Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1989: : Against

Chapter 1989: Battle (Page 1/1)

Since leading his troops into Jingzhou, Cao Cao has made a lot of speeches, but from a practical point of view, Sun Quan attaches great importance to Zhou Yu, and he has not become suspicious of Zhou Yu because of this.

Who is Cao Cao. He has been in a high position for many years. He knows that Sun Quan must be jealous of Zhou Yu, but today Zhou Yu plays a very important role in Jiangdong Army. Zhou Yu has a high prestige in the army and can also lead Jiangdong Army. Victory on the battlefield gave Jiangdong Army a greater advantage in this battle.

Sun Quan had to reuse Zhou Yu. As for the fate of Zhou Yu after defeating Cao Jun, it is unclear.

Cao Chun led thousands of tiger and leopard horses, chased Cheng Pu, and the Jiangdong army led by the killed Cheng Pu was retreating steadily. The cavalry was the dominant force on the battlefield. .

Cao Chun hated Jiangdong Army very much. When the vanguard army entered Jiangxia, it was not uncommon to suffer losses in the hands of Jiangdong Army, and now he has to make Jiangdong Army pay a heavy price.

"General, Hubaoqi has caught up again." The lieutenant said breathlessly.

Cheng Pu frowned. On the way, Cheng Pu had asked two groups of soldiers to stop the tiger and leopard riders, but the effect was not very good. The tiger and leopard riders were cavalry, with a strong impact on the battlefield. When facing the cavalry, the soldiers had a great inferiority. When facing the tiger and leopard cavalry, they only failed.

Two groups of 300 people, although the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has been blocked for a while, with the speed of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, it is still very simple to catch up with the Jiangdong Army again.

"General, the enemy is deceiving people too much." A general said dissatisfied, Jiangdong Army is also extremely brave on the battlefield, has never suffered such a loss, Cao Jun is brave, they are also elite on the battlefield.

Cheng Pu said: "The generals in the army are ready to fight!"

Facing such a situation, Cheng Pu had to make a choice. Otherwise, if this continues, the lieutenant soldiers will suffer more losses. There are five thousand troops following him to guard Anlu, and now there are only less than three thousand left. people.

An army of less than 3,000 people is extremely dangerous to face thousands of tiger and leopard riders, and after Cao Jun has occupied Anlu, he will definitely send his troops.

Just as Cheng Pu was about to give an order to meet the enemy, a scout rushed over and said in a low voice.

After hearing this, Cheng Pu's eyes lit up, and he ordered: "Send the command to the army, advance at the fastest speed, and strive to enter Xiling City as soon as possible."

After receiving the order, although the generals were dissatisfied in their hearts, they did not dare to disobey them. Besides, at this time, the soldiers in the army most hoped for such orders. The elite Cao Jun made Jiang Dongjun pay a considerable price. If possible, The infantry certainly did not want to encounter enemy cavalry on the battlefield of the plains.

Cao Chun was also extremely cautious in the process of pursuing. After years of war training, Cao Chun has matured a lot in leading the battle. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is the most elite cavalry force in the Cao army. The experience of the vanguard army in Jiangxia made Cao Chun understand that the cavalry is not invincible, as long as the strategy is right, it can also make the cavalry pay a heavy price.

"Send an order to scout, and make every effort to inquire about the enemy's news." Cao Chun said.

The horses used by the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are all excellent war horses. If there are three thousand Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers on the battlefield, what power will be produced if the army launches an attack. If the Jiangdong Army dares to fight, Cao Jun is only relying on the cavalry. Power can make Jiangdong Army pay a heavy price.

Knowing that Cheng Pu led the Jiangdong Army to flee desperately, let Cao Chun feel relieved a lot. Judging from Cheng Pu's performance, it is clear that he was frightened after losing Anlu, which is also common sense.

"Chasing the enemy!" Cao Chun gave the order.

Xiling is a relatively dangerous existence near Xiling. Such danger is only relatively speaking. In fact, when the army passes through Xiling, it only needs to be more cautious and there will be no big problems.

Xiling is the main way for Cao Jun to enter Xiling. If he wants to enter Xiling faster, he will inevitably pass through Xiling.

Cao Chun led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier in the excitement of chasing the enemy, and the scout did not detect the power that could threaten the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier on the battlefield, which made Cao Chun even more relieved.

Just after Cao Chun led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry into Xiling, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded on the right ridge of the cavalry, leading the cavalry to fight all the year round. Cao Chun was familiar with these sounds, and this was undoubtedly the enemy's cavalry.

Seeing the momentum of the Jiangdong Army's cavalry charging, Cao Chun felt a little worried, but he did not expect that he was so cautious before that he still entered the Jiangdong Army's ambush.

After seeing this scene, Cheng Pu, who was leading the army to flee, also ordered the soldiers in the army to stop fleeing and turn to fight against the tiger and leopard rider.

"Prepare to fight!" Cao Chun ordered. There are cavalry in the Jiangdong Army, and Cao Chun is naturally aware of it, but in Cao Chun's view, the tiger and leopard cavalry is enough to defeat the enemy's cavalry. UU reading

If the Jiangdong Army’s cavalry can be defeated on the frontal battlefield, it will make the Jiangdong Army even more afraid. The cavalry is the main force on the battlefield. Even the Jiangdong Army is no exception. Defeating the Jiangdong Army’s cavalry is to let the Jiangdong Army. Lost greater support.

If an army loses its spirit when facing the enemy, what a fatal problem will be, Cao Chun knows very well.

After being ordered by Cao Chun, the Tigers and Leopard Cavalry soldiers immediately greeted the Jiangdong Army’s cavalry and killed them. As for the infantry led by Cheng Pu on the battlefield, they did not have much deterrence. When the cavalry is defeated, these infantry are the existence of being slaughtered.

Zhou Tai led the cavalry to kill from the ridge. The advantage of the terrain made the cavalry extremely fast. Among the main factors affecting the strength of the cavalry on the battlefield, the speed of the cavalry occupies a key part. If the speed of the cavalry is more Soon, it will show stronger strength on the battlefield.

The war horse came rumbled, Zhou Tai's long knife swung one after another, and the two tiger and leopard riders directly beheaded Zhou Tai.

The commander is brave, and the Jiangdong cavalry behind Zhou Tai has shown extremely powerful combat effectiveness. The cavalry team formed by Sun Ce has a reputation on the battlefield. When they fought in Jingzhou, this cavalry made great contributions. .

Owning a geographical advantage, the Jiangdong Cavalry's strength has been brought into full play to a greater extent.

After the fight, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was in a state of being suppressed. Cao Chun was shocked when he saw this scene. The Jiangdong Army had always been relatively weak in front of the princes, and it was even more disadvantaged in terms of cavalry. However, in this fight However, the cavalry of the Jiangdong Army showed strong combat effectiveness.

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