Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2049: : It's hard to shake our army

Once the enemy has resourceful people, this situation will change. Although the Yizhou Army is on the defensive side, it has a great advantage, and its own army can only continue to attack Fuguan. attack.

In the disposal of Guanghan City, Liu Bei was improper. If Li Yan led the army to retreat to Guanghan, Liu Bei could dispatch troops and horses to garrison Guanghan City in time, it would be difficult for Pang Tong to break Guanghan. , The road for transporting grain, grass and grain from Hanzhong and Chang'an to Zitong by water will be blocked.

Before Li Yan sent troops, Zhuge Liang had told him, but it was a pity that Li Yan became the school lieutenant Bao Yang of Piliche, and shot and killed Piliche.

Lu Bu said: "Our army is elite, and the vanguard army has items such as fairy mirrors to help. It is still unable to find the enemy's traces. Are the vanguard army scouts all displayed? Usually in front of this king, he prides himself on being an elite person. When it comes to the real battlefield, it's such a performance."

Pang Tong and Guo Jia could feel Lv Bu's anger, and the Chang'an Army marched forward with great success. It was a good time to break Yizhou in one fell swoop. If Yizhou Army was given a chance to breathe, it would surely pay a higher price if it wanted to break Yizhou.

"Master, General Zhao, he..." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu waved his hand and said, "No need to say more, we will make a final conclusion after Minghe Mountain."

After the army arrived at Minghe Mountain, Lu Budang's generals gathered in the army's tent.

The atmosphere in the tent was a bit solemn. In the past, when facing the Yizhou army, the generals in the army were very relaxed, but the two consecutive failures made them feel the crisis of the situation. They saw Yizhou as vulnerable. The army turned out to be tough. Vanguard general Zhao Yun was the leader of the five tiger generals. He rarely failed to lead the army, but suffered two losses in the hands of the Yizhou army.

Zhao Yun went out and said: "The lord, the final general led the front army but failed to win, causing the army lieutenants to lose more than 3,000 people. Please the lord to punish."

"As the deputy general of the army, the final general failed to find out the situation of the enemy in Minghe Mountain. Please punish him." Zhang Ren clasped his fist.

Ju Yi and Gao Shun also pleaded guilty.

The time for Ju Yi and Zhang Ren to join the army was short, but Gao Shun and Zhao Yun were long-known generals under Lu Bu, and Gao Shun was always calm when leading the army. Even Gao Shun was deceived by the enemy. How powerful this opponent has become.

"If you lose in this battle, you should be punished, and more than 3,000 soldiers will bury their bones under the Heshan Mountain. The crime is unforgivable!" Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

The generals in the tent felt tight, and Guo Jia hurriedly said: "Master, the enemy is cunning, and even the vanguard has been damaged. But when the four generals are attacked by the enemy, they can quickly organize the army to resist the enemy. The offense also deserves credit."

The generals in the army interceded.

Zhao Yun and the other four have their heads down, especially Zhao Yun, who has been in the battlefield for many years, but has experienced such a fiasco, which made him feel very ashamed.

"Zhao Yun, as the chief general in the army, led the army to a disadvantage in combat, and the vanguard was severely damaged. He was punished with thirty sticks and fined his army pay for two years. Zhang Ren punished him with thirty sticks and fined his army pay for one year. Gao Shun and Ju For half a year, the military staff will be paid for the punishment, and the stick will be written down for the time being. After the Yizhou is broken, the punishment will be dealt with." Lu Bu said.

"Here." The four said in unison.

"The Yizhou Army is not as weak as you imagined. The Battle of Minghe Mountain was a painful lesson for our army. I hope you can learn from this lesson and you can't relax your vigilance on the battlefield." Lu Bu said.

After everyone dispersed, there was still a lot of discussion. This failure was a big impact for the Chang'an Army. Even Zhao Yun, who was the chief general of the army, was punished. Judging from the situation on the battlefield, this battle, more It's because of the cunning of the enemy.

However, this incident also increased the vigilance of the generals of the various ministries. Even Zhao Yun and other high-ranking generals have been punished. If they make mistakes on the battlefield due to negligence, it is conceivable what kind of punishment will be imposed.

"Zilong, the defeat in this battle is not for you. This king is too impatient." Lu Bu sighed. Not long after the attack on Mianzhu, Zhao Yun was sent to Luoxian to frighten the army in Yizhou. At this time, Lu Bu was in his hands. There were not many soldiers in the Flying Eagles, Shadow Guards, and Black Ice Terrace. Except for the forces left behind in Chang'an, most of them were sent to Luoxian County and Chengdu City.

The terrain of Yizhou is complicated, even if three teams appear on the battlefield, you can't easily detect the enemy's traces.

Zhao Yun clasped his fist and said: "Lord, the defeat of Heming Mountain was caused by the disadvantage of the last general."

"Our army has won too many victories on the Yizhou battlefield. When facing the enemy, the soldiers in the army will inevitably be a little slack. This king said just now to make the generals in the army more vigilant, but The four of you are indeed responsible for this defeat. In the battle against the Yizhou Army, let the soldiers under your command behead the enemy to avenge the dead soldiers." Lu Bu said.

"Here." The four clasped their fists again. This failure was a huge shame for the four, but they would not be depressed because of it. They would teach the enemy a bitter lesson on the battlefield.

"Who did Zilong ever see in the Yizhou army's battle this time?" Lu Bu asked.

"Lord, the enemy general Zhang Fei once said on the battlefield that this was done by Zhuge Liang, a military commander of the Yizhou Army." Zhao Yun said.

Lu Bu nodded slightly. This battle was the first collision between Zhuge Liang's participation in the Yizhou Army and his own army, but it caused heavy losses to his army, but later he will let Zhuge Liang taste the power of his army. "You four After returning home, train the soldiers carefully and wait for the next day. Those who have the task of patrolling the army must not be slack in the slightest."

"Here." The four clasped their fists and bowed before leaving. The failure of this battle was a big blow to the four. The more important thing is whether the morale of the lieutenant soldiers will be improved because of this battle. Lower, the soldiers in the army are their guarantee for greater victory on the Yizhou battlefield.

"Feng Xiao, Shi Yuan, now it seems that Zhuge Liang intends to become famous from this king." Lu Bu smiled.

"My lord, although the Yizhou army has a small victory against Mingheshan, it is difficult to shake our army." Guo Jiadao: "The lord led the army to fight in Yizhou and win many battles. How can the situation of Yizhou be affected by the arrival of one person. "

In terms of strategy, Guo Jia asked himself if he would not lose to anyone, what if the Yizhou army has Zhuge Liang, as a military division of the Chang'an army, he will let Zhuge Liang understand in this battle that the Chang'an army is also an existence that cannot be provoked on the battlefield. Wen Wu is the first, facing a strong opponent, Guo Jia is not to be outdone. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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