Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2082: : Breakthrough the enemy's law

Lu Bu smiled and said: "That's the case, but the power of the Yizhou Army's Liannu is still not clear to our army. It should be more cautious."

Guo Jia's mood is also a lot lighter. With his own advantage, the Yizhou Army will fall into a more passive situation. Under such circumstances, the Yizhou Army will expose their hole cards more quickly on such a battlefield. , Which party loses the advantage on the battlefield first, will be at a greater disadvantage, while the one with the advantage can have a greater threat, because the enemy does not know what kind of hole cards it has.

The Yizhou Army has the continuous crossbow, and the Chang'an Army also has the continuous crossbow. It’s just that they don’t understand each other’s range of continuous crossbows. If the Yizhou Army is the first to use their trump cards in this battle, once the Chang’an Army Initiating a more violent offensive, you can imagine the fate of the Yizhou Army.

Not only did the Lien Crossbow Army in the Chang'an Army fail to use it, but even Chen Dao led the Strong Crossbow Army that did not launch an offensive. The Strong Crossbow Army and flying cavalry would be the key to Lu Bu's fatal blow to the enemy.

If cavalry appears on the battlefield in such a battle, it will form an absolute suppression of the enemy, and the strong crossbow army will definitely sweep, especially Chen Dao’s method of training the strong crossbow army is to adapt to the battlefield. There will be more eye-catching performance on the battlefield, and the enemy is destined to only tremble under the attack of the crossbow army.

The situation on the battlefield has fallen into the unfavorable side for the Yizhou Army. As the war progresses, the Yizhou Army will suffer greater losses. No matter whether it is a soldier on either side, they will not give up their advantage on the battlefield, as long as they can Do more damage to the enemy, they will not give up such an opportunity.

After the battle lasted for a whole morning, even the soldiers fighting in the front felt hungry. The battlefield rushed and killed the soldiers, which was a big test for the physical strength of the soldiers. Compared with the Yizhou Army, the Changan Army’s former army was better. Many, they are charging in rotation, so that soldiers can avoid greater fatigue in the course of combat.

The chief generals of both sides are prepared in advance for the duration of this battle. The lieutenants and generals will carry meals. The gap between them on the battlefield is the best opportunity for them to replenish their physical strength.

A soldier of the Yizhou Army swallowed. He saw that the enemy soldiers were eating meat on the battlefield. The jerky was a huge temptation for the hungry soldiers at this time. Compared with the enemy’s jerky, My own rice **** are much worse. There is not only a gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides, but there is still a gap in what to eat. What kind of ideas the soldiers of the Yizhou Army will have in their minds.

The same is fighting the soldiers on the front line. The treatment of the soldiers of the Yizhou Army is obviously much worse. However, although this inequality makes the soldiers of the Yizhou Army a little dissatisfied, it cannot affect the progress of the war.

Some Chang'an army officers sneered after seeing the Yizhou army's food. This situation made the Yizhou army's officers even more angry when they saw it.

However, the combat power transformed from their anger is so fragile to the Chang'an Army's soldiers. The Chang'an Army on the battlefield has already formed an absolute suppression of the Yizhou Army. As long as the fighting can continue, the ultimate defeat must be The generals of the Yizhou Army, at this point, the generals of the Chang'an Army can still see clearly.

After the soldiers of the Yizhou Army were angry, they would also think about why there is such a gap between the soldiers in the army. In terms of wealth, the wealth of Yizhou is famous all over the world.

After supplementing food, it is still the beginning of a cruel battle. The battle will not stop regardless of the victory or defeat.

Lu Bu is not worried about the situation on the battlefield, but Liu Bei is very anxious. If the soldiers of the Yizhou Army fail on the battlefield, it means that he will go into exile. Do you continue to support him like that? Liu Bei still has a relatively deep understanding of the ideas of the Yizhou family.

The aristocratic family supported him in Yizhou because it valued his abilities. Yizhou is a land of wealth. There are very powerful families in it. The aristocratic family does not want their power to be compromised in the upcoming battle. What is most needed If someone can stand up in such a battle, Liu Bei is a very suitable choice. To drive Liu Zhang out of Yizhou and let Liu Bei become the master of Yizhou, it is necessary for Liu Bei to do more in the next battle. If After he fails to meet the requirements of the Yizhou family, the result of his quality will inevitably be eliminated.

The aristocratic family values ​​interests most. Driven by interests, they will do things that will defeat the monarch. For the benefit of the family, the safety of Yizhou is even more trivial to them.

As long as the family can continue in the troubled times, it is worthwhile to the family, and Lu Bu’s cruel approach to the family is an important reason for Liu Bei to gain greater support from the Yizhou family, but the methods are cruel. Is it still that important when facing a life-and-death crisis?

Lu Bu’s methods are cruel, but they can bring security to the family’s safety, allowing the family to survive in troubled times and follow Liu Bei to fight to the end. If Liu Bei fails, where will the family go. At this point, whether it is the family or Liu Bei, All have a clear understanding.

"Kong Ming, now the war is stuck, and our soldiers are at a disadvantage." Liu Beidao, handing over the power of commanding the army to Zhuge Liang, but Liu Bei was deeply worried about the situation on the battlefield.

Zhuge Liang arched his hands and said: "The lord does not need to worry, Liang has found a way to break through the enemy."

"Oh? Kong Ming elaborate on it." Liu Bei was surprised.

"My lord, the enemy is at an advantage on the battlefield today, but our soldiers are still fighting on the battlefield. As long as our army can show the power to destroy the enemy, we can make our soldiers more motivated and defeat the enemy. "Get down." Zhuge Liang said: "There are Thunderbolt cars equipped with heavy fire oil among the enemy forces, which will cause a lot of deterrence to the Lien Crossbow Army. However, the speed of the Thunderbolt cars throwing heavy fire oil is slow, which is the opportunity for the Lien Crossbow Army. After the charge, the Perak car team approached the enemy, and the enemy's Perak car lost its effect on the battlefield."

"The enemy's cavalry can cause huge damage to the crossbow army. The flying cavalry is brave and good at fighting. Although our army has hundreds of cavalry cruising on the battlefield, once it is in battle with the enemy, it is difficult to give it to the enemy. How to use it? It is extremely important that the continuous ballista causes huge damage to the enemy, and it can also make the enemy cavalry pay a heavy price. "If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this public account? V letter search: rdww444 or Hot web articles, let's chat about web articles together~

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