.

Fu closed, because the wailing of the wounded soldiers made the atmosphere more solemn, Liu Bei's expression was extremely solemn, he did not expect the enemy's strong crossbow to be so powerful, under a round of crossbow arrows, it would break his own side. There were more than three hundred soldiers.

The Crossbow Army did not stop their attack. After a round of crossbow arrows, they were busy again. They wanted to cause the greatest damage to the enemy in the shortest time. This is a big deal for the Crossbow Army. Test, and now the enemy is not very familiar with the combat methods of the crossbow army. If they are allowed to react from the attack of the crossbow, it is very difficult to cause more damage to the enemy.

The destructive power of the crossbow is unquestionable. Even if they are a hundred and fifty steps away from the city wall, they can still hear the wailing of the defenders and the screams of the enemy. It sounds wonderful to the crossbow. Yes, theirs is to make the enemy pay a heavy price through a strong crossbow.

Rounds of crossbow arrows poured towards Fuguan.

After ten consecutive rounds of crossbow arrows, the strong crossbow army stopped the attack.

After the news of the loss of the soldiers in Fuguan, Liu Bei's expression became even more gloomy. Only the number of soldiers who died under the attack of the crossbow arrows reached more than two thousand. This was still the case when the defenders were prepared. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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