Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2007: : Chen Yingzhimou

After entering the scope of the county city, Zhao Fan attached great importance to the arrival of Xiahou Dun’s troops, leading the civilian officials and generals of Guiyang County to greet him more than ten miles out of the city, giving Xiahou Dun a lot of face.

Entering the county city, when the flags floating on the walls were replaced by the banners of the Han army and all the gates were in control, Xiahou Dun still had a dreamlike feeling. He originally thought that the leading troops to attack Changsha County and Guiyang County would be After the bitter battles, the ease of the battles was unexpected.

However, in this battle, it was the family of Jingzhou that played the most important role. It was precisely because of the support of the family that after the army entered Jingzhou, they easily won more victories. The family was on such a battlefield. The demonstrated ability cannot be underestimated.

If the aristocratic family supports a monarch, it will be easier for the monarch to win the battlefield, just like Cao Jun’s attack on Jingnan County this time. Basically, Cao Jun didn’t make too many shots, and all the family was in it. Give your strength.

"General, General Cao Ren led the army to attack Lingling County, and now the chief generals of Lingling County Zhu Zhi and Jiang Qin led the defeated soldiers into the range of Guiyang County." A general said excitedly.

After Xiahoudun listened, his eyes shined. Although it is important to break Guiyang County, he has not caught one of the important generals in the Jiangdong Army. Whether it is Jiang Qin or Zhu Zhi, they are the high-ranking generals in the Jiangdong Army. If you catch it, it's definitely a matter of exaggeration.

"The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is told to prepare for the battle, and this general will lead the cavalry to defeat these rebels." Xiahou Dun ordered.

Zhao Fan was stunned when he heard that Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi would lose Lingling County. Obviously he did not expect that Lingling County would be lost so quickly, including the loss of Changsha County before, which was completely unexpected. After Xiahou Dun only led the arrival of the army, the family in the city led private soldiers to attack the city gate to welcome Xiahou Dun to enter the city.

"General, Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi are powerful generals in the Jiangdong army. If you want to catch them, relying only on hundreds of cavalrymen is something wrong." Chen Yingdao, who had just joined the court, naturally wanted to be able to be under Cao Cao's command. The general showed up in front of him. If he could be appreciated by Xiahoudun, he would surely be able to gain a higher position in the army in the future.

Xiahoudun turned his gaze to Chen Ying and asked, "I wonder if General Chen has any ideas?"

Chen Ying held his fist and said: "The general, Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi do not know that the general has already occupied Guiyang County, but the counties along the way are not difficult for Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi. After Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi entered the city, they suddenly became troubled. , Why can't you capture the two of them."

Xiahoudun's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he shouted: "Block the city gate, no one should leak the news."

Cao Jun captured Guiyang County. This kind of thing is difficult to hide. At this time, it is necessary to close the city gate. Otherwise, the people and businessmen who come and go will cause Cao Jun to break Guiyang County. Leaked out.

The city gates were closed tightly, making the people in the city panic. However, facing the brightly armored Cao Jun generals, they did not dare to violate too much and could only obey the orders.

Xiahoudun's speed was so fast that the news of the breach of Guiyang County did not spread.

Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi led an army to Guiyang County. The two originally had more than 6,000 people in their hands. After the defeat of Lingling County, only nearly 3,000 soldiers and horses were left in their hands. Lingling County fought. The troop strength was reduced by 50%. This loss was a great blow to the morale of the army. Why many soldiers in Jingzhou supported the Jiangdong Army because the Jiangdong Army had shown strong combat effectiveness on the battlefield. Under the leadership of Sun Ce, he was invincible, but now that Sun Ce is dead, the Jiangdong Army has repeatedly failed on the battlefield. What will the Jiangdong Army soldiers think.

In fact, in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, both the Jingzhou Army and the Jiangdong Army were the soldiers and horses of the court. At this time, Cao Cao represented the court. Even after they took refuge in the Cao army, they had no psychological obstacles, not to mention Jiangdong. Between the army and the Cao army is the enemy of life and death.

It is not unacceptable for the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army to surrender to the Cao Jun. In troubled times, life is like grass, especially the ordinary soldiers in the army. They also hope to survive in the troubled times, and surrender is for ordinary soldiers. It's even more commonplace. When facing the enemy, you don't want to die, but you have to surrender. After surrendering, you can survive.

In such an atmosphere, Jiangdong Army kept fleeing from Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi's team. They did not want to follow Jiang Qin Zhuzhi to fight to Guiyang County.

Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi have a lot of confidence in the next war. As long as the army retreats to Guiyang County, defends Cao's offensive, and waits for the situation in Jingzhou to change, they may be able to take the opportunity to take the lost Changsha County and Lingling. The county has taken it back from Cao Jun’s forehead If Guiyang County is in the hands of Jiangdong Army, it will be able to divide the forces of Cao’s army to a great extent. If Guiyang County is lost, it is now in Jing The Cao army on the battlefield of Nanjun County can be dispatched to Jiangxia's battlefield calmly, and the situation will be even more unfavorable for the Jiangdong army.

Jiang Qin is also a strategic general, and he still understands these principles.

"General Zhu, this general has received news a few days ago that Xiahou Dun led his troops to attack Guiyang County. I don’t know what happened?" Jiang Qin suddenly asked. The army did not have much confidence. If Xiahoudun led the troops directly into Guiyang County, their situation would be even more critical.

Zhu Zhidao: "Although Guiyang prefect Zhao Fan and general Chen Ying in the army were from Jingzhou, they absolutely obeyed King Wu's orders. As long as I waited to enter Guiyang County, Zhao Fan and Chen Ying would inevitably. Hand over the military power in your hand."

Zhao Fan and Chen Ying turned to Cao Jun. From Zhu Zhi’s point of view, it is unlikely. Since Zhao Fan became the prefect of Guiyang, Jiangdong’s orders have been fully implemented. The generals of Jiangdong Army in Guiyang County have responded. Judging from the situation, Zhao Fan is loyal to Jiangdong.

"I have to guard against it. Cao Cao's methods are unpredictable. The loss of Changsha County and Lingling County is so fast. After they reach Jiangdong, it will definitely cause Jiangdong to shake." Jiang Qindao, the loss of the two counties is a blow to Jiangdong. It is conceivable, but in the face of the loss of the two places, Jiang Qin and Zhu Zhi have nothing to do.

Both of the two failures were defeated internally. Even if a city is strong, if there are internal problems, it will be very difficult to defend it. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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