Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1968: : After Zhang Fei broke

As a defender, if the enemy is attacking the city and cannot cause major damage to the enemy when they climb the city wall, it will become more difficult to defend the city.

When the enemy army climbs the city wall, it is the greatest manifestation of the defender's superiority.

However, in the face of sophisticated equipment, the current siege warfare has changed the taste. The competition is more about the sophisticated equipment of the two sides. With sophisticated equipment, they will have a greater advantage on the battlefield, otherwise they can only be passive. The beatings and the existence of the giant thunderbolt made the Yizhou Army in a passive defense.

In fact, giving up Fuguan was also a relief for Liu Bei. During this period of time, facing the offensive of Lu Bu's army, Liu Bei was under too much pressure. In terms of equipment, he was no better than the enemy army, and even the Thunderbolt cars in Fuguan. It was completely destroyed by the enemy, and you can imagine what it means for the defenders to appear on the battlefield.

Even the generals who defended the city did not dare to wear the costumes of the generals because they were afraid of the boulders from the enemy. Under these pressures, the morale of the defenders could be imagined. After the enemy has inflicted certain losses, they will withdraw from Fuguan. In this way, the family in Yizhou can feel that the enemy is not invincible. It is such a small goal that has become an extravagant hope and the enemy will attack. After Fuguan, the defenders paid a considerable price.

"After the army leaves Fuguan, it must guard against the enemy's pursuit." Liu Bei said: "Since Lu Bu led the army to fight, he has won many victories. The flying cavalry under his command is the most elite of the cavalry. How can you let it go if you run away."

Jian Yong nodded in agreement. This is exactly what he worries about. In terms of morale, the Yizhou army is completely at a disadvantage. If the enemy finds a chance to chase the evacuated army from Fuguan, it will be for Yizhou. It will be a nightmare for the military.

Yizhou can no longer withstand the painful loss.

At this time, although the defenders in Fuguan faced the enemy's difficulties, they were not particularly flustered because they had made preparations to evacuate Fuguan in advance. The food and grass have been transferred, and the rest was in Fuguan. The withdrawal of the defenders.

The loss of Fuguan has become a certainty. Unless there can be an elite team in the Yizhou Army that is comparable to the trapped camp, the first ascendant dead, and the flying knight, otherwise, you can only give up Fuguan. This is also the case. As a last resort, if possible, Liu Bei wants to achieve a hearty victory. At this time, for the Yizhou Army, nothing is more precious than a victory.

After receiving Liu Bei’s order, the army began to withdraw from Fuguan. Many soldiers of the Yizhou Army even had a sense of relief after receiving the order. They finally did not have to face the powerful enemy on the battlefield. Fuguan gave many defenders. They left an unforgettable memory, and it was hard for them to imagine that the Yizhou Army could give the enemy the upper hand steadily while occupying a geographical advantage.

At this time, the Yizhou army not only occupies the geographical advantage, but also possesses the harmony of people. The family of Yizhou is repellent to Lu Bu. When facing the enemy's offensive, they will show the same hatred of the enemy and block the enemy at Fuguan. Outside, it was under such circumstances that the Yizhou Army failed. The defeat was so complete that there was no room for change.

If you know Lu Bu’s goal in advance, Liu Bei will dispatch Zhang Fei or guard Jianmen Pass without hesitation. In this way, Yizhou will be able to avoid a war. If it can’t resist the enemy, it’s for Yizhou. It will be a disaster.

Of course, this disaster is for the aristocratic family and Liu Bei. Ordinary people may wish that Lu Bu could enter Yizhou, so that they could get more benefits from the aristocratic family. This kind of thing is no secret in Yizhou today. Therefore, the people did not have the same hatred of Lu Bu leading the army to attack Yizhou.

In Liu Bei's opinion, he occupied the peace when fighting, but in Lu Bu's eyes, it was not the case. The people are the most important part of the peace. After losing the popular support, it cannot be counted as occupying the peace. Although the aristocratic family possessed a lot of resources, their numbers could not be compared with ordinary people. The power that really dominated Yizhou was actually ordinary people, but Liu Bei could not see these things clearly in the chaotic situation.

"Yide, after the army evacuated from Fuguan, you led a thousand cavalrymen to break, and you encountered the enemy who was chasing and defeated. In this way, our army will surely be able to retreat to Fucheng calmly." Liu Bei said.

The distance from Fuguan to Fucheng is only fifty li. This is the distance of fifty li. Liu Bei is extremely worried. The evacuated infantry faces the chase of the enemy cavalry. Once they fail, it will be for the entire army. A nightmare, Liu Bei could no longer afford such a loss.

" Zhang Fei clasped his fist and said, Guan Yu was injured on the battlefield, which made him furious. If the enemy dared to chase after him, he would let the enemy know how powerful the Yizhou army was.

"Ma Dai led the Xiliang iron cavalry to help Yi De. When facing the enemy, there must be no slack. Jin Wang has led the army for many years and has rarely failed." Liu Bei solemnly exhorted.

Zhang Fei clasped his fists and said, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Before facing the enemy's offensive, Zhang Fei advocated leading the army out of Fuguan to teach the enemy a severe lesson. However, when facing Lu Bu, Liu Bei developed a fearful mentality, and this kind of situation appeared in the main general, and it would be a big blow to the morale of the army.

However, the situation of the Yizhou Army proved that Liu Bei’s decision was correct. If he had gone out of the city to fight the enemy force before, it would have caused the Yizhou Army to suffer a greater loss, and now he has the opportunity to lead the cavalry alone to face the enemy’s attack. Zhang Fei still had some excitement. Guan Yu was injured on the battlefield, and he wanted to make the enemy following him look good.

Zhang Fei’s bravery does not shrink because of the strength of the enemy. On the contrary, the stronger the enemy’s strength, the more interested Zhang Fei will be in fighting. He needs battles to prove his own. Strength requires victory on the battlefield to improve the morale of the Yizhou army.

There are very few generals in the Yizhou Army who can have ideas like Zhang Fei. They have already felt fearful in the previous battles. If possible, they would no longer be willing to face the powerful King Jin army. Not only It is the generals, especially the soldiers in the army, even the sharpest white-eared soldiers in their eyes have suffered huge losses in the face of the enemy's camp and the dead soldiers, let alone them. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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