Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1940: : Qiangs play

From the time of attacking the city, we can see the role played by the Thunderbolt drivers on the battlefield. The training method of the Thunderbolt drivers is what the princes want. Lu Bu is ahead of the princes in the use of the Thunderbolt. of.

The most important thing is the range of the Thunderbolt. The Chang'an Army with the giant Thunderbolt is extremely terrifying. It can be seen from the battlefield in Yizhou that the advantage of the checkpoint is not too much under the attack of the Thunderbolt. It was reflected, and the precise strikes of the Perak drivers made the Yizhou Army panic. The Perak cars in the Yizhou Army were unable to do this.

After Lu Bu's order to form the Perak Army was continued, Hao Meng was able to feel the excitement of the Perak riders. The formation of the Perak Army was a great encouragement for the Perak riders. They are already independent troops and have their own banners.

"This general has already thought about it. The banner of Perak's withdrawal is a Perak car. I don't know how you feel?" Hao Meng asked.

"The general is wise."

"The general said that we are the Perak Army, and the main attack method is the Perak car."

Voices of echoing one after another, the formation of the Perak Army, for the Perak riders, is the recognition of their merits on the battlefield.

"Now the lord has formed the Perak Army and rectifies the name of the Perak Army in front of the generals. You will spend more time on the battlefield and strive to kill more enemy troops. This general does not want to see the enemy's Perak Army appear on Fuguan. Car." Hao Meng said: "Although Bao Yang is a school lieutenant, he became a general when the army attacked Guanghan City."

Bao Yang’s incident is an inspiration to the soldiers in the Perak Army, letting them understand that they need more credit if they want to get a higher status. Moreover, Bao Yang was born as an ordinary citizen and walked step by step from a soldier. To the present position.

Seeing that the morale of the generals had been mobilized, Hao Meng was quite satisfied. After the formation of the Perak Army was confirmed, he felt full of fighting spirit.

The next day, the Thunderbolt cars outside Fuguan launched a more intensive attack. While the Thunderbolt cars attacked, the closed defenders had to face the shooting from a strong crossbow army, and they fell into a brief panic again. Even if it is not the first time to face such an attack, they still feel fear when facing it.

Especially for the Strong Crossbow Army, it is a huge challenge for the Yizhou Army who is closed. If you want to save their lives under the crossbow arrows of the Strong Crossbow Army, you need to make more efforts. Of course, they also know that they want to evade. Arrows, unless they have strong shields, in the army today, although shields covered with iron sheets have gradually increased, some arrows can still penetrate these shields, making the defenders feel terrible.

Behind the five thousand strong crossbow troops appeared densely cloud ladder soldiers, their task is to hang the ladder to Fuguan, and the thunderbolt carts and strong crossbows can provide security for the attacking soldiers.

"The king of Jin has a life. Let me wait to be responsible for attacking the city. It's time to show the Qiang people's powerful combat effectiveness on the battlefield. Take out your full strength and let the other generals in the army see the style of the Qiang warriors." Wei Yan shouted. For such an order, Wei Yan naturally understood Lu Bu's intention. In any case, the Qiang people are aliens, and it is reasonable to have more defenses.

However, after getting along for a period of time, Wei Yan discovered that the Qiang soldiers not only performed extremely bravely on the battlefield, but also worked extremely hard in private. These things were not even seen in the soldiers of other military forces. It was for this reason that Wei Yan became more and more respectful of Qiang soldiers.

Respect is mutual. If you want to win the respect of others, you must first learn to respect others. Wei Yan understood this truth in the process of getting along with Qiang soldiers.

On the battlefield, the army of Qiang people under Wei Yan's command did indeed show tyrannical combat effectiveness. The hard living environment made the Qiang soldiers even more powerful in the face of hard fighting. The soldiers of the Qiang people became Wei Yan's meritorious deeds on the battlefield. Important to rely on.

The stronger the fighting power displayed by the Qiang pawns on the battlefield, the more respect they can gain. The military is a place where the strong can survive. Without sufficient strength, they can only become the laughing stock of others.

Following Wei Yan’s order, the Qiang pawns launched a violent charge towards Fuguan. They gathered an indomitable momentum. Even in the face of the most powerful enemy, they would not have the slightest retreat. The Qiang had something that belonged to them. proud.

Back then, on the battlefield in Liangzhou, the Qiang people made the big man pay a heavy price. If it were not for the Liangzhou war, the big man would not be dragged into the quagmire of the war. When faced with the Yellow Turban army raging the big man, he would fall into nothingness. Pawn available position.

Today, the Qiang army under Lu Bu has become an important force in the army. The battle outside Jianmen Pass has shown the strong side of the Qiang on the battlefield to the and now it is in the two armies. Before the battle, this newly formed team will charge the battlefield and capture the flag under the command of Wei Yan.

At Fuguan, the offensive of the Pilicar outside the customs has not stopped. The defenders at Fuguan are used to being attacked by the Piliche. If the Piliche suddenly stops the attack, they will feel uncomfortable. A defender listens. Unable to take a look at the abnormal movement from the city wall.

He saw the hook of the ladder hanging on the wall and was shocked.

"The enemy has attacked the city!" Even though he didn't have the courage to stand up, the soldier shouted with sufficient strength to remind Fuguan's robe.

After hearing these shouts, the closed soldiers couldn't help but look outside. After just a glance, they lost their ease. The enemy actually attacked the city. At this moment, the attack of the Thunderbolt stopped. , Because the Qiang pawns are already close to the city wall.

"Ready to fight!" Zhang Fei shouted. At the critical moment, Zhang Fei's loud voice still had a certain effect. Although the closed defenders seemed a little flustered, they still got up from hiding under Zhang Fei's order.

The Qiang soldiers climbed the ladder very fast, and when the defending army did not respond, several Qiang soldiers had already killed Fuguan.

The killing of several Qiang soldiers made the soldiers who just got up from behind the female wall panicked and rushed to meet the enemy. How could they be opponents of the Qiang soldiers? When fighting, the Qiang people are known for their bravery. When they attacked , Do not worry about what kind of harm the enemy will bring to themselves, but what kind of results they will get when they take action. Their living environment determines that they will not want to get more, so it is bound to make greater efforts. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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