Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1975: : Zhou Cang

Chapter 1975: Zhou Cang (page 1/1)

And now, Feiqi's main opponent is the enemy's most elite infantry, the white-eared elite.

After fighting for a while, Dianwei had to admit that the white-eared soldiers did have their own uniqueness. When facing the cavalry charge, they did not show much fear, and even stepped forward to fight with the cavalry. The armor on his body, Let the white-eared elite soldiers face the cavalry charge more security.

The flying cavalry made the so-called Yizhou army elite understand that even the most elite infantry is difficult to win when facing the cavalry. The combat effectiveness of the white-eared elite soldiers is unquestionable, but they are in front of them. When charging the cavalry, the formation will inevitably be chaotic, and this is the best time for Dian Wei to lead the cavalry into the enemy.

When Zhou Cang saw the white-eared elite soldiers retreat steadily when facing the flying cavalry, Zhou Cang also made a lot of hard work on the white-eared elite soldiers. He also understood the importance of the white-eared elite soldiers to the Yizhou army at this time. Sex, if you can't stop the enemy cavalry, this twenty-mile distance will become a nightmare for Yizhou army generals.

With a wave of the long knife in his hand, an enemy cavalry directly killed Zhou Cang. His actions were simple and neat. After killing the cavalry, he avoided the galloping horses, even if it was Zhou Cang's powerful generals. You must also be cautious when colliding with cavalry.

The cavalry is the king on the battlefield. Their status is proved by the battles. No one will doubt the powerful combat effectiveness of the cavalry.

At the battlefield of Fuguan, the Yizhou Army has almost no cavalry to use. At this time, there are more than a thousand cavalry in the army. It will take a while for them to reach the rear army. If there is no strength to stop these cavalry, The charged flying cavalry will cause huge damage to the Yizhou Army.

Zhou Cang bravely killed the enemy, after all, it was difficult to stop the flying cavalry among the white-eared soldiers. Watching a famous white-eared soldier died on the battlefield, Zhou Cang's eyes breathed fire.

It is undeniable that Zhou Cang's martial arts is extremely powerful, and even if the martial arts of a general is strong, its role in the face of such a charge as a flying cavalry is extremely limited.

Dian Wei noticed Zhou Cang before the battle, with a long knife in his hand, Zhou Cang was extremely conspicuous on the battlefield.

"The rebel suffers to death!" Dian Wei shouted angrily and slammed his horse to Zhou Cang.

Feiqi is the most elite cavalry force under Lu Bu's command. It is also one of the most important forces to fight against the enemy on the Yizhou battlefield. There is no room for too much damage. Every time Feiqi loses one person, it will be after returning to Chang'an. Can be quickly supplemented, but it is difficult to complete the team on the battlefield in Yizhou.

In the process of Dianwei's horses to kill, Zhou Cang also noticed Dianwei. Just looking at Dianwei's figure and the weapon in his hand gave people a shocking feeling. After Fuguan, Dianwei fought Guan Yu, The story of Zhang Fei has been spread in the Yizhou army, and Dianwei, holding a double halberd, is the enemy general who wounded Guan Yu, and is known as one of the five tiger generals under the king of Jin. Wei.

Zhou Cang increased his vigilance, with sufficient strength, he slashed the long knife in his hand towards Dian Wei. Zhou Cang was a general in foot combat. When facing Dian Wei, he was at an absolute disadvantage. Unless in foot combat, Zhou Cang The power of Cang can surpass Dianwei.

Facts have proved that this is impossible. People take advantage of the horse. Dianwei’s strike contains 90% of the power. The right hand halber directly fends off Zhou Cang’s long sword. People are in an incredible way on the battlefield. Towards Zhou Cang's chest, Dian Wei's left hand halberd was dispatched.

This trick also allowed Zhou Cang to see how Dian Wei was in controlling the horse. If a horse general can skillfully control the horse under him, he will be more helpful on the battlefield. There is no doubt about this. of.

Zhou Cang did not dare to neglect the slightest, he hurriedly used his sword to resist, he was extremely surprised. Zhou Cang was very confident in his own strength, but Dian Wei was only a blow, and he opened his long sword directly. If things happened in the Yizhou army, it would be incredible. Zhou Cang's power was recognized by the Yizhou army generals. Otherwise, he would not become Guan Yu's swordsman.

After the long knife blocked Dianwei’s attack, Zhou Cang did not have the slightest love for fighting. He led the white-eared soldiers to retreat. Through the fights just now, Zhou Cang understood that it was very difficult to stop the enemy cavalry’s attack. The difficult thing is, unless your cavalry appears, let the enemy lord retreat.

The continuous retreat of the white-eared elite soldiers made the soldiers of the Yizhou Army even more panic. If even the white-eared elite soldiers can't stop the flying cavalry, even if there are more cavalry forward, it will be difficult to stop the fact that one's own side continues to suffer losses.

"Kill the enemy!" Dianwei shouted angrily, and led more than a hundred cavalry soldiers to take the direction of the white-eared soldier Zhou Apparently he wanted to kill Zhou Cang on the battlefield in one fell swoop, the white-eared soldier In the collision of Feiqi just now, they suffered a lot of damage, facing the Feiqi led by Dian Wei, they inevitably felt a little panic in their hearts.

Some white-eared elite soldiers even gave way when facing the cavalry. If these things happened in the Yizhou army before, it would definitely give people an incredible feeling. What lies ahead is an extremely tough side.

Even the white-eared elite soldiers can only retreat when facing the flying cavalry, let alone other armies, if they can survive the battlefield, no one is willing to die.

Like other princes, the soldiers in the Yizhou army joined the army more because of the mandatory tasks above, or they were desperate. Very few people really took the initiative to join the army. Of this, Liu Bei is naturally aware of this, so the rear army There must not be a defeat, otherwise it is absolutely fatal to the Yizhou army in front of you. Liu Bei can guess what kind of situation an army that has lost its fighting spirit will face when facing the enemy cavalry. .

The white-eared elite soldiers fought **** battles, but their courage seemed so fragile in front of the powerful strength of the flying cavalry. Their proud fighting style of intrepidity and fear of death was gradually defeated under the charge of the flying cavalry. When the white-eared soldiers lose their courage to fight, they will exist just like ordinary soldiers. They will also choose to retreat when facing tough enemy forces. This situation is extremely common in the military.

Zhou Cang seemed to be aware of this. He was even more urgent for the arrival of the cavalry. Zhou Cang was very clear about what would happen if an army's desire for victory weakened.

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