Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2027: : Only half a month

The thunderbolt riders on the city wall are unlucky again. They have become the primary target of the enemy’s attack. Although they are protected by shield soldiers, they cannot bring them more sense of security. Whether it is a boulder or a fierce fire oil, it is not a shield. The soldiers were able to stop them, but many soldiers had witnessed the scene of violent fire oil directly swallowing a Thunderbolt car and controlling the Thunderbolt chariot with their own eyes.

The defenders hiding behind the female wall suddenly discovered that they were safer than the Perak riders.

Liu Bei frowned. The enemy's Thunderbolt had a long range, and there were magical things such as fairy mirrors among the enemy forces. If you defend the city, you will be at a complete disadvantage, even if Liu Bei is unwilling to admit it. , This is also a fact that cannot be changed.

But one has to counterattack, otherwise the enemy's crossbow army will be more arrogant outside the city. Compared with the offensive of the boulder, the crossbow army will cause more damage to the defending army, although the defending army is more inclined. The enemy used crossbow arrows to attack.

The fighting between the two sides continued, with the addition of giant thunderbolt cars, the situation of the defenders became more subtle again.

After Lü Bu learned about the situation on the city wall, he took a look with the fairy mirror. Without other orders, how could there be no damage when attacking the city, and after the strong crossbow army suffered a loss on the battlefield, the giant thunderbolt car would give the defending army one. A harsh lesson, what he wanted to give Liu Bei was to make him feel desperate.

In the three consecutive days of offensive, the defending army suffered nearly 3,000 casualties. On the other hand, the Jin King's army on the siege side suffered a loss of no more than 1,000 people. The ratio of casualties between the siege and the defender was completely changed.

"Brother, when the enemy is attacking, the main force is the crossbow army. If the enemy is attacking by surprise, it may cause more casualties to the enemy." Zhang Fei said.

Liu Bei shook his head and said: "Yide, it's not that the king did not agree to go to war, but when the crossbow army was attacking the city wall, many of them were guarding the city gate, and the cavalry appeared in the strong crossbow that had been prepared in advance. What will happen before the military."

Seeing this, Zhang Fei remained silent. The bravery he thought was useless on the battlefield, especially when faced with the army of King Jin’s army. This feeling was even stronger. Personal bravery was in the powerful army. It seemed so fragile in front of him.

This also has a lot to do with the army that Zhang Fei came into contact with. When the big man first fell into the war, the strengths of the various armies were uneven, creating a lot of prestige, but as the war progressed gradually, the princes had dirty hands. More and more elite, they become stronger on the battlefield, and when facing the enemy, they have more ways to deal with it. At this time, it is more difficult to show personal bravery on the battlefield.

"Yide, it only takes half a month to defeat the enemy." Liu Bei said confidently.

"Brother, are Kong Ming's words credible?" Zhang Fei asked in a low voice.

This time, Liu Bei did not have Hechi Zhang Fei. The situation in Yizhou has reached a critical point. From Mianzhu’s defense, it can be seen that when the enemy attacked the city for the first time, if it hadn’t been discovered by Fan Jiang in time, I’m afraid the enemy had already After entering the city, the Yizhou Army was presented with a powerful army. Even after possessing a continuous ballista, it was difficult to determine whether Yizhou's situation could be changed.

"Yide, Yizhou will definitely be preserved. The three of you, brothers, must join hands to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty." Liu Bei said confidently.

Zhang Fei nodded with excitement. Over the years, Zhang Fei has followed Liu Bei's side, and the friendship with Liu Bei can be imagined, and Liu Bei is a Han family clan. Under such circumstances , Zhang Fei and Guan Yu assisted Liu Bei, and it made sense.

What moved Zhang Fei the most was that Liu Bei did not change the relationship between the two because of the change in status, which is extremely difficult for a monarch.

"Brother don't worry, even if my old Zhang fights this life, he won't let the enemy army succeed." Zhang Fei said.

The siege is still going on, and the casualties of the defenders are increasing every day. The Strong Crossbow Army is the new elite emerging on the Yizhou battlefield. They became famous through the Yizhou battlefield.

A powerful crossbow with a range of up to one hundred and fifty steps is absolutely lethal to the enemy when it appears on the battlefield.

"Lord, if the current battle conditions continue, within half a month, Mianzhu will definitely be able to break through." Pang Tongdao.

"This king has some doubts whether Zhuge Liang has any kind of plan in Yizhou, otherwise why hasn't it appeared until now." Lu Bu doubted.

Pang Tong also had the same question. The role of counsellors is indispensable in the battle between the two armies. Besides the bright surprises of the previous raids, the performance of the Yizhou army on the battlefield can only be said to be average, in siege and defense. On the above, although the strategy played a small role, if used properly, it can still cause considerable damage to the enemy.

Pang Tongdao: "The lord can send someone to go to Chengdu to investigate in secret."

Lu Bu said: "This king has sent people to but has not received any news so far. It can be seen that Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei attach great importance to this matter."

"The soldiers will come to block, and the water will come to the land. If Liu Bei continues to defend like this, Yizhou will definitely be lost." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu and Pang Tong looked at each other and smiled. Guo Jia’s remarks are not wrong. Long-term defense must be lost. If facing the enemy’s offensive, just blindly defensive, and the defensive loss is greater than the offensive party’s It is conceivable what will happen.

The defensive side has a terrain advantage. When this advantage does not bring security to the defenders, they will be in a different situation when defending.

Liu Bei adopts a defensive posture to deal with the army's offensive. It is not a problem for Lu Bu. He only needs to constantly consume the enemy's strength and dampen the enemy's morale. After the army swarms up, he can break Mianzhu.

Luocheng and even Chengdu can use the same method. If the Yizhou army goes out of the city to fight a decisive battle with his own side, Lu Bu will not be afraid. It's a headache.

A hundred thousand army entered the land of Yizhou, and the daily consumption of food and grass was a huge amount. The fighting was protracted, and it was more expensive for the siege party.

As long as Liu Bei does not change his response method, Lu Bu can continue to attack Yizhou according to the method in front of him, so that Yizhou will eventually fall into his hands. Yizhou is Liu Bei’s last site. After he takes control of Yizhou, Liu Bei will He will become a dog at the bereavement. Even if he escapes from Yizhou, he can hardly do much. In short, this time Lu Bu is determined to put Liu Bei to death. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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