Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2005: : Zhao Fan's decision

Zhao Fan looked at Chen Ying in surprise. He didn't expect Chen Ying, who was usually taciturn, to have such eloquence. "Could the general have already taken refuge in Cao Jun?"

"It is true that I will follow the adults for many years. I don't want to see them being bullied by the enemy. After taking refuge in the prime minister, with the merits of the prefect, he can get a higher official position. Now it is the time when the great man is exhausted. If the prefect can stand up at this time, it will be enough to become a famous person in history."

I have to say that Chen Ying’s words have a fatal temptation for Zhao Fan. In Sun Quan’s eyes, Cao Cao is an equal prince, but in Zhao Fan’s eyes, it is not the case. If you follow a monarch, it depends on whether the monarch is. With tyrannical methods, the Jiangdong Army was in a weak position during the battle between the two counties. If the Jiangdong Army wins, Zhao Fan can only say that there is a big Dong elder guarding the city. The above situation will have a huge impact.

"Okay, this official has taken refuge in the prime minister, and General Chen will take care of one or two from it." Zhao Fan said in a long silence. He knew that this was an important decision he had made again in his life. If it succeeds, there will be something in the future. Enjoy the endless glory and wealth, if he fails, he will also suffer a lot of damage.

Chen Ying said worriedly: "My lord, there are still four thousand soldiers in the city at this time. Many of the generals in the army are generals of the Jiangdong Army. If there is a sudden attack, these people will surely rise up."

"This matter is left to this official. The generals above the lieutenant colonel of the army are sent to the Taishou Mansion. The official has important orders, and General Chen led the army to ambush in the Taishou Mansion. As long as the commander gives an order , They all smashed out, beheaded all after disobeying the order, and then greeted Cao Jun to enter the city.

"Here." Chen Ying clasped his fists excitedly. As long as the generals of Jiangdong Zhongjiang can be controlled, the rest will be much simpler. Snakes have no heads. When the soldiers of Jiangdong Army find that all their generals are missing, they will What kind of turmoil caused in the army, and this kind of turmoil will be more beneficial to Zhao Fan and Chen Ying who have taken refuge in Cao Jun.

With the lack of generals in the army, ordinary soldiers faced sudden changes in the army, and even if they wanted to fight the enemy, they lacked effective means of offensive.

After receiving Zhao Fan’s order, although the generals said they were a little confused, they still agreed. Zhao Fan was the prefect of Guiyang County. He had the absolute right to speak in Guiyang County. Fan didn't say anything, but he didn't dare to violate Zhao Fan's orders at this time. Besides, there were a lot of guards accompanying them.

And Zhao Fan's name is that the enemy army is about to come, discussing ways to fight against Cao Jun.

Jiangdong’s generals were extremely anxious after Cao Jun broke through Changsha County. If Zhao Fan made a move that was unfavorable to Jiangdong at a critical moment, wouldn’t they be unlucky as generals in the army? Besides, they didn’t receive an order from Jiangdong. They dare not make the slightest change. Zhao Fan has been in charge of Guiyang County for many years, but he has a lot of prestige in Guiyang. This is also the reason why Jiangdong's generals are afraid of Zhao Fan.

If Jingzhou is currently in a stable state, even winning Zhao Fan would not have much impact, but now it is different. Winning Zhao Fan means losing more things.

After the military generals came to the Taishou Mansion, many people were hesitant, because the defense of the Taishou Mansion today is more strict than usual. However, the Taishou Mansion is the most important place in Guiyang. Although they have doubts , But did not ask.

Seeing that the generals in the army had arrived, Zhao Fan stood up and slowly said with the help of the maid: "Now Cao Jun has breached Changsha County, and Guiyang County is in a hurry. There are only four thousand soldiers and horses in the city. What is a good strategy to break the enemy?"

Seeing that Zhao Fan mentioned a good strategy for breaking the enemy, the generals in the army talked a lot. Anyway, at this time, after speaking out their own methods, they will not be punished, and once the stated strategy is adopted, it means that they will To get greater benefits, this is a business that does not lose money, not to mention the affairs of generals and advisers in the army, and whether to adopt or not depends on the master. If the strategy is wrong, the master will bear the responsibility.

A general said: "Premier Zhao, now that the enemy army has just penetrated Changsha County, it must be proud. As the saying goes, the arrogant soldiers will be defeated. With Guiyang's four thousand soldiers and horses, it might not be possible to defeat Cao Jun in a frontal battle. If it can be defeated head-on. In Cao Jun's words, the prefect became the savior of King Wu."

Zhao Fan glanced at the general silently. If Cao Jun was really as vulnerable as the general said, how could the aristocratic family of Jingnan County easily take refuge in Cao Jun. When Cao Jun attacked Jingzhou, all parts of Jingzhou Judging from the performance of the defenders, the local generals in Jingzhou lack sufficient sense of belonging to the Jiangdong They will betray the Jiangdong Army when facing an enemy attack.

This kind of thing has a lot to do with the actions of Jiangdong’s generals and officials in Jingzhou. At this time, Zhao Fan wants to take gentle measures to let his soldiers understand that when facing Cao Jun, even Jiangdong’s army is extremely Elite, wanting to win is simply impossible.

As the prefect of a county, if Zhao Fan's true thoughts were known to the soldiers of Jingzhou, I don't know how he would feel.

The soldiers in the army were under considerable pressure in such an offensive. The more powerful Cao Jun showed, the greater the influence it had on the Jiangdong Army.

Seeing that the generals in the army talked about it, and there was no good result, Zhao Fan coughed lightly: "Since you have no better strategy when facing Cao Jun, the officer has a strategy to make it happen again. You can not only preserve what you have in your hands, but you can also take credit for it."

Hearing this, the generals in the army were once again caught in a fierce debate, so that the generals did not suffer too much damage, and if there was credit for them, the meaning was very important for the generals.

No one wants to die in battle, but the battle to avoid sacrifice is too temptation for generals in the army.

Seeing the generals in the army looking at him with scorching eyes, Zhao Fan slowly said: "The official method is to seek refuge in the court."

Zhao Fan’s remarks were very clever. Cao Cao represented the court at this time. If he had taken refuge in the court, many people would be able to accept it. If he took refuge in Cao Cao, I am afraid it would arouse a lot of opposition.

"Is Zhao Taishou intending to betray King Wu?" The two generals stood up and asked, looking at Zhao Fan with a sense of alertness. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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