Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2017: : The Plan of Breaking Mianzhu

Since Lu Bu led the army to attack Yizhou, the Yizhou Army has not had a demonstrable record on the battlefield. It has been failures, failures, and failures. This happens one after another, which will allow the soldiers of the Yizhou Army to develop their own abilities. Suspect, when they were asked to kill the enemy on the battlefield, they did not have sufficient confidence. Just like now, the enemy has not attacked yet. Many soldiers have tightly grasped the weapons in their hands. Their performance is better than they have just entered the army. The recruits are not much better.

Of course, the occurrence of such a situation in the army also has a great relationship with the strength of the enemy. The enemy's thunderbolt car is destructive to the defending army.

There is no shortage of good fighters in the Yizhou army. They also want to shine in the battle. However, the situation of the enemy and the enemy makes them temporarily hide the butcher knife in their hands. As for whether they will be able to pull out in the end The power of the butcher knife is unknown.

The order Hao Meng received was to teach the Yizhou army a severe lesson. Since receiving the fierce fire oil, Hao Meng’s training for Thunderbolt drivers has started again. In the past, when siege the city, he paid attention to the approximate weight of the stone. Quite, but now it uses a jar of fierce oil. The reduction in weight will inevitably affect the accuracy of the Thunderbolt. In normal training, Hao Meng chooses stones with the same weight as the jar of fierce oil for training.

Although the Perak drivers do not understand Hao Meng's intentions, as a member of the Perak Army, all they have to do is to obey. Only by performing better in the usual training can they kill more enemies on the battlefield.

Hao Meng gathered the generals above Lieutenant Colonel of the Perak Army in one place and made the last deployment before the start of the war. The appearance of fierce fire oil would inevitably affect the situation at Mianzhuguan. If it is used improperly, it will be his own loss. .

"This object is called fierce fire oil. It was obtained by King Jin accidentally. It is powerful. The thing thrown in the first round later is replaced with this thing. Every Thunderbolt car will have ten altars of fierce fire oil." Hao Meng whispered. Until now, he didn't talk about the fierce fire and oil. There were many people in the army. If the wind was leaked to make the enemy prepared in advance, the original effect would not be achieved.

"Her fire oil?" A general was puzzled. This was the first time he heard the name.

"Don’t worry about the power of fierce fire oil. Your task is to throw fierce fire oil on the wall. The amount of fierce fire oil in the army is not large. This general does not want the fierce fire oil you throw out to fall into the moat. , There are at least three altars to be thrown on the wall, otherwise there will be punishment." Hao Meng said.

The generals heard the words and laughed kindly, but on the battlefield, no one can guarantee that the Perak riders under their command will be able to achieve a hundred shots and smile. They dare not violate Hao Meng's orders. There are three altars in the ten altars. If they are thrown on the top of the city, they still have the confidence to do it.

"General, if you don't say these things, the final general will think it is Jinjiu." A general said.

The generals burst into laughter again, but in appearance, Menghuo Oil is indeed somewhat similar to Jinjiu, but Jinjiu can make people drunk, while Menghuo Oil is fatal.

Lu Bu paid more attention to his army's first offensive. If the fierce fire oil had a brilliant performance on the battlefield, it would definitely have a greater effect if it was put into use in future wars.

The generals in the city who were responsible for observing the movement of the enemy outside the city saw the soldiers manipulating the Thunderbolt cars, and there were torches in their hands, and they looked suspicious. Judging from the past sieges, the Thunderbolt drivers could not use the torches, and this It was bright.

The general did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly informed Liu Bei of his discovery.

Liu Bei frowned after listening. Obviously he didn't think of the intention of the enemy. He could only let the soldiers on the wall avoid as much as possible. At this time, the defenders on the wall were compared with three thousand people. In terms of defensive strength, Liu Bei was still compared. Valued.

Even if the existence of a moat blocked the enemy's attack, from the perspective of Lu Bu's past campaigns, it was not common sense to act.

When facing Lu Bu, Liu Bei felt even more terrifying.

"Feng Xiao, in your opinion, can this strategy be accomplished?" Lu Bu cast his gaze to Guo Jia, who was aside.

"Lord, if Liu Bei defended Mianzhu and completely sealed the city gates, it would be difficult to use the fire to destroy the city gates and break into the city. If the enemy forces do not take precautions, there is still a great possibility of success. "Guo Jiadao.

The characteristics of fierce fire oil determine that he will play a huge role in this battle against Mianzhu, and the enemy’s city gate is the most critical place. As long as the city gate is burned down, the army will not worry about it. Mianzhu broke through, but there were too many uncertain factors.

The use of this method to capture Mianzhu is more based on luck. Merely the moat can cause a lot of trouble to the This king is confident that Mianzhu will be defeated in this attack, as long as he defends The army has no power to stop the army from attacking. After the soldiers have filled in the road to the city gate, they only need cavalry or camp to enter Mianzhu, and the battle can be settled. "Lü Bu said with shining eyes.

In fact, this method would be more appropriate if it was used after the moat of Mianzhu was filled. However, it is not certain that Liu Bei will completely seal the city gate when he sees a fierce enemy offensive. If the city gates are completely sealed, this plan will still fail.

Guo Jia nodded, no matter whether this operation is successful or not, it will once again dampen the morale of the Yizhou army.

Zhao Yun had 5,000 soldiers in his hands, and he still had doubts about the orders he had received, but all of this had to wait for the Perak Army to attack before he could decide.

The three teams are the absolute elites in the army. They are the absolute elites in the army. They appear on the battlefield of Mianzhu at the same time, which gives people a feeling of shock.

Liu Bei looked at the layout of the enemy outside the pass, and his heart was full of doubts. When attacking Mianzhu, the first thing to do must be to fill the moat, not to fill the moat. Even if Lu Bu is an elite, it is difficult to get to the top of the city. It was the first day that the enemy officially attacked Mianzhu. The enemy was waiting so hard that Liu Bei couldn't understand it.

"Brother, are the enemy troops ready to attack the city?" Zhang Fei asked suspiciously.

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "This king doesn't even know it. There is nothing wrong with the general guarding the gate, right?"

Zhang Fei said: "Brother rest assured, the general guarding the city gate is my old Zhang's lieutenant. There will be no problem if he comes to guard the city gate." The real lady online service, help you find a book to chat with you, please Wei/ Letter/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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