Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1982: : Sun Quan is worried

In the past, Thunderbolt cars only used boulders. If the fierce fire oil is put into the battlefield, it will play a huge role in the future. Their attack methods will no longer be so single, and the Thunderbolt Army can also become vital. Existence can determine the outcome of a war to a large extent. The emergence of fierce fire oil will inevitably make the Perak car usher in greater development.

In order to seize Yizhou as quickly as possible, even if such things as fierce fire oil are exposed, Lu Bu thinks it is worthwhile, provided that Yizhou can be seized from Liu Bei's hands and Liu Bei becomes homeless.

The war in Yizhou is proceeding intensively. The princes’ eyes never leave Yizhou. Deep down, whether it is Jiangdong or Cao Cao, they hope that Lu Bu will suffer huge losses in Yizhou, mainly because of Lu Bu’s development over the years. The speed is too fast, giving people a sense of dizziness. If Jiang Dongjun and Cao Jun can't catch up, once Lu Bu takes Yizhou as his own, the two sides must be unlucky.

Today, both the Cao Army and the Jiangdong Army maintain a good relationship with Lu Bu, because they understand the importance of Lu Bu. If Cao Cao wants to get more benefits from the battlefield in Jingzhou, he must get the support of Lu Bu. At this time, Lu Bu Cao Cao’s attitude was crucial for Cao Cao’s attack on Jingzhou. Cao Cao now has 200,000 troops. It can be described as the strongest existence among the princes. In terms of the number of the army or the elite level of the army, Cao Jun is not the Jiangdong army and The Yizhou army can be compared, and Cao Cao also understands that after Lu Bu pacifies Yizhou, he will face great danger under his rule. Sooner or later he will start a war with Lu Bu, and before the decisive battle with Lu Bu, he will get more Great achievements are extremely important to Cao Cao.

The number of Cao Jun devoted to the battlefield of Jingzhou reached 100,000, which is enough to see Cao Cao's determination to bring Jingzhou into his palm in one fell swoop. In fact, Cao Cao also has such strength. In terms of the number of troops, Jiangdong Army is difficult to compare with Cao Jun. At that time, the Jiangdong Army gathered in Jiangxia was only 50,000 people.

Cao Cao has a lot of prestige in Jingzhou. The main reason is that there are many Jingzhou families in Xudu. The Jingzhou families support Cao Cao, which will greatly affect the Jingzhou family, and Sun Ce raids the Jingnan county. At that time, Jingnan County was on Cao Cao’s side. From the perspective of personal strength and righteousness, Cao Cao was a more suitable candidate than Jiangdong Army, and Cao Cao did show when he attacked Jingzhou. With powerful means, Cao Jun was facing the most elite force in Jingzhou at that time, and Jiangdong Army was just taking advantage of the void to enter the situation.

The family supported Cao Cao for certain reasons. Since Liu Biao occupied Jingzhou, the relationship between Jiangdong and Jingzhou was very poor. Especially after Sun Jian died in Liu Biao’s hands, this hatred was deepened. Otherwise, after Liu Biao became a sage, Jiangdong army It will not come repeatedly.

The Jingzhou Army may be inferior in infantry combat, but it is superior in terms of the navy. Even compared with the Jiangdong navy, it is not bad at all. The Jiangdong Army wants to use Jingzhou as a springboard and then plot the world, why Liu Biao didn’t want to Bringing Jiangdong prefectures and counties into the palm of the hand, from then on, let Jingzhou not worry about disasters from Jiangdong.

At this time, both Sun Ce and Liu Biao have already become a glimpse, and Liu Biao’s efforts in Jingzhou for many years are also lost from Liu Qi’s hands with the actions of Cao Jun and Jiang Dongjun. This is not only a huge loss of Liu Bei’s strength. The damage is even more of the princes’ disdain for the Han Dynasty. Attacking Jingzhou can make the princes more influential under the rule. Whether it is Jiangdong Army or Cao Jun, under the rule of their monarch, there is no shortage of people who are interested in the Han Dynasty. The dignity of the Han Dynasty was completely wiped out in the turmoil again and again, which was even more beneficial to the princes.

Only when the courtiers under the rule do not care about the Han Dynasty, they will be more dedicated to assist their monarch. As for Cao Cao in Xudu to support Liu Cong to become the new emperor of the Han Dynasty, it is just to get more benefits, Xu Du With the imperial court, it is possible to obtain more talents for Cao Cao. As for whether Cao Cao will still have such respect for the Han Dynasty in the future, it is unclear.

In attacking Jingzhou, Cao Cao occupied the righteousness. Jingzhou was originally under Liu Biao's rule. Regarding the governance of Jingzhou, the family of Jingzhou and the original family under Cao Cao's rule reached an agreement. Why didn't the family of Jingzhou want to take the lost things from the enemy? Once again, Cao Cao wanted to gain Jingzhou to further strengthen his strength, so that he would not panic when facing Lu Bu in the future.

Jiangdong’s situation at this time is not optimistic. Whether it is Lv Bu leading the army to attack Yizhou or Cao Cao personally leading the army to attack Jiangxia, Jiangdong is the one that was Sun Quan is quite satisfied with the current governance. Without the militant character in his bones like Sun Ce, what Sun Quan needs at this time is the stability under the rule, and then the rapid development of the strength of the army to stick to Jiangxia is just a stopgap measure, but now Jiangdong can't afford to lose Jingzhou. If Jingzhou were completely in the hands of Cao Cao, it would be a great blow to the Jiangdong Army.

When capturing Jingzhou, the Jiangdong Army paid a lot of damage. How many hot-blooded men in the Jiangdong Army died on the battlefield of Jingzhou. Where there is a war, there will be sacrifices, and Sun Quan does not want to be so hasty with Cao Jun. Go to war.

However, Sun Quan also understood that he was unable to change Lu Bu’s decision. When Lu Bu led the army to attack Yizhou, Sun Quan seemed to have seen this result, and these results were unfair to Jiangdong Army, facing the elite. Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army still have a big gap. It is extremely difficult for them to win the war on the battlefield of Jingzhou.

What worries Sun Quan the most is that there is a kind of remarks in Jiangdong now that it can be said that Zhou Yu, the chief general of Jiangdong Army in Jiangxia, is somewhat dissatisfied with his rule. After Sun Quan took over the power in Sun Ce, he said to Zhou Yu. It's trust, but at this time, Jiang Dong is in a critical condition. He needs Zhou Yu's help. Of course, Sun Quan is a little jealous of Zhou Yu.

Over the years, Zhou Yu led the Jiangdong Army’s soldiers to victory in wars, and they had a high prestige in the army. When Sun Ce was in the army, he would not be more concerned about this situation. The relationship between Zhou Yu and Sun Ce is Undoubtedly, the two were worshiping brothers, and Sun Ce had absolute trust in Zhou Yu in leading the battle. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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