Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2036: : Break through Mianzhu

The soldiers of the Yizhou Army have lost their spirit after the previous battle. When facing the enemy, they did not have enough confidence. With such an army against the flying cavalry, one can imagine what will happen.

Seeing that Liu Bei didn't show up, Lu Bu waved the painted halberd in his hand and led the flying horse to kill the Yizhou army.

The pikemen at the end of the army saw the rumble of the flying cavalry, their face pale, the pikemen can restrain the cavalry to a certain extent, but when the pikemen fight the cavalry, they lose more and win less. It can directly destroy the enemy's formation, causing death and injury to the enemy.

The first reaction of many pikemen when they saw the flying cavalry was not to go forward to fight, but to flee to the side and fight against the enemy cavalry with flesh and blood. Unless they are lunatics, they would choose this way. At this time, they were left behind. The generals of the Yizhou army can be said to have been abandoned by Liu Bei.

That being the case, these soldiers will not have psychological obstacles when they choose to surrender.

A famous pikeman fell under the scimitar of the flying cavalry. The cruel battles that the flying cavalry went through were not imaginable by these pikemen. After years of fighting, they made them extremely skilled in the battle on the horse, even if they faced the toughest enemy. Feiqi also has enough confidence to win. They have invincible beliefs and beliefs, which are of vital importance to an army.

After losing their faith, this army is not far from defeat, and the Yizhou army’s faith is to be able to survive this war.

After leading the army to escape from Mianzhu, Liu Bei looked back at the city behind him. He didn’t know if there was a chance to come back. Whether the Yizhou army would succeed in the battle against Lu Bu’s soldiers, he firmly believed that his path was It's not wrong, he wants to recover the Han room.

After Lv Bu led the cavalry to pursue and kill for a while, he led the troops back. There were a large number of enemy troops. If he set up an ambush on the way, it would be difficult to defend against. The terrain of Yizhou was complicated. damage.

After Liu Bei evacuated, not all the Yizhou troops in Mianzhu left. Many of them were because they did not have time to escape. They faced the powerful Jin Wang army and chose to surrender without the slightest hesitation. When in the army, the Yizhou army is in a passive situation. Under such circumstances, the soldiers in the army will gradually lose their vigor in the battle, and they can't even afford the courage to fight when facing the enemy.

Collecting the defeated generals in the city of Mianzhu, Lu Bu began to plan the affairs of Luoxian County. After breaking Mianzhu, the most favorable situation on the battlefield began to tilt towards Lu Bu. If Liu Bei did not have the ability to change the situation on the battlefield, this battle would eventually endure. The defeat of the Yizhou Army ended.

Breaking through Mianzhu is a great encouragement for the army. As long as Luoxian is broken, the city of Chengdu will be in sight.

In the process of attacking Mianzhu, the army did not suffer too much damage, but it became more difficult to transport grain and grass. The longer the war went on, the more disadvantaged it was for Lü Bu's side. Food and grass in Hanzhong.

Zhang Lu has been operating in Hanzhong for many years, and he hoarded countless grains and grass, which was used for the needs of the Chang'an army to fight in Yizhou.

In the process of breaking Bajun, Zhang Lu also made a lot of credit. At this time, the teacher of the Wudou Mijiao was already attracted by Lu Bu's vision. What he wanted to do was to get Yizhou to do it as soon as possible. Pingding, he needs to realize his dream, so when the army attacked Yizhou, Zhang Lu also spared no effort.

After the news that Mianzhu was breached reached Yizhou, Yizhou shook up and down. In the eyes of the family, the dangerous barrier was so vulnerable in the hands of the enemy. At this time, they had no time to blame Liu Bei and the number of soldiers and horses in Luo County. Reaching 50,000 people, this is the most powerful force in Yizhou, and with this force, Lü Bu would definitely not dare to split his troops to attack Chengdu City easily.

The people in Chengdu are panicked, and the family is even more on pins and needles. They don’t understand that the people they like on the battlefield in Yizhou are so unbearable. Facing the enemy’s offensive, there have been successive failures. These failures cannot be forgiven. Yes, but at this time they have no retreat. They are reluctant to take refuge in Lu Bu. Besides, the things in the hands of the family have been handed over to Zhuge Liang for the time being. The private soldiers in their hands are only 30% of the usual, and there is still some power to protect the family. Reluctantly, let alone fighting against Zhuge Liang.

Although Zhuge Liang is young, he has a not weak reputation in Yizhou's officialdom. No one dares to ignore Zhuge Liang's ability. If Zhuge Liang is underestimated because of his young age, his family will suffer undesirable losses.

The aristocratic family is shrewd, but the officials of the prefecture and shepherd are equally good. The secretive actions of the aristocratic family, Zhuge Liang, who is in charge of Yizhou intelligence, naturally has a meticulous grasp. This is also the basis for Zhuge Liang and the Yizhou family to deal with ~ www.readwn. After the com~ Mianzhu attacked, Zhuge Liang felt the urgency of the matter, but three days had passed since the time he had agreed to Wu Yi, and if the army set off for Luoxian, it was completely too late.

The reason why Zhuge Liang did not set off in advance was to frighten the families in the city. In the face of the choice of life and death, Zhuge Liang couldn't guarantee that these families would stand by Liu Bei's side at the last moment. He came from a family and Zhuge Liang knew better about the nature of the family. In their eyes, there is nothing more important than interest. For the sake of interest, they can have no face or even care for the emperor and his ministers.

It is the wish of many families to be able to continue the family in the troubled times. The situation today is turbulent. If the family wants to continue to survive in the troubled times, they must make a choice. The family in Yizhou chose Liu Bei before, but now we see. The choice before coming here was wrong. When Liu Bei treated the family, he was indeed polite, but he lacked the ability to lead the battle.

The family of Yizhou hoped that Liu Bei could suddenly become as powerful as Lu Bu and won on the battlefield in Yizhou, but the facts proved that the vision of the family of Yizhou still has certain problems. Liu Bei has repeatedly fought with the princes over the years. Failure is not accidental.

Zhuge Liang didn’t think so. Lu Bu’s army had a long history of warfare and had a wealth of experience on the battlefield. The Yizhou Army could not be compared to it. How much can there be? Even after Liu Bei's vigorous rectification, it is impossible for the Yizhou army to make great progress without long training and training on the battlefield. In some cases, the number does not determine the victory on the battlefield. burden. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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