Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2003: : Cao Jun enters the city

After the day-to-day victory, even the generals in the Jiangdong Army must be more cautious when facing him, lest they have offended too much, and this will become one of Xing Daorong’s important means of acting, unexpectedly. , After leading the army to seize the gate, the big thing is set.

When the two lieutenants received the order from Xing Daorong's guards, their faces were incomprehensible. Tonight they saw Xing Daorong drunk as drunk.

"General Xing said that the two generals must go, otherwise the villain will be punished." The guards were embarrassed.

The two lieutenants showed a clear expression. It must have been Xing Daorong's nonsense after drinking alcohol. Somehow, he remembered the two lieutenants, and then sent his guards. If this were the case, the matter would be much easier to explain.

"The road ahead." said one of the lieutenants.

After entering the big tent where Xing Daorong was, the two lieutenants looked surprised, but seeing Xing Daorong in a uniform sitting in the upper position, there was no slightest drunk in their expressions.

"I have seen the general." The two lieutenants hurriedly saluted.

Xing Daorong said lightly: "This general asked you to come here because of an important matter."

"Prime Minister Cao's soldiers and horses are now outside the city, and this general has taken refuge in the prime minister long before the Prime Minister's soldiers and horses arrived."

The expressions of the two lieutenants changed drastically. Although they had been squeezed out of the army, they were a capital offense to take refuge in the enemy's army.

"At this point, is there anything worth hesitating? The general Jingzhou will always be lowered in front of General Jiangdong. In the army, no matter how hard you put in it, you can only look at General Jiangdong's face in the end. Cao Gong was also the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. Many officials in Jingzhou are now in Xudu. After taking refuge in the prime minister, prosperity and wealth are indispensable." Xing Daorong said: "The prime minister led an army to attack Jiangxia, and a hundred thousand army entered Jiangxia. Zhou Yu only relied on what he had in his hands. It is so difficult for soldiers and horses to stop the prime minister. If you still have a great contribution to take refuge in the prime minister at this time, once the prime minister defeats Zhou Yu and then takes refuge in the prime minister, there will be no such great contribution."

After a moment of silence, one of the lieutenants clasped his fists and said: "The final general is willing to follow the general's orders, and hope that after taking refuge in the prime minister, the general will promote me more."

Xing Daorong was also a famous warrior in the army of Lingling County. After Cao Jun arrived, he also showed strong combat effectiveness. These characters can be reused even under Cao Cao’s command. General Jingzhou What happened in the Jiangdong Army really made them chill. General Jingzhou was often squeezed out in front of General Jiangdong, and the main general was Zhu Zhi of Jiangdong Army. It was basically impossible for Zhu Zhi to come forward as the general of Jingzhou.

Xing Daorong smiled and said: "With two helping each other, General Cao Ren's army will surely be able to take control of Lingling County. With the contributions of the two, they will definitely be the lieutenant of the army."

After hearing the words, the two lieutenants showed joy. There is still a big difference between becoming a lieutenant of the army and the current lieutenant of Xing Daorong. If successful, it means that they do not need to look at Jiang Dong’s face and act, and Jiang Dong The general became a complete loser in this battle, and the loser has no right to dictate.

After the three people agreed, they immediately began to deploy troops to attack the city gate. At this time, after a day-to-day victory in the city, the soldiers in the army were in a state of slack. Sudden shots at this time can have a greater effect. This is also a plan between Cao Ren and Xing Daorong in secret, using Cao's army to fail in daylight, in exchange for the slack of the defenders, and then let the army take control of Lingling County.

In order for Zhu Zhi and Jiang Qin to believe that Cao Jun’s damages in the day are real. If you want to get it, you must first pay. After the breach of Lingling County, the current situation of Cao Jun in Jingzhou is very big. With the help of Jiangdong Army, the forces of Jiangdong Army were damaged in Jingzhou, and it became easier to break Jiangxia.

It was late at night, and the generals guarding the city gates were still immersed in the victory in the day. The soldiers guarding the city gates also performed relatively lax. Cao Jun just experienced a defeat. In their opinion, it is impossible to be here. At this time, he launched an attack on Lingling County. Besides, Cao Jun’s baggage had not been transported. It was impossible to break Quanling.

Any sturdy city is most afraid of the inner strength trying to destroy it. This sentence could not be more suitable for Quanling at this time.

When Xing Daorong led a thousand troops to the west of the city, he did not encounter much resistance and seized the city gate.

The five hundred tiger ben troops who were waiting quietly outside the city saw the city gate opened and rushed into the city without hesitation. When the tiger ben army encountered the Jiangdong Army on the battlefield of Jingzhou, they had suffered a lot of losses. There is not the slightest favor, and at this time it is their chance to avenge, let Jiangdong Army pay a heavy price for the previous actions, in order to wash away the humiliation of Hu Ben Army on the Jingzhou battlefield ~ ~ Hu Ben in Cao Jun Although the time of establishment was relatively short, the Hu Ben Army showed strong combat effectiveness in every battle. The existence of heavy cavalry was originally an invincible existence on the battlefield.

After the five hundred tiger and ben soldiers entered the city, there was a **** storm in the city. The defensive army in a relaxed state did not expect that there were already generals in the city secretly taking refuge in the Cao army, and this person was the day when the leading soldiers opposed the Cao army. Xing Daorong won the victory.

After Zhu Zhi got the news of the fall of Chengxi, he was shocked and gritted his teeth: "Xing Dao Rong Duan is extremely shameless. This general trusts him so much. I did not expect that he would betray King Wu at this critical moment. Cavalry, rush to the west of the city as soon as possible."

Even if Cao Jun captured the gate with the help of Xing Daorong, Zhu Zhi still didn't want to give up easily. In Lingling County, Zhu Zhi paid too much, and he couldn't watch Lingling County fall into the hands of the enemy. Without the slightest resistance.

When Jiang Qin arrived upon hearing the news, the situation in Lingling County had changed too quickly, giving Jiang Qin a feeling of dizziness.

"Xing Daorong led the troops and horses of his headquarters to rebel suddenly and took the West Gate, and now Cao Jun has begun to enter the city." Zhu Zhi said this, and his heart rose with anger.

After Jiang Qin heard this, he sighed. When he first came to Lingling County, he suggested that Zhu Zhi should temporarily control General Jingzhou. After Cao Jun retired, he could only say that Xing Daorong was hiding too much. Well, even Jiang Qin was also bewildered by Xing Daorong's performance on the battlefield.

"General Zhu, the most important thing for you now is to defend Quanling. Quanling is the county seat of Lingling County. If Quanling is lost, the rest of the counties will of course take refuge in Cao Jun." Jiang Qin said. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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