Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2046: : The defeat of the vanguard (middle)

Zhang Fei shouted: "Our army has the advantage, you all follow this general to kill the enemy!"

The cavalry in Yizhou charged from top to bottom. During the charge, the speed of the horse could be increased to a faster rate. Zhang Fei’s main purpose was to lead the cavalry to disrupt the formation of the vanguard army. As for destroying the vanguard army, Zhang Fei wanted to think, but unfortunately he didn't have this level of strength. In the vanguard army, there were not only elite flying knights, but also two terrifying pawns that were trapped and first ascended to the dead.

What the Yizhou Army needs is a victory, and now it seems that this victory is not far away.

More than two hundred cavalry were entangled with the flying cavalry. Zhang Fei led the remaining cavalry to attack the formation of the vanguard. Under this situation, the vanguard army, which was in panic, could not exert its usual strength. Thirty percent of them saw the cavalry of the Yizhou Army come and suffered serious damage.

The flying cavalry battle against the Yizhou cavalry is also relatively difficult. It temporarily has the advantage in speed. More than two hundred cavalry entangled with the flying cavalry. Although they are in a stalemate, it is extremely unfavorable to the current Chang'an army. of.

"Kill the enemy!" Zhang Fei shouted angrily. The snake spear in his hand trembled one after another. The three soldiers died on the spot. Such a powerful force made many Chang'an soldiers look at Zhang Fei with a trace of fear.

With the advantage of speed, the cavalry who followed Zhang Fei was even more like a tiger descending a mountain.

The current situation on the battlefield has turned to the unfavorable side for the Chang'an Army. If the two armies engage in a head-on confrontation on the plain battlefield, even if the cavalry in Zhang Fei's hands is doubled, it will be difficult to cause damage to the army.

The Yizhou Army’s raids from the mountain peaks on both sides blocked the front army of the Pioneer Army on the other side of Minghe Mountain. The soldiers on this side had not stabilized from the panic, but faced the cavalry led by Zhang Fei. Offensive and overwhelming battles, even if the soldiers under Lu Bu's command were elite, they would suffer serious losses when faced with the charge of the cavalry.

However, the generals in the Chang'an Army did not panic too much because of the enemy's surprise attack. The soldiers in the army are being killed. They must find a way to change everything in front of them and organize their soldiers to resist the cavalry attack.

Ju Yi led the first deceased soldier in the rear of the army. After learning of the changes in the front army, Ju Yi immediately led the first deceased to come.

The arrival of the Xiandeng dead man allowed the chaotic King Chang'an to find the backbone. The Xiandeng dead man also had a dazzling record on the battlefield. The world-famous Baima Yicong broke the hands of the Xiandeng dead man, let’s say The Yizhou Army cavalry in front of you.

Zhang Fei saw the emergence of heavy armor, and after the Chang'an Army gradually stabilized, he immediately ordered the cavalry to begin to retreat. These cavalry are the main force in the Yizhou Army. If there is too serious damage on the battlefield, they will be on the battlefield in the future. When facing the enemy, there will be an embarrassing situation where no cavalry can use it.

Zhang Fei led the cavalry to retreat. At this time, the Chang'an army was in a mess. Zhao Yun's complexion was not very good. The cavalry attacked very quickly. Although the flying cavalry quickly gained an advantage on the battlefield, it faced more than two hundred cavalry. You Dou also broke out tyrannical combat power, but the performance of the Yizhou Army's cavalry on the battlefield was completely different from before.

"The sergeant came forward and moved the boulder in front of him." Zhao Yun ordered.

In the former army, there were not only ordinary soldiers, but also trapped camps. The enemy's surprise attack was successful, but it was not a simple matter to break through the trapped camp's defenses.

On the other side of Minghe Mountain, a fierce battle was also going on. After the soldiers of the Yizhou Army saw the enemy's deception, they exploded with great combat power, which caused the panicked Chang'an Army to pay no small price.

After Gao Shun led the trapped camp to gain a foothold on the battlefield, the Yizhou Army did not take much advantage. The bow and crossbow seemed so weak in front of the protection of the trapped camp. After seeing the flag of this army, Yi The soldiers of the state army didn't have too many accidents.

Wu Yi secretly said that it is a pity that if there were hundreds of ballistas in the army at this time, it would be enough to wipe out the trapped camp, and the trapped camp is well-known in the world. If the trapped camp can be wiped out, it will surely make Lu Bu shake.

Seeing that our army can't take much advantage, the enemy army that can be harvested on the battlefield has been beheaded, and Wu Yi led the Yizhou army to retreat.

After the boulders were cleaned up, the flag of the trapped camp appeared in Zhao Yun's eyes. Zhao Yun was extremely worried about the safety of the trapped camp on the other side of Minghe Mountain. If the opponent now has a weapon such as a bed crossbow, even if it is With the defense of the trapped camp, I am afraid that there will be serious damage.

"General Gao." Zhao Yun stepped forward, apologizing.

"General Zhao, there are more than 2,000 soldiers in the front, who have lost a thousand people, and the soldiers in the camp have lost more than 50 people." Gao Shun's expression is not very good. This is definitely the loss of the army since entering the Yizhou battlefield. The most serious one is and the Yizhou army only paid a small price. The reason for all of this is that the situation on the battlefield is not thorough enough to give the enemy an opportunity.

"The enemy's surprise attack this time is the fault of this general. This general will plead guilty in front of King Jin. At present, the most important thing is to gather the soldiers in the army and wait for King Jin to lead the army." Zhao Yun said: " Before, this general was too impatient, otherwise there would be no defeat today."

Zhang Ren clasped his fist and said: "It was not General Zhao's fault. I was ordered to investigate Minghe Mountain, but I didn't find any traces of the enemy army. I would also ask King Jin for sin."

Although Zhang Ren joined Lv Bu not long ago, he felt attached to the Yizhou Army. He felt very good for Zhang Ren in the army. As a fellow junior, Zhao Yun respected him very much. It is also an honor to serve under the monarch's command.

"General Zhao and General Zhang, although the enemy troops retreated, they don't know how many enemy troops there are in Minghe Mountain." Gao Shun reminded.

Zhao Yun commanded: "The army was sent to the camp where it was stationed yesterday."

After the army came to the place where it was stationed last night, it gradually eased from this defeat. The army under King Jin’s account has their pride. They are invincible on the battlefield, but they did not expect it to be invincible. Defeated under Minghe Mountain, this is a great shame for the Jin king's army.

This defeat also made the generals in the army realize that they had indeed underestimated the strength of the enemy forces before. Although the Yizhou army was not an opponent of the King Jin’s army on the front battlefield, they would rely on tactics. Can show even more powerful strength, such as this raid, which caused heavy losses to the vanguard army. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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