Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1950: : Liu Bei's Support

After Gao Shun took the time to take a look at the battle at Fuguan, his brows frowned. At first, Li Gan led the soldiers and soldiers of the Qiang people who were trapped in the camp, and gained a considerable advantage in Fuguan. After the arrival of the enemy’s reinforcements, It was suppressed to death, and he even saw his own army suffered heavy losses on the battlefield.

"The enemy army actually has this number of elite foot soldiers?" Gao Shun muttered, Liu Bei's strength in front of the princes has always been weak. They are often on the weak side when facing war. After Liu Bei's efforts over the years, the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the lieutenant generals is obvious.

If Liu Bei was given some more time, it would be even more difficult to break through Yizhou.

Although Yizhou is only a land of a state, it is extremely prosperous in Dahan. This is also the main reason why the princes want to get Yizhou. There are many people in Yizhou, and the treasury is abundant, and Liu Bei obtained Yizhou from Liu Zhang's hands. At the time, Yizhou did not cause too much turmoil. This was also the source of confidence that Liu Bei could fight against the princes only by relying on the land of Yizhou.

Especially after Liu Bei seized Bajun, Liu Bei's confidence rose to an unprecedented level. The seizure of Bajun meant that Lu Bu's road to attack Yizhou through the waterway from Bajun was cut off. As long as Hanzhong was in his hands again, Liu Bei was eager to see Lu Bu's power gradually withdraw from Yizhou. However, in the face of Lu Bu's powerful strength, the pride of the Yizhou army was gradually defeated.

Even if Liu Bei didn't want to admit this, there was no way. Now Yizhou can mobilize fewer and fewer troops. If it can't stop the enemy's attack before Chengdu City, it is most likely that the Yizhou family will be attracted. Shaken.

In front of the absolutely powerful enemy, the family will not unswervingly support you to the end because you are the monarch. They will stand on the side of the strong, even if Lu Bu will bring endless damage to the family, compared to the future They don’t want to lose so quickly.

Of course, when the current battle has not progressed to the complete despair of the family, the Yizhou Army still has a chance. As long as the enemy is driven out of Yizhou, the family’s interests will be preserved, although this goal now seems a bit remote. , But it is what the aristocratic family really wants to see.

The more powerful Liu Bei showed, the more advantageous it would be to the family. The family in Yizhou now supports Liu Bei, otherwise the family will not be so willing to hand over the private soldiers after receiving Zhuge Liang’s order. Knowing that when Liu Zhang was in charge of Yizhou, he did not let the family make such a concession.

However, Liu Bei entered Yizhou for a short time, but he was able to win the support of the family, mainly because the family saw hope from Liu Bei, and saw the hope of being able to drive Lu Bu's army out of Yizhou.

Their goal is simple, not to defeat the enemy, but to drive Lu Bu out of Yizhou. Just by driving out, the family can be satisfied.

This wish is not what Liu Bei wants most now. The most dangerous checkpoint in Yizhou has been occupied by the army under Lu Bu. He also knows that it is very difficult to drive the enemy out of Yizhou unless the Yizhou army can get there. In the ensuing battle, it demonstrated far beyond ordinary combat effectiveness.

The battle at Fuguan was an opportunity for Liu Bei to show the strong side of the Yizhou army to the Yizhou family and Lu Bu. He wanted to use the army’s strong combat power to make the family feel at ease, so that even if the army retreats to Mianzhu, the family can continue to stand. Once again, he continued to support the battle between him and Lu Bu, and the support of the family was crucial in Liu Bei's view.

For the Yizhou family, Liu Bei has always been an outsider. What they value is Liu Bei's methods and demonstrated strength. If they want to preserve the interests in their hands in troubled times, what they need most is strong strength. One point has been well reflected among the aristocratic families in Jizhou.

Jizhou is also one of the most prosperous states of the Han Dynasty. The family's background is undoubted. However, Yuan Shao’s failure on the Jizhou battlefield caused the Jizhou family to pay a heavy price. In the face of the powerful Lu Bu, they had to do it. The concession is for the family to be preserved.

The Yizhou family did not want to follow the road of the Jizhou family. They could only resist, even if the enemy army was very strong, they would fight until the end.

At Fuguan, Liu Bei dispatched elite heavy-armored soldiers and white-eared elite soldiers one after another, just to make Lu Bu realize that he would have to pay a heavy price if he wanted to take Yizhou down, but whether Liu Bei's goal could be achieved is still to be discussed. The Yizhou army did show a strong side in Fuguan, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the army under Lu Bu has always been an elite, so how can it make Liu Bei's goal succeed?

Outside Fuguan, Lu Bu attached great importance to this The important generals and advisers in the army also followed Lu Bu to the outside of Fuguan.

Knowing that his army was actually blocked by the enemy at Fuguan, Lu Bu frowned slightly, and the combat effectiveness of the trapped camp and the Qiang soldiers on the battlefield was unquestionable. After the two were combined, they could not occupy the absolute position. The advantage surprised Lu Bu slightly.

"Fengxiao, what is Liu Bei's intention?" Lu Bu turned his gaze to Guo Jia. According to Guo Jia's previous analysis, Liu Bei should be ready to give up Fuguan. The offensive of his own army is fierce, and taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, The Fuguan Pass had already been attacked, but at this time the enemy made a stubborn resistance, which made Lu Bu a little confused.

After a little thought, Guo Jia understood Liu Bei's intentions, and said in a low voice, "Master, what is Liu Bei's greatest support in Yizhou?"

Seeing that Guo Jia did not answer positively, but instead asked about himself, Lu Bu pondered a little and said: "If Liu Bei wants to get more things in Yizhou, he must rely on the support of the family. The family is that Liu Bei's power in Yizhou can be stabilized. The main reason."

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Liu Bei can naturally see this. However, since the lord led the army to attack Yizhou, the Yizhou army has been retreating steadily and is at a complete disadvantage on the battlefield. Ba Jun was lost, and Yan Yan, Li Yan and other generals in Shu were also killed in battle. If this is the case, the aristocratic family in Yizhou will definitely have doubts about Liu Bei. This is inevitable, and Liu Bei must have seen this clearly. One point, even if we give up Fuguan, our army will suffer heavy losses. In this way, the aristocratic family in Yizhou will be able to trust Liu Bei and will not make excessive actions."

Lu Bu nodded, thinking that Guo Jia's analysis was somewhat reasonable. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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