Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2022: : Charge from the Yizhou Cavalry

"Commander Dian, there is danger approaching!" Li Jin immediately informed Dian Wei without hesitation.

Dian Wei's face was puzzled. At this time, it had just arrived at the third watch, and this was the place where the Chinese army's big tent was located, and the defense was the strictest in normal times.

"Commander Dian, the news came from the mountains and forests ahead. It is expected that the enemy army is approaching the Chinese army." Li Jin's tone was a little anxious.

Dianwei's complexion changed slightly. It is impossible for these things to happen in the plains. However, this is in Yizhou. Yizhou is famous for its complex topography. If people who do not understand the topography enter the mountains, they can be It was alive and dead in it, and the route of the army was basically drawn up by Zhang Lu's topographic map of Xichuan. As for there are many roads on it that are not marked, it is reasonable.

This picture was obtained by Zhang Lu when he was in Yizhou, and Zhang Lu occupied Hanzhong for many years. It is normal for these things to change.

"Tell General Zhao Yun and General Gaoshun about this." Dianwei ordered.

Zhao Yun led five hundred flying knights and Gao Shun led the trapped camp, which is the maneuvering force of the night. Their task is to protect the safety of the camp. Once a situation arises, they will immediately step forward to respond.

But those who shoulder these tasks are the elites on the battlefield.

However, since the battle with the Yizhou Army, they have basically not come in handy. If they were replaced by ordinary generals, they would have been relaxed in the face of such a situation, but Gao Shun and Zhao Yun paid attention to being serious when they were running the army. No matter whether there is an enemy or not, the things that should be done cannot be reduced in the slightest.

After entering Yizhou, I have not seen any traces of the enemy army, but it has made the soldiers in the army relaxed. In the past, the various ministries would send secret guards. Now, although they are also dispatching secret guards, they are not vigilant. Very high.

"General Gao, the commander-in-chief of the Dian Commander has come to inform that there are traces of enemy troops near the Chinese army's big tent, please go quickly." Not far from the Chinese army's big tent, Guan Yu, who passed the order, saw Gao Shun. , Hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Gao Shun's expression sank, and he preached: "If you fall into the camp and listen to the order, you will rush to the vicinity of the Chinese Army's Great Tent as quickly as possible."

Zhang Fei led a thousand cavalry soldiers hidden in the woods. From his direction, he could see some of the enemy's situation. The Chinese army's three-step and one-post defense was extremely tight. No matter which direction they attacked, they would let the guards. Soldiers and soldiers around the Chinese army's big tent can join the battle at an accelerated speed.

Zhang Fei didn't want to see that his army suffered too much damage in this battle, so he was observing it for the time being.

Thousands of cavalry had just lurked down, but Zhang Fei saw a group of soldiers rushing to see that these soldiers were running. In the process of marching, the sound of the collision between the armor and the blade of the armor was exceptionally piercing in the dark.

"No, could it be that the enemy found something." Zhang Fei asked in surprise.

Ma Dai also realized that it was wrong. "General, quickly order the army to charge, or more enemy troops will gather near the Chinese army."

"Well, there is General Raumadai in the matter of the Chinese Army's Great Account." Zhang Fei said.

Along with Zhang Fei's loud shout, the cavalry of the Yizhou Army launched an offensive towards King Jin's large barracks. Thousands of cavalry charged with shocking momentum, and the rumbling of horse hooves was exceptionally harsh in the silence of the night.

Gao Shun was shocked when he saw that there was an enemy army near the Chinese Army. He was one of the night patrol generals, but such omissions appeared in the Chinese Army.

"Get into the camp, kill the enemy, protect King Jin!" Gao Shun shouted.

After the soldiers in the trapped camp were ordered, they came to the great tent of the Chinese army where Lu Bu was. They were extremely enthusiastic about Lu Bu. There is no trapped camp in the army, and Lu Bu can't live without him.

After Zhang Fei saw this scene, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. The sudden attack of his cavalry had already caused chaos in the enemy's army, and even the usual self-proclaimed tight camp had obvious omissions.

After Zhang Fei led the cavalry to rush for a while, he found an anomaly. These soldiers in the trapped camp seemed to move closer to the Chinese army’s tent, but when they were running, there were some faint connections between each other. These connections became As one of their important methods to kill the enemy on the battlefield, if the formation of the trapped camp is loosened up, the consequences will be serious.

Seeing that the trapped camp is difficult, Zhang Fei led the army to kill in the direction of Mianzhu. Zhang Fei's main purpose of this trip was to assault the enemy and bring the enemy into chaos. Gao Shun led the trapped camp to appear near the Chinese army’s camp and led the cavalry. It is difficult to break through the defense of the trapped camp.

Zhang Fei led the cavalry, setting off waves of blood and blood in the dark night.

At the beginning, the soldiers in the army were flustered in the face of the enemy's surprise attack. The sirens in the army were loud, but Zhang Fei and the cavalry soon encountered obstacles. This is the place where the dead were first.

After hearing the warning from the Chinese, the first dead soldiers prepared for the battle at a very fast speed. They are elite soldiers on the battlefield, even in the face of harsh conditions. Entered into the battle at an extremely fast speed, the enemy’s surprise attack was unpredictable, but the dead soldiers are also good soldiers on the battlefield. If you want to continue to wreak havoc in the army, you must see whether the dead soldiers will continue to wreak havoc. Will agree.

"The general is the first to die of the enemy." A general said.

Zhang Fei commanded: "Don't be too entangled with the Xianden dead men, they are just pawns, avoid them."

"Let the arrow!" Ju Yi gave the order without hesitation. Under the cover of the dark night, the crossbow arrow became even more invisible.

Seeing that Zhang Fei led the cavalry to leave, how could Ju Yi let Zhang Fei easily succeed? As a general in the army, Ju Yi is a proud man. Under Lu Bu's command, the best way to get the approval of others is to win the battle. .

Although Ju Yi didn’t know where the enemy’s cavalry came from, what he had to do was to entangle the enemy’s cavalry as much as possible. The more serious consequences would be much simpler if the enemy cavalry stepped forward because of contempt.

The vanguard soldier under Ju Yi’s command was one of the elite pawns under King Jin’s tent, and he made many contributions on the battlefield in the past. The pioneer soldier was also one of the teams that patrolled the camp at night. Ju Yi remembers Tonight, Gao Shun was in charge of the inspection. With Gao Shun's caution, the enemy could approach the Chinese army quietly, and must have taken other roads that were not detected by the scouts.

"Block the enemy." Ju Yi immediately issued the order. At this time, the enemy should not be allowed to leave easily. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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