Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2044: : Conspiracy to defeat the enemy

"This place is named Minghe Mountain. It is the only place for enemy troops to enter Luoxian County. There is a dangerous place in Minghe Mountain. Only a few people are allowed to pass. If you can set up an ambush here, you can definitely Let the enemy suffer heavy losses." Zhuge Liang said.

When Zhang Fei heard this, his eyes gleamed. During the battle with the Chang'an Army, the Yizhou Army generals felt depressed. The enemy army was advancing, but the Yizhou Army, which had the advantage of terrain, kept retreating and did not fully mobilize the terrain. Advantage.

"Who is the leader of the enemy army?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"The scout Yaoyao saw the Chinese army's banner with the word "Zhao". I expected it to be Zhao Yun, the head of the five tiger generals under King Jin's account." Zhang Fei said. When Zhao Yun was mentioned, his expression was a little dignified, because he was fighting with Zhao Yun. , He actually found himself at a disadvantage.

Zhuge Liang said: "If this is the case, we must make a plan."

After staring at the topographic map for a long time, Zhuge Liang smiled.

"Does the military division have a final plan?" After hearing the news, Liu Bei asked with a smile after seeing the discussion between the two. Zhuge Liang's arrival has caused great changes to the Yizhou army, and these changes are very likely. It will affect the situation of future wars, which makes Liu Bei deeply grateful, and Zhuge Liang's talents displayed in the army make Liu Bei quite satisfied.

"Lord." Zhuge Liang and Zhang Fei hurriedly saluted when Liu Bei had arrived. They had only focused on discussing the war, but did not notice Liu Bei's arrival.

"Kong Ming and Yi De don't need to be polite, and now the enemy's vanguard is only two days away from Luoxian County, so we should think about ways to break the enemy as soon as possible." Liu Bei said.

Zhuge Liang arched his hands and said: "Master, Minghe Mountain is a difficult terrain, and it is an excellent place for ambushes, and the enemy general Zhao Yun is resourceful and will not be fooled. Then the three generals will lead the cavalry to ambush, if Zhao Yun is fooled, lead the cavalry. Fighting out will definitely prevent the enemy from taking care of each other. If the enemy does not dare to step forward, they will not easily retreat. Yide ordered the soldiers to plant more flags in the mountains, thinking that the suspected soldiers would not beat the drums at night. A surprise attack on the enemy makes it difficult for the enemy to rest. If this is the case, the enemy will inevitably retreat."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "In this way, I only need to lead the cavalry to go for a while."

After Zhang Fei led the cavalry to leave, Liu Bei said, "Is it difficult to win because of just repelling the enemy?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "As long as the enemy retreats, our army can set up an ambush in the Heling generation, and it will surely be able to defeat the enemy."

"So, there are laborers." What Liu Bei felt from Zhuge Liang's words was a strong self-confidence, which is what the current Yizhou Army lacks. A victory is what the Yizhou Army needs most.

After the victory, the Yizhou army will definitely undergo tremendous changes, and after the enemy's defeat, the morale will inevitably be low.

After Liu Bei left, Zhuge Liang made a detailed plan. The ballista would definitely not be able to be used. This was the ultimate weapon on the battlefield. At this time, there were more than 500 elite white-eared soldiers in the army. Armed with a thousand soldiers, the two teams can be used properly, and they can cause huge losses to the enemy. When the army makes a surprise attack on the enemy, it does not need to be superior in number.

In the face of a panic enemy, two elite teams are enough.

"Pass the order, let the leaders of the heavy armored soldiers and the white-eared elite soldiers come." Zhuge Liang said solemnly. This is his first confrontation with Jin Hou in Yizhou. That's why Zhuge Liang attaches great importance to this battle and wants to get on the battlefield. For the victory of King Jin, when facing the army under King Jin’s account, there must be more plans.

The elite level of the army under King Jin’s account is not comparable to that of the Yizhou Army’s soldiers. This is the weakness of the Yizhou Army. How to defeat the enemy when at a disadvantage has become the main problem. , Can play a huge role in such a battlefield, the enemy's counselors did not play a big role in the battlefield before, but because the Yizhou army has always been stuck, and there is no attack from the lord.

Zhao Yun led a 10,000-strong army and Zhang Ren was the deputy general of the army. Zhao Yun has withstood the test of his ability to lead combat. However, when he was in Yizhou, Zhao Yun felt uncomfortable, mainly because of the terrain of Yizhou. It’s too complicated. It’s hard to get a complete understanding of the situation on the battlefield. It is difficult for military scouts to investigate the situation on the battlefield in detail. Under such circumstances, the war is full of unknown changes. Such a thing is unwilling to see any leading generals.

Although the Yizhou Army failed one after another, Zhao Yun did not despise him in the slightest. Especially after learning that Zhuge Liang, a military commander of the Yizhou Army, had entered Luoxian County, Zhao Yun even increased his vigilance in secret. The generals in China are also in the eyes, and Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei indeed to make Liu Bei a dazzling record.

Behind the two important actions to capture Jingzhou and Yizhou, there was Zhuge Liang's figure.

On the way to Luoxian, the army has complicated terrain. A little carelessness may fall into the trap of the enemy.

The generals in the army disagree with Zhuge Liang. The main reason is that during this period of time, his army has successively won victories on the battlefield. Even if the enemy has the advantage in terrain, it is still defeated. It is inevitable that the generals in the army will encounter It breeds the idea that the enemy is nothing but this.

The most taboo thing on the battlefield is to despise the enemy, and to despise the enemy, it is possible to bear a huge price.

Zhao Yun reprimanded the generals in the army for this incident, but unfortunately the effect was not very good.

The scout in the army was Feiqi. Zhao Yun was more assured of Feiqi's combat effectiveness. The Feiqi leader Li Yan who followed was even more calm.

Since Li Yan took charge of Feiqi, his performance has been remarkable. Although he is still the deputy commander of Feiqi, no one dares to underestimate Li Yan's energy in the army. The deputy commander of Feiqi is more general than other divisions. A little higher, Feiqi has followed Lü Bu for many years, and he has made great achievements. It is one of the elite forces of Lü Bu's cavalry.

However, in Yizhou, Feiqi’s actions are very limited. Although Feiqi has a strong ability to detect intelligence, the Yizhou army only needs to hide in the mountains. It is more difficult to detect their tracks. Difficult, and the road from Mianzhu to Luoxian was bumpy.

"General Zhao, it is extremely difficult for the scouts to inquire about the situation on the battlefield." Li Yan said.

Zhao Yun frowned slightly. If he could not control the situation on the battlefield, the army would be greatly obstructed on its way forward. Although the Yizhou army was defeated one after another, the number of the army could still pose a sufficient threat to his army. A little carelessness on the battlefield may put the army in danger. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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