Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2070: : 10 wells

The general does not need to be a martial artist, or even a general. Just like Zhou Yu, the commander of the Jiangdong Army today, he is also a literati, but he leads tens of thousands of troops to a decisive battle with the Cao Army. Victory in the wars, then such a leader is a qualified leader.

Zhuge Liang proved his ability with the battle at Heming Mountain. The lieutenant generals were in awe of Zhuge Liang. On one point, even Liu Bei could not compare it at this time.

In the beginning, Liu Bei's prestige in the Yizhou Army was definitely not comparable to Zhuge Liang. However, Liu Bei led the Yizhou Army and experienced many failures on the battlefield. How many soldiers of the Yizhou Army were buried in the battlefield because of the defeat. , If you can survive, no soldier is willing to die on the battlefield.

The decisive battle is heavy for every soldier in the Yizhou army. Why don't they want to win the battlefield? After victory, it means that their hope of survival will be greater, and failure will cause more Soldiers suffered.

Deep down, in fact, the soldiers in the Yizhou army do not want war to come. They are more ordinary people, and they most yearn for a stable life. It is best to stay away from the troubles of war. However, the reality is so cruel. , The war did not stop because of their desire. Even Yizhou, which has always been stable, started constant wars because of Liu Bei's entry.

No matter how cowardly Liu Zhang was in the eyes of the princes, in the eyes of the people of Yizhou, Liu Zhang was a good monarch, because when Liu Zhang served as a pastoralist in Yizhou, he did not bring war to Yizhou, allowing the people to live in stability. Although the soldiers in the army are somewhat weak in combat effectiveness, they are still safe.

Regarding the arrival of Liu Bei, ordinary soldiers and civilians in Yizhou are actually unwelcome. Liu Bei brought the war. Now the war has reached the most critical moment. If Liu Bei fails, it means that Yizhou will be caught in a bigger one. In crisis.

The Yizhou Army has no retreat in this war. They need victory. Only victory can protect everything in front of them. If they fail, it means everything will disappear. The price of failure is not what the current Yizhou Army soldiers are willing to pay. See, and victory can bring them what they want.

When the sky was bright, the two armies came to the battlefield, and the scouts on the battlefield had already continuously transmitted the situation on the battlefield to the hands of their respective main generals. The forces dispatched by the two sides reached 50,000. If one of them does not If you abide by the agreement, it will affect the situation on the battlefield. Through the news from the scouts, Liu Bei is relieved a lot. Lu Bu's army is about 50,000.

As long as the numbers are roughly equal, what remains is the duel between the two armies on the battlefield. Victory depends on the **** battles of lieutenants and soldiers on the battlefield. In such a battle, there is no fluke. If you want to win, you must To pay, the armies of both sides have their own means.

In front of the two armies, Lv Bu used his horse to raise his whip, and appeared in the Chinese army majestic. On Lv Bu's side, there were important generals. With fairy mirrors, Lv Bu's scouts could explore the battlefield more clearly. They don’t need to check the situation on the battlefield from the front. Near the Chinese army, ten simple wells were set up. Ten lieutenants in the army are responsible for investigating the situation on the battlefield. With the help of the mirror, Lu Bu can more quickly control the latest changes in the battlefield. The help of the fairy mirror is of great significance to the decisive battle.

"Lord, our army has the help of the fairy mirror. It is faster to get the situation on the battlefield than the Yizhou army. Even if the enemy army changes, it can respond in time." Pang Tong smiled.

Lu Bu nodded slightly. The role of the fairy mirror was best demonstrated in the decisive battle. The Chinese army must mobilize the army and need to be dispatched according to the changes on the battlefield. If the information of the scouts is not comprehensive, it will affect the command of the Chinese army. Among the own army, there is not only the fairy mirror, but also the scouts on the battlefield will pass the latest situation to the army. This is also the biggest advantage of Lu Bu against the Yizhou army.

Looking at the ten simple wells lined up in the direction of the Chinese army, Guo Jia is also confident, even if the enemy has a continuous crossbow, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, maybe the enemy's continuous crossbow is not there yet. If it is too late to use it, it has already lost its effect, as long as one can exert absolute suppression on the soldiers on the battlefield.

The school lieutenants above the ten simple wells are the most capable school lieutenants. They are often in charge of scouts among the ministries, and they can keep abreast of the situation on the battlefield.

Under Yang Feng's order, the ten well fences began to move in the designated direction. The battlefield of 100,000 people is very large. If ten well fences are gathered together, it is difficult to have a detailed understanding of the battlefield, even if it is scattered. After that, the speed of message delivery was not comparable to that of the Yizhou In this battle, our army will win! "Lv Bu said, Yizhou army has continuous crossbows, and there are also continuous crossbow carts in our own army. The range has reached 150 steps. This type of continuous crossbow carts only need three soldiers to control. Unexpected words on the battlefield can play a huge role.

This battle is of great significance to both parties, and the preparation before the battle is also very important. After the two parties have been put in place, an hour has passed.

In the Yizhou army, Zhuge Liang's expression changed slightly after he received the news from the front scouts. The ten well fences that appeared in the enemy army's army can understand the function of these well fences after a little thought. Lu Bu has a fairy mirror and can Seeing the situation five miles away, this kind of thing poses a great threat to the Yizhou army, which means that it will be easier for Lu Bu to get the situation on the battlefield.

"Kong Ming, if our army can get a fairy mirror, it might be more beneficial to war." Liu Bei sighed. After the advent of the fairy mirror, as long as the princes want to get it, this kind of thing appears on the battlefield and has too much influence. Now, it is easier for the scout to detect the situation in the enemy army, and it will play a greater role in such a decisive battle.

Zhuge Liang said: "Even without a fairy mirror, the Yizhou Army can still win the battlefield."

Seeing Zhuge Liang’s expression full of self-confidence, Liu Bei couldn’t help but feel relieved. When fighting against the enemy, he could not be negligent. From Zhuge Liang, he saw the hope of Yizhou Army’s victory. In this battle, Liu Bei gave With Zhuge Liang's sufficient power, Zhuge Liang could lead the soldiers of the Yizhou Army to victory.

"Kong Ming, if this battle is victorious, Kong Ming will be the prime minister of the great man." Liu Bei said slowly. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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