Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1970: : Meet the enemy

For Yang Feng led the flying cavalry to pursue, Lu Bu didn't have too much worry. The smooth attack on Fuguan made Lu Bu even more contemptuous of the Yizhou Army. This was just a group of soldiers who relied on the advantages of terrain.

Let’s say that Yang Feng led thousands of flying cavalry, chasing in the direction of Yizhou army's withdrawal, the momentum of the thousands of cavalry charging up was extremely shocking, and even more dust and smoke were set off on the battlefield.

"General, look at the enemy!" A school lieutenant excitedly pointed to the dense shadows not far away.

Yang Feng showed excitement on his face and roared: "If the Yizhou Army wants to leave Fuguan, we still have to see if I agree or disagree, and kill it, and teach the Yizhou Army a bitter lesson."

Although the terrain of Yizhou is relatively complicated, it takes no more than a quarter of an hour to catch up with the retreating Yizhou army at the speed of a flying cavalry. It's slow.

Yang Feng believed that in such a short period of time, the enemy could not have too much preparation. For this attack, Yang Feng wanted the Yizhou Army to see what it means to be a force like a bamboo.

When chasing Ma Chao on the battlefield, although Yang Feng was on the field, it was Zhao Yun's personal performance moment when he was playing against Ma Chao. Ma Chao was defeated by Zhao Yun's superb spear skills, and even by the flying cavalry soldiers. In his hands, Yang Feng is just a bystander. His biggest role is to kill more Xiliang cavalry and avoid Ma Chao from escaping. That fierce battle proved the pride of Xiliang cavalry. Even if they are facing a powerful enemy, They did not retreat either. Through their heroic performance on the battlefield, they won the respect of the enemy soldiers.

The enemy army was in sight, and the flying cavalry soldiers were even more excited. In the process of attacking Fuguan, the role played by the flying cavalry was only the first to enter Fuguan. At that time, the enemy had already completed the evacuation. Resistance is basically non-existent. The first to enter Fuguan, Feiqi is not in a good mood. They are the most elite cavalry under Lu Bu's command, and they should have a better performance on the battlefield. This is not only the recognition of Lu Bu's generals. Knowing, it is the requirements of Feiqi for self on the battlefield. They do not allow failure on the battlefield, and they need a lot of great credit.

Like ordinary soldiers, Feiqi also needs credit, and even the credit they need on the battlefield is more eager than ordinary soldiers. It is extremely difficult to become a member of Feiqi. In order to improve his status, it is very simple. It is credit. When Feiqi improves his status in the army, it needs more credit, which is twice to three times that of ordinary soldiers. After all, Feiqi has If the strength is too strong, if the standard is the same as that of ordinary soldiers, wouldn't it be more unfavorable to the pawns.

Even with such regulations, it cannot stop the cavalry in the army from wanting to enter the flying cavalry, especially the cavalry serving as scouts, being able to enter any team of flying cavalry, wolf cavalry, and blazing sun archer is enough. Make them proud.

Riding the horse and galloping, Yang Feng felt extremely happy. He seemed to have seen victory beckoning him. At this time, Yang Feng didn’t think that the Yizhou army had the strength to counterattack. Besides, all his subordinates were cavalry. The counterattack against the enemy can also leave the battlefield calmly, leaving the enemy helpless in the face of this situation.

As he was approaching the Yizhou Army, rumbling war drums suddenly sounded on both sides of the road. Accompanied by the sound of war drums, Yang Feng felt the ground tremble gently. Sensitive.

"The enemy's cavalry?" Yang Feng asked in doubt, and immediately reacted, shouting: "Prepare to meet the enemy, this is the enemy's cavalry!"

The enemy’s ambushes appear on the left and right sides, even if they are extremely elite on the battlefield with flying knights, they are also under tremendous pressure. No matter any team, it is inevitable to face the sudden attack of the enemy. It causes chaos, and such chaos is exactly the opportunity their enemies need. Taking advantage of the chaos to cause greater damage to the enemy is the most important method of cavalry warfare.

The quality of the flying cavalry when facing the enemy played a great role in the battlefield at this time, but after seeing the flying cavalry soldiers got the order, they quickly opened up the battle and cast their eyes to the left and right sides.

"Sure enough, as the elder brother expected, you and other rebellious generations dare to lead a large army to pursue the court's soldiers and horses. The crime is not to be blamed, and you should not hurry up and surrender." Zhang Fei shouted.

Zhang Fei, with a leopard head and eyes, holding a zhang eight snake spear, can definitely put tremendous pressure on the enemy on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's voice is also shocking.

However, none of this affects Yang Feng's belief in winning. "After you have led more than a dozen cavalry troops to break through the enemy's siege, immediately inform the lord."

"Here." After receiving the order, Dianman didn't hesitate to hold his fist. At this time, the situation on the court was extremely unfavorable for Although Zhang Fei yelled, he didn't let him subordinate. The cavalry stopped the pace of the attack. Only when the cavalry fully increased the speed on the battlefield, could they have greater gains in the face of the enemy. Zhang Fei still understands these principles. In order to shake the spirit of Feiqi's army.

The strength of the Xiliang cavalry was once again shown in front of everyone. Facing the flying cavalry whose speed had already slowed down, the cavalry of the Xiliang cavalry raised the sword in his hand without hesitation.

With the power brought by the war horse charging, the Xiliang cavalry broke out even more powerful combat power.

However, their opponent is the flying cavalry. This cavalry team with a reputation in the world is also known as the world’s first cavalry. Facing the enemy cavalry coming from killing, their formation is slightly chaotic. The generals still accurately found their own people and organized them to resist the enemy's attack.

A sparse arrow rain caused Feiqi to pay a price of more than ten people, and many Feiqi also launched an attack on Xiliang Iron Cavalry.

When facing the flying cavalry, the Yizhou Army cavalry formed an absolute suppression. Their advantage in surprise attacks was greatly displayed. The sneak attack caused the enemy's cavalry to panic and gave the Yizhou Army a chance.

Zhang Fei laughed at this scene. If Feiqi was defeated by the Yizhou Army cavalry, it would be conceivable how much turbulence would be caused in the world. Feiqi, that was the most elite cavalry force under Lu Bu's command. The princes dared to despise the fighting power of the flying cavalry.

No matter how elite the cavalry on one side is, it is extremely difficult for them to exert their usual combat effectiveness if they are faced with an enemy's surprise attack and are caught off guard. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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