Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1985: : Cao Jun's Giant Thunderbolt

When the enemy is attacking the city, the thunderbolt cars in the army cannot be used at all. In this way, the advantage of the defending army is greatly reflected.

Taking advantage of the city can cause huge casualties to the enemy soldiers who attacked the city. This is also Cheng Pu's most important strategy for defending Anlu City.

In contrast, the price paid by the siege party is still greater.

In the face of this situation, Cao Cao seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He just sent soldiers from various ministries to attack the city wall in turn. Over the years, Cao's army has expanded rapidly, which has also led to uneven military lieutenants and their combat capabilities. If you want to have an elite on the battlefield, you need to pass the test on the battlefield. At this point, Cao Cao still has a clear understanding, and opportunities on the battlefield are rare for soldiers in the army.

Ordinary soldiers have the greatest chance of being damaged on the battlefield. The soldiers who can be saved from the battlefield are all veterans on the battlefield. They will be more flexible and changeable in the face of war.

Cao Cao's intention is like letting the soldiers in the army grow up as soon as possible. Only when they are more elite can he gain a greater advantage in future wars.

"Lord, Mr. Liu Ye, please see me."

Cao Cao was puzzled, "Let him come in."

Since the discovery of the Thunderbolt, Liu Ye has become an important official responsible for building the Thunderbolt under the rule of Cao Cao. He also has a high status in the military. Although Liu Ye was not interested in such things before, he was In the process of building the Thunderbolt, Liu Ye received a lot of credit. Among the craftsmen, there are very few people who can read and write. As a literati, Liu Ye has a great advantage in this regard.

The craftsman did not say that he was facing the literati, even if he was facing the soldiers in the army, he would have to bow his head, let alone facing Liu Ye.

In the process of building the Perak car, Liu Ye did put a lot of effort into the creation of Cao Jun’s Perak car. Today, among Cao Jun, the Perak car with a range of up to 330 steps is definitely the most popular in the army. Yes, since the attack on Anlu City, this kind of thunderbolt has made great achievements on the battlefield. This has also made Liu Ye’s position in the army even higher. Although Liu Ye is in charge of craftsmen’s affairs, he is in the army. No one dared to ignore Liu Ye's power.

After seeing Liu Ye saluting, he cautiously glanced around, Cao Cao smiled and said: "The officials and generals here are the confidants of the truth. If Ziyang has anything to say, please be frank."

The generals and counselors in the tent heard the words, and their hearts warmed. It is very difficult for the generals and counselors to get the approval of the chief. Of course, at this time, the generals and counselors in the tent have a certain position in the army. At the critical moment of the attack on Anlu City, those who can appear in the Chinese Army are naturally someone with status.

Liu Ye arched his hands and said: "Lord, his subordinates are responsible for building the Thunderbolt car. Luckily, they built a Thunderbolt car that can reach 400 steps in range."

Even though Liu Ye tried his best to calm down his tone, Cao Cao still felt Liu Ye’s excitement. The same thing would be true of him. A Thunderbolt with a range of 400 steps is absolutely terrifying. Especially at the critical moment of the battle against the Jiangdong Army, the emergence of the Thunderbolt with a long range can greatly ease the difficulty of the army during the siege.

For a long time, what Cao Cao admired most was the craftsman's workshop under the rule of Lu Bu, and there were too many things in the craftsman's workshop that made the princes coveted. Whether it was a thunderbolt car, a Jinjiu, a **** glass or a weapon, they all had great attraction. .

For these things, the craftsman's workshop in Binzhou is very tightly guarded. Once he almost succeeded, but it was for the defenders in the craftsman's workshop to see through. It is said that there was Lu Bu behind that incident, which made Cao Cao feel even more jealous. .

The giant Thunderbolt has shown great power on the battlefield in Yizhou. If Cao Jun cannot make a breakthrough in this area, he will be in a more passive situation on the battlefield in the future. There is no doubt about this.

The giant thunderbolt is something that other princes dreamed of. It is well known that Yizhou’s advantages in terrain. After the most important Jianmen Pass was lost, Cao Cao believed that the Yizhou Army still had a certain defensive ability. In front of the Thunderbolt, the defense of the Yizhou Army seemed so fragile and vulnerable.

"Really?" Cao Cao asked, standing up, a strange brilliance flashed across his expression.

Liu Ye arched his hands and said: "The lord can go to the military to take a look."

"Okay, okay, go with the truth, if you have this kind of thunderbolt car, why can't you quell Jingzhou." Cao Cao laughed.

The counsellors in the account were also excitedly talking. At this time, Cao Jun had an absolute advantage. Both in terms of military strength and the support of the local family in, it is not comparable to the Jiangdong Army, if it is. It would be great news for Cao Jun to be able to form absolute suppression of Jiangdong Army on the Thunderbolt.

Jiangxia County is the most important place of Jiangdong in Jingzhou. The Jiangdong Army’s lack of strength predestined that they cannot deploy too many troops in Jingzhou, and it is Cao Jun’s opportunity to make Jiangdong Army’s power disappear from Jingzhou. chance.

When Cao Cao defeated Zhuge Liang, Sun Ce took the opportunity to gain a lot of benefits, and even wanted to covet Wuling County. After the defeat of Cao Jun, Jiangdong Army was unwilling to withdraw from Jingzhou. If Sun Ce was still alive, when Cao Jun attacked Jingzhou There will be even greater difficulties. Sun Ce has been famous for a long time, and he has led Jiangdong Army to achieve a dazzling record. The general has a belligerent character, and the soldiers below will not easily retreat when facing a war.

Compared with Sun Ce, Sun Quan's influence in the Jiangdong Army was still too small.

Liu Ye also spent a lot of thought to build a giant Thunderbolt. If the Thunderbolt wants to make a huge breakthrough in the range, what needs to be done is to make a big change in the size of the Thunderbolt. Through Lu Bu's army The giant thunderbolt car in it allowed Liu Ye to find the direction of his efforts. As long as the size of the thunderbolt car can be increased, its range will be increased.

Liu Ye made a change to the Thunderbolt in Cao Jun based on this characteristic of the Thunderbolt. What he pursued was to allow the Thunderbolt to have a longer range. In terms of the importance of craftsmen, Cao Cao had to start compared to Lu Bu. It was late, but under Cao Cao's rule, it had a deeper foundation than under Lv Bu's rule. This foundation was an important capital for the confrontation between Cao Cao and Lv Bu. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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