Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1959: : Amazing 1 dollar

This knife made Wei Yan feel even faster. The Qinglong Yanyue knife was surrounded by bursts of air breaking sound. This situation shocked Wei Yan's heart. He asked himself that it was difficult to do it when using a long sword to fight against the enemy. To this power.

Surprised in his heart, Wei Yan’s hand movements did not stop. After boarding the Fuguan Pass, Wei Yan felt that he was taken seriously. First Zhang Fei led the army to attack, and then Guan Yu led the white-eared soldiers to make a surprise attack and wanted to kill himself. Kill, if the situation on the battlefield were passed back to the army, it would be enough to make Wei Yan proud for a while.

Whether it is Guan Yu or Zhang Fei, they are both famous generals in Yizhou. Both of them fought for King Jin outside Huguan. For a military commander, these achievements are absolutely extremely glorious, and Lu Bu has the best in the world. The title of the military commander, even though it was two people who barely won the battle against one person, it was enough to make them proud.

If Guan Yu or Zhang Fei knows Wei Yan’s thoughts, they don’t know what they will think. As world-renowned generals, they have strong confidence in their own strength. Even if they face the fierce Guan Yu on the battlefield, they will not With the slightest retreat, they have the dignity and pride that belong to a military commander, but this is the case in Wei Yan's eyes.

When facing this knife, Wei Yan actually felt a sense of powerlessness, but he would not give up. Being able to meet these masters on the battlefield was not only a test of Wei Yan’s strength, but also had a huge impact on Wei Yan’s future progress. After coming out of this battle, Wei Yan will make greater progress.

Guan Yu naturally did not expect that when facing such fierce attacks, Wei Yan would have so many thoughts. What he wanted to do was to behead Wei Yan on the battlefield as soon as possible. An army led by a strong general and lack of The army of the generals is quite different. Without the intervention of the camp and the death of Xianden, even if the Qiang soldiers under Wei Yan's command can cause some trouble to the white-eared soldiers, it is difficult to affect the direction of the war. The situation is different, Guan Yu needs to boost his morale, and beheading Wei Yan is the best way.

The long knife in Wei Yan's hand moved, and he had no choice.

What made Wei Yan thankful was that what he felt was the powerful force from the long knife, which showed that he blocked Guan Yu's fierce attack.

Wei Yan's body shape couldn't stop backing. The strength of the knife just now put him under tremendous pressure. After backing three steps in succession, Wei Yan stabilized his figure. The eyes that looked at Guan Yu were not only respectful, but also full of respect. Strong fighting spirit.

Guan Yu was surprised. He just made a single knife, but he used 90% of the strength and the weight of the Qinglong Yanyue knife. Even if he couldn't kill Wei Yan and wound Wei Yan, he could still do it. However, Wei Yan was in this way. In the critical situation, he blocked his knife. If he charged at the horse, Guan Yu was confident to behead Wei Yan. Now when he cast his eyes on Wei Yan again, Guan Yu frowned slightly.

Wei Yan's hands trembled slightly, but his eyes looked at Guan Yu with a strong sense of warfare. Although he suffered a lot from the previous fight, it has a lot to do with his unfamiliarity with Guan Yu's moves.

Guan Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. If Zhang Fei was on the side, it could be seen that Guan Yu was angry. As a long-famous military commander, Wei Yan actually blocked it. This is something Guan Yu cannot tolerate. He also uses a long knife. Guan Yu's knowledge of the long knife is not comparable to others.

Wei Yan has a considerable reputation under Lu Bu, but he has not become one of the five tiger generals. This is also Guan Yu's confidence in beheading Wei Yan. The only match made him have a deeper understanding of Wei Yan's strength. Given the opportunity for Wei Yan to grow up on the battlefield, Wei Yan will surely be able to become a general of the famous town in the future.

Guan Yu's right foot slammed the ground hard, and his whole body was like an arrow from the string, slaying towards Wei Yan, the Qinglong Yanyue knife was raised flat, and through the afternoon sun, there was a faint scarlet in the light.

Wei Yan picked up the spirit of twelve points, struggling to attack Guan Yu.

The immense force from the long knife made Wei Yan's chest stuffy. Then he saw Guan Yu's sight and came in front of him. Wei Yan was shocked and withdrew and retreated, but the Qinglong Yanyue knife forced back the long knife in Wei Yan's hand. , It was still a heavy collision with Wei Yan's chest.

Even though the armor on Wei Yan's body was excellent, when facing Guan Yu's sword, it split immediately. The heavy Azure Dragon Yanyue knife directly pierced Wei Yan's armor protection. At the critical moment, Wei Yan's withdrawal abruptly retreated, although it was resolved to a certain extent. After Qinglong Yanyuedao's attack, it still failed to stop its power.

Under the huge impact, Wei Yan flew to the rear like a wild horse running out of the bridle, and little blood spattered from the air.

Guan Yu was not satisfied. As long as Wei Yan was completely killed, it was possible to change the situation in Fuguan. He stepped forward again The surrounding Qiang soldiers reacted from these changes and fought hard. They stepped forward to block Guan Yu. Although their generals were defeated in this battle, they were still the pride of the Qiang people. They did not allow their generals to die on the battlefield.

The madness of the Qiang soldiers temporarily blocked Guan Yu’s offensive, while the white-eared soldiers who followed Guan Yu went to kill the Qiang soldiers. Guan Yu beheaded the enemy’s generals at Fuguan, for the white-eared soldiers came. That is a great encouragement.

The two teams of the same Qiang people started fierce fighting again, but who is Guan Yu? When fighting with the Qiang people, he was paying attention to the situation of Wei Yan. Qinglong Yanyue knife killed several Qiang people one after another. After the soldiers, there was an open space in front of him. Guan Yu didn't hesitate at all, and slammed the Qinglong Yanyue knife to Wei Yan.

Dianwei just boarded Fuguan, and saw Wei Yan being shot into flight by enemy generals. This situation made Dianwei angry. After the scolding outside the Guan, the relationship between Dianwei and Wei Yan became more and more serious. Okay, and the reason why he boarded Fuguan was because he was worried about Wei Yan. Wei Yan’s scolding outside the customs must have stimulated the Yizhou army's generals to a greater extent. What kind of things the enemy generals will do under the madness , One can imagine.

Wei Yan's life or death was unknown, making Dian Wei like an angry beast. A flying halberd fell into Dian Wei's hands. He wanted to stop the enemy general from beheading Wei Yan.

"It turned out to be the **** Guan Yu." Dian Wei scolded after seeing Guan Yu's face clearly.

Wei Yan did not die under Guan Yu's stab. Although the armor on his body failed Guan Yu's intention to kill him on the battlefield, it caused him to be seriously injured. Now Wei Yan felt like he was falling apart. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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