Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2032: : Danger is approaching

The Yizhou imperial court is smaller than the Xudu imperial court, but its emperor is Liu Biao’s eldest son, Liu Qi. Compared to Liu Cong, Liu Qi is obviously the most appropriate heir, no matter how absurd Liu Qi’s past life is. , Liu Qi is the eldest son, this cannot be changed, and it cannot be changed easily because the Cai family supports Liu Cong.

It can be said that Liu Bei's support for Liu Qi to become the new emperor won the recognition of many families.

"Gongyou, the safety of Yizhou will take care of you." Liu Bei solemnly bowed.

Sun Gan hurriedly replied, "The lord must not do this, this is a matter for his subordinates."

After sending Sun Gan away, Liu Bei once again set his sights on the battlefield. After three consecutive days of slack offensive, the defenders on the city preferred not to revive their morale due to the cessation of the enemy’s offensive. Instead, the enemy retreated. Under the attack, morale gradually declined.

The importance of the giant thunderbolt car in attacking the level is reflected at this time.

But all the soldiers who were assigned to the city to take up the task of defending the city were pale. No one wanted to board the city at this time. It would be good to be able to come back alive. If you accidentally get seriously injured on the battlefield, you will come back. Both are extremely difficult.

Liu Bei's appearance at the head of the city has greatly improved the morale of the army. Liu Bei has the supreme position in the army, although at this time Liu Bei is an ordinary soldier's clothes.

Only at this time, ordinary generals in the army felt so superior when they saw Liu Bei. On his own city wall, he could only appear in the clothes of ordinary soldiers. Liu Bei was also extremely depressed, and there was no way. The enemy’s Thunderbolt’s accuracy is too high, and it often only takes one round of attack to target the position of the general.

Hao Meng, who was instructing the Perak’s car to continue destroying the enemy’s Perak’s car on the city wall, noticed a scene in the enemy’s army. Some generals dressed as captains even saluted this ordinary soldier dressed as a soldier. It feels incredible.

Hao Meng suddenly thought that since the attack on Mianzhu, there had been basically no generals on the enemy’s city. Thinking of the situation on the Fuguan battlefield, Hao Meng was relieved. Obviously, the defending generals had already feared his own army. The situation is extremely favorable for Lu Bu.

Allowing the enemy to survive in panic is the direction that Pili Che is working hard now. As long as more enemy troops are beheaded on the battlefield, the defenders can only face their own troops with fear.

"Aim the thunderbolt in that direction, and five thunderbolt cars will come together." Hao Meng ordered that no matter what happened on the wall, he only had to let his soldiers throw the boulder towards the city.

Liu Bei didn't realize it at all, and the danger was approaching again.

Hao Meng would definitely not let Liu Bei go so easily after seeing the identity of this person clearly.

Three of the five boulders came in the direction of Liu Bei. Such a quasi-head was not normally available in the Perak Army.

Hao Meng nodded and said, "You guys performed well this time."

Then Hao Meng picked up the fairy mirror in his hand. On the top of the city, when he found these huge stones were flying in the air, the soldiers in the army were in chaos. Others did not know the identity of Liu Bei, and the generals in the army knew about it. If it was Liu Bei If something unexpected happens on the wall, there will be no one in the army.

"Big brother, be careful!" Zhang Fei held a zhangba snake spear, shouted, and stepped forward and hit the boulder with the snake spear, splashing sparks. Zhang Fei only blocked the enemy's thunderbolt by virtue of his strength. Offense.

Zhang Fei retreated more than ten steps before barely stabilizing his figure, and the guards who protected Liu Bei kept Liu Bei in the middle.

Once again, Liu Bei has become the target of Pili Che outside the city tragically, making the generals in the city shudder. Zhang Fei’s strength is well-known in the Yizhou army. However, it is in the hands of Pili Che that moves the fierce generals like this. This is not a small loss. This is only the first round of the attack of the Thunderbolt. Next, the defenders will have to face a more brutal war. It is a great deal for Liu Bei to stop the enemy’s pace. The test.

If the Yizhou Army can persevere in this battle, it would be natural to grow into an elite on the battlefield in the future.

Elites can only be formed through the tempering of wars. Any elite team is no exception. If you want to gain more on the battlefield, you must first learn to give, and you can get it only after you give. Paid is never obtained.

The protection of the personal guards once again played a big role. Although Liu Bei was greatly frightened, he still maintained the tolerance of a monarch.

However, Liu Bei left at a very fast speed in the direction he came from. He stayed on the wall, dressed in the clothes of ordinary soldiers, and was still found by the enemy thunderbolt riders. If he died in the city, he would be the biggest joke. .

Liu Bei is the commander of the Yizhou army. He appeared on the city wall to boost the morale of the I didn't expect such a scene to happen.

Many generals in the army made up their minds secretly. In the process of defending the city in the future, as long as they can stay among the soldiers, they should not go out as much as possible. After going out, they should not be arrogant to the soldiers. In this way, they will attract the thunderbolt riders outside the city. Offense.

With this kind of mentality, the generals in the city became much softer when commanding battles.

After Hao Meng saw the scene on the city wall, his expression was full of regret. Liu Bei had already slipped away from his hands for the third time. As the coach of the Thunderbolt, this was unforgivable. Hao Meng had only seen this person. It is Liu Bei's, and there is still a great chance of success for the giant Thunderbolt to attack Liu Bei's direction at the same time.

Similarly, this was also the third time that Liu Bei was driven off the wall by the enemy's thunderbolt. The depression in his heart can be imagined.

The attack after slackening for a few days was extremely fierce in the eyes of Mianzhu's defenders.

After the thunderbolt car fired a neat volley of fire and oil, the Qiang pawns without any armor protection appeared in front of the army. This was also required by the Qiang pawns. In the battle of siege, even if they were on the body. With the protection of leather armor, it is difficult to bring more security to the Qiang soldiers, and without the armor on the body, the speed of the Qiang people can be improved.

The violent fire oil was as terrible as always in the eyes of the defenders. When they saw the violent fire oil spread, the defenders were in a panic situation. At this time, they would not care about the scene outside the city. If the violent fire oil was contaminated, they wanted Fighting is not a simple matter. Besides, if the weather is hot at this time and the city catches fire, the defenders will feel even more anxious. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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