Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1979: : Wei Yan's mind

This is very different from the generals under the rule of other princes who need to rely on the upper ranks. The generals under the Jin King’s account must have the heart to move forward even when facing hardships, even if the road ahead is difficult, as long as you pay , It will be rewarded.

"General Wei, although your injuries have stopped temporarily, you need to recuperate for a minimum of three months. This matter will be reported to King Jin next." Hua Tuo said, as a doctor, he can achieve what he is today. , And Lu Bu also have an inseparable relationship. Many soldiers in the army have gone to the Chang'an Medical Center to learn simple treatment on the battlefield.

Hua Tuo is a healer. What he needs is to treat more patients. Under Lu Bu's treatment, his talents can be used. Before he met Lu Bu, although he had a certain reputation, he was far from being on par with the present. Hua Tuo is in charge of the Chang'an Medical Center, and the healers he has taught are spread all over Lu Bu's treatment. This is the pride of being a healer.

Wei Yan hurriedly said: "Mr. Hua, this general is in good health. Even if he is injured, he will soon recover. I hope that Mr. Hua will not tell the lord of this matter."

Hua Tuo was embarrassed. In fact, if the general was injured and returned to the rear to recuperate, it would be a good choice for the general. There was no need to face the swords and swords on the battlefield. However, under Lu Bu's command, it seemed that he would return to the rear to recuperate. The deserters on the battlefield are generally disliked by the generals in the army. There are not a few generals who have passed the hands of Hua Tuo. When facing such things, they have the same choices and the same rhetoric. This is an elite team. The effect of the army.

"If General Wei had any mistakes, it would be hard for the next to bear." Hua Tuo said.

Wei Yan smiled and said: "As long as Mr. Hua doesn't say anything, the lord will not know. This general will watch how Liu Da'er is eliminated by the lord. Even if he cannot go to the battlefield himself, this general will not become a deserter."

"Naughty!" A low voice came from outside the tent.

Hua Tuo and Wei Yan looked at each other and looked at each other. The owner of this voice could not be more clear to them.

"Master." Hua Tuo hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Lü Bu nodded, turned his gaze to Wei Yan, and snorted coldly: "When will you be injured and need to be treated or recuperated? You have become a deserter instead?"

Wei Yan's expression changed slightly, struggling to get up and salute, Lu Bu said, "No need to salute."

"Thank you, lord." When facing Lu Bu, Wei Yan naturally respected him, and he didn't dare to go beyond the slightest. "The subordinates just want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy."

"On the battlefield to kill the enemy, is there still a lack of opportunities under this king? Since he is injured, he has to go back for treatment. Wen Chang is a general in the army, and he will do more on the battlefield in the future, but Liu Bei can't It's just sticking to the land of Yizhou, not to be afraid." Lu Bu said.

Wei Yan's eyes were reddish, and he wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start.

"Go back and treat the condition without making any mistakes. After the injury improves, it will not be too late for the king to fight on the battlefield. The king promised that you will see Guan Yu's Xiangshang head." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Wei Yan clasped his fist. He knew that these words came out of Lu Bu's mouth, which meant that Lu Bu paid much attention to him, and how many generals under Lu Bu's tent, Lu Bu was able to come and see him personally. Feeling satisfied.

"After this incident, the king hopes that Wen Chang will be more cautious when leading the army in the future. As the chief general of the army, he can only cause more damage to the enemy if he protects himself as much as possible on the battlefield." Lu Bu said earnestly, although he is not opposed to military generals taking the lead in the battle, he does not want the generals in the military to be damaged on the battlefield, especially the generals like Wei Yan in the military. It also has an important position. If these generals are damaged, it will be a big blow to the morale of the army.

There will be more generals on the battlefield in the future, and with the expansion of the land, more capable generals will be needed. Wei Yan's performance over the years is remarkable and it is definitely worth training.

"At the end I understand." Wei Yan said.

"Recover well and don't think about other things." Lu Bu turned and left after speaking.

Dianwei stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Wen Chang was injured at Fuguan, but the lord was extremely angry. He personally boarded Fuguan and shot Guan Yu."

Wei Yan nodded with red eyes. Although he didn't know the truth or falsehood of these words, Lü Bu did make the move after he was injured, and Lü Bu had just stated clearly that he would see Guan Yu's head, enough to see that it was because of this incident. Lu Bu's resentment towards Guan Yu.

Guan Yu is a fierce general in the Yizhou army. He is extremely strategic in leading the army. He has fought against Cao Jun on the battlefield of Jingzhou. He is also a famous general. If these characters can be used by Lu Bu, it must be a great help.

"General Dian, although Guan Yu almost killed the final general, if possible I should persuade Guan Yu to surrender." Wei Yan said in a low voice.

Dian Wei smiled slightly, and did not comment. The friendship between Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei is beyond doubt. For many years, the two of them have persisted even when Liu Bei was down. Very difficult things, or simply impossible.

"Chairman, your remarks, please tell this commander again. On the battlefield in the future, this commander will shock these enemies again." Dianwei laughed in a low voice.

Wei Yan understood that the generals in the two armies whispered in the account without considering Hua Tuo’s feelings, but after these things were said through Wei Yan’s mouth, they were very different from what was advertised by the lieutenants. As if these things were true, when Wei Yan said these things, his expression was very solemn, and he completely regarded these things as real.

Even after seeing this attitude, Dian Wei couldn’t help but compliment him. Wei Yan had made sufficient preparations for the affairs between Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. Paying more attention to Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Liang did not appear on the battlefield, so Wei Yan's words were temporarily useless.

Dianwei is very interested in the arrangement of Zhuge Liang's words. Zhuge Liang rejected Lu Bu at the time. He wanted to see how Zhuge Liang's Yizhou failed. This must be an inspiring event.

Not only Dian Wei, as long as it is a general in the army, when talking about Zhuge Liang, he definitely has no good feelings. When Lu Bu invited Zhuge Liang, he was so sincere, but Zhuge Liang refused. It has its own pride. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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