Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2015: : The army is coming

After the battle at Fuguan, the Yizhou Army must have completed the deployment of troops. When they deal with the next war, they will have more responses. To break the plan of the Yizhou Army on the battlefield is to make Yizhou difficult. The speed of imagination will capture Mianzhu.

The city wall of Mianzhu is six feet high. This is the reason why Mianzhu has been reinforced day and night after Lv Bu led the army into Yizhou. Mianzhu sitting among the mountains gives people a sense of invulnerability. In fact, this is also the best in Yizhou. Relying on the terrain factors, if it were used in previous wars, just breaking through the Fuguan Pass would be able to make the Siege Yifang pay a heavy price.

Obtaining Yizhou is equivalent to having a great guarantee for safety, and it is also the wealthy and the most coveted place of the princes.

If you want to break Mianzhu from the frontal battlefield, the army will certainly pay a lot of money. Compared with Fuguan, Mianzhu's terrain is not much more constrained. When in Fuguan, the time left for the Yizhou army to prepare is more. It is short-lived, but it is different in Mianzhu. Mianzhu is very close to Luocheng, and Luocheng is the prefecture of Guanghan County. It is one of the important cities in Yizhou. It is in the supply of such things as Perak cars and crossbows. , It will not be a shortage.

When Lu Bu's army attacked Fuguan, there was a big reason for the lack of Thunderbolt cars in Fuguan. Without the threat from Thunderbolt cars, the attacking party would have greater convenience.

After the fighting in Fuguan, Yizhou was more fully prepared to deal with the upcoming war. When Lu Bu led the army to attack Fuguan, Yizhou was making intensive preparations.

According to Liu Bei’s vision, Mianzhu is regarded as the most important battlefield for the Yizhou Army against Lu Bu. If it is replaced by Luocheng, it will definitely affect the safety of Chengdu. Mianzhu is different. Yizhou’s barriers, as long as Mianzhu is back In the hands of the Yizhou Army, the rest is much easier. Yizhou's grain, grass and grain will be continuously transported to Mianzhu to fight against Lu Bu.

Mianzhu played a vital role in Liu Bei's eyes. How could Lu Bu and his advisers fail to see the importance of Mianzhu to Yizhou at this time? As long as Mianzhu is defeated, Yizhou will become a major force. Lamb to be slaughtered.

For Mianzhu, Lv Bu is bound to win. Breaking through Mianzhu will cause Yizhou to fall into a huge shock. According to the news received, the Yizhou family now fully supports Liu Bei. Many aristocratic families are in the family All of the private soldiers were sent to the army, and even provided rice for the army. Everything shows that the aristocratic family in Yizhou still hold an expectation attitude towards Liu Bei. They hope that Liu Bei can win this battle. If so, the interests of the Yizhou family can be preserved to a greater extent.

Ten days later, Lv Bu led an army to Mianzhu. The 80,000 army set up a battle outside Mianzhu, with boundless, black clothes, which gave the defenders of Mianzhu a strong sense of oppression, and there were a lot of original guards on the city wall. The defenders of Guan, their faces pale and their bodies trembling lightly, were obviously thinking of something terrible.

This situation is very common among the defenders. When Lu Bu's army attacked Fuguan, it once left a deep impression on the Yizhou Army, especially the soldiers who controlled the Thunderbolt vehicles in the Yizhou Army. Surviving on the battlefield of Guan is enough to show their luck.

On the battlefield of Fuguan, the enemy’s Pili carts cleaned the Pili carts in Fuguan. This also caused many defenders in Mianzhu to look at the Pili drivers with a hint of pity. Once the battle between the two sides began, they would not Stopped, and as the Thunderbolt riders who control remote equipment, they took on a more important task when defending the city. Of course, this is the positioning of the Thunderbolt riders on the battlefield in previous battles.

The 80,000 army was silent, and the entire sky was dark. When attacking Yizhou, Lu Bu had mobilized as many as 100,000 troops.

Liu Bei looked at the enemy army below, and he couldn't see the slightest change in his expression. As a monarch, he should keep his emotions and anger indifferent at all times, otherwise Liu Bei would be worried about the city. If the words are spread in the military, what impact will they have.

In fact, Liu Bei's heart was not at peace. The 80,000 troops came to Mianzhu, and the battle of Mianzhu had become a key battle in Yizhou. Although Mianzhu's preparations were adequate at this time, Liu Bei had no idea that Mianzhu could defend Lu Bu's offensive. The odds of winning are too big, mainly because the Fuguan battlefield gave Liu Bei too much excitement. He couldn't find a way to restrain the enemy's thunderbolt. The defenders of Mianzhu could only be in a passive position, and the king of Jin was in a passive position. What the army is best at is the cooperation on the battlefield. When they work together, the effect will be greater. Liu Bei has already learned this.

As the general of the army, Liu Bei knew that he should not have the idea of ​​being timid before But when facing the army of King Jin, he did give Liu Bei a sense of invulnerability. This kind of feeling, Liu Bei is extremely Annoying, but it really appeared on Liu Bei.

In the face of an enemy's siege, the defender is nothing more than going out of the city to fight the enemy or holding on to the city.

Having the advantage of the city, when the enemy is attacking the city, it will cause greater deaths and injuries to the enemy. Of course, this sentence is not wrong, but there is a sharp weapon on the battlefield that can affect the changes in the battlefield of the offensive and the defenders. , The advantage of the defender will be wiped out.

"The soldiers in the Chuanling Army are on guard carefully and must not relax in the slightest, otherwise they will engage in military law." Liu Bei ordered.

Without Liu Bei’s order, the army’s attention to King Jin’s army has reached the highest level. There is an army of 80,000 Jin Kings outside Mianzhu. As for what kind of thoughts they will have in their hearts after seeing the Jin King’s army, I don't know.

Lü Bu rode his horse for a while outside of Mianzhu City before ordering the army to return to the army.

When the troops retreated in an orderly and orderly manner, Liu Bei was once again stimulated. Military discipline is an indispensable part for an army to achieve dazzling records on the battlefield. In terms of execution, Lu Bu's army is obviously Better.

After Lü Bu led the army to leave, the city fell into a deadly silence. It can be seen that the appearance of the enemy army outside the city has given them a lot of excitement.

And Liu Bei is the generals of the generals gathered together to discuss the matter of defending Mianzhu.

Mianzhu is an important checkpoint in Yizhou, where the people live, but now the war is urgent, and the people have left Mianzhu.

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