Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2088: : The situation is urgent

Chapter 2088: Emergency Situation (Page 1/1)

Compared with the moving speed of the Ballista on the battlefield, the Thunderbolt is much worse, but after receiving the order, the Thunderbolt rider rushed to the designated location as quickly as possible. Hao Meng was even more so after learning about the situation on the battlefield. Anxious.

Hao Meng hurriedly issued an offensive order as soon as the Thunderbolt car was properly placed. An altar of fierce fire oil was placed on the Thunderbolt car. Unlike the fierce fire oil placed before, these fierce fire oils were all tied together. In this way, it can have greater power on the battlefield.

"Let it go!" Hao Meng ordered with a grim expression.

Groups of black shadows appeared on the top of the continuous ballista. After seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Yizhou army who knew the enemy's fierce fire and oil, scattered one after another. In the previous battle, the front army was attacked by the enemy's thunderbolt. , The loss was heavy, and now this fierce fire offensive has begun again.

The Yizhou sergeants who control the crossbow carts lacked knowledge of the enemy’s thunderbolt and fierce fire oil. When the Yizhou army was fighting with the Chang'an army in Fuguan and Mianzhu, they were training in Yizhou and came to Luoxian. After that, they were basically isolated from other soldiers in the army.

Facing the black shadows falling from above, many soldiers of the Lien Crossbow Army tried their best to dodge.

After the fierce fire oil fell to the ground, a raging flame ignited. The two pools of fierce fire oil were more powerful on the battlefield. The blazing flame caused the unprepared Lien Crossbow Army soldiers to pay a great price. After the violent fire oil is contaminated on the body, it is very difficult to extinguish the violent fire oil, not to mention the repeated crossbow vehicles hit by the heavy fire oil, no matter what efforts the surrounding continuous crossbowmen are doing, want to It is basically impossible to let the fire go out.

Wu Yi's complexion was a little low. As a general in the Yizhou army, he naturally had a certain understanding of fierce fire oil. If it weren't for the defense of the Chang'an army, he would have no fear of death when the enemy's thunderbolt car appeared. Has led the Lien Crossbow Army appeared on the battlefield.

"Go ahead!" Wu Yi ordered, dealing with such a thunderbolt, and after getting close, these thunderbolt cars can lose their role on the battlefield, and there are still a large number of thunderbolt cars in the enemy's army. Cause more damage.

Just when Hao Meng transferred the Perak, the Perak in the Yizhou Army began to attack again, suppressing the offensive of the Chang'an Army’s front army. Blocks of boulders not only caused casualties to the Chang’an Army, but also helped the soldiers in the rear. Moving forward has created certain difficulties.

The elites of the soldiers on both sides are not on the same level at all. Even though the Yizhou Army has shown a tenacious side on the battlefield, they are still suppressed by the Chang'an Army, but the equipment in this battle is reflected. It played a huge role, whether it was a Thunderbolt or a Ballista, their appearance had a huge impact on the situation on the battlefield.

The crossbow carts are coming in the direction of the Thunderbolt at a very fast speed. The soldiers of the Yizhou Army followed the pace of the crossbow army and attacked the Chang'an Army. The advantage that the Chang'an Army had obtained on the battlefield before was The Lien Crossbow Army gradually weakened under the attack.

The fierce fire oil attack did not stop the madness of the Yizhou army generals in the offensive process. They are eager for military exploits. As long as they can kill more enemies in this battle, they can get more credit and make the people behind them. Save the homeland from the war.

Hao Meng's complexion changed drastically after seeing this situation through the fairy mirror. The Thunderbolt was just throwing two rounds of fierce kerosene. The Lian Nujun had already approached a hundred steps under Wu Yi's leadership. If it develops according to the current situation. If it goes down, the Thunderbolt can't cause more damage to the Lienbius, so it has to be in short-term combat with the Lienbius.

In close combat, the Perak army has no combat effectiveness. Their reliance is the Perak car next to them. If there is no robe in front of the enemy to block the enemy, the Perak car will be at an absolute disadvantage in the face of the ballista.

In this situation, Zhao Yun was angry, and Mo Daojun was angry.

The angry flying knights showed extremely strong combat effectiveness. Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, they entered the Yizhou Army with an unstoppable force, and carried out destruction in the formation of the Yizhou Army. The state sergeant fell under the charge of the flying cavalry.

The flying cavalry leaned over on the horse's back, only relying on the great power brought by the war horse when charging, causing damage to the enemy.

"General, the enemy cavalry appeared on the right side of our army." The lieutenant hurried over and said.

Wu Yi sneered: "If these cavalry dared to approach, this general will tell them why the Lien Crossbow Army is so powerful."

The Yizhou army generals who originally wanted to block the places where Feiqi had passed, after seeing the terrifying aspects of Feiqi, they evaded one after another.

"Passing Ling Feiqi, disperse to attack the enemy, and attack towards the enemy's rear." Zhao Yun ordered.

The Lien Crossbow Army is powerful. Even if you haven’t come into contact with it before, there are a large number of Lien Crossbows in the Chang'an Zhao Yun still compares what kind of destructive power the Lien Crossbow can have on the battlefield. clearly.

The Lien Crossbow Army is launching an offensive in the direction of its own Thunderbolt, and this is a great opportunity for the cavalry to charge. Killing the rear of the Ben Lien Crossbow Army can cause even greater troubles to the Lien Crossbow Army. There is no denying the existence of the Lien Crossbow Army. It will cause great damage to the cavalry, but relying on the powerful impact of the cavalry and the lethal ability on the battlefield, avoid these ballistas in the enemy's formation without the slightest psychological obstacle. Anyway, the horses charge on the battlefield. At that time, the lives of enemy soldiers were taken away.

At this time, Zhang Fei was surrounded by only more than three hundred cavalrymen. Originally there were nearly 800 cavalrymen. After just half an hour of confrontation, they lost most of them. At this time, there are still more than two hundred cavalrymen on the battlefield. With the cooperation of the Mo Dao Army, the cavalry of the Yizhou Army was completely in a passive situation. If it were not for Zhang Fei's great prestige after the cavalry, the cavalry might have chosen to escape at this time.

No matter what kind of army it is, when they see no hope of victory on the battlefield, they are most likely to flee, and the cavalry of the Yizhou Army has lost most of it on such a battlefield. This is for an army. It is extremely cruel.

The battle between the cavalry is still going on, but Zhang Fei commanded the cavalry to entangle the flying cavalry and drag the enemy cavalry for a longer period of time, which can provide more combat opportunities for the Lien Crossbow Army and cause greater damage to the Chang'an Army. harm.

Zhao Yun led the flying cavalry and finally broke through the siege of the Yizhou army and launched a charge towards the Lien Crossbow Army not far away. Under the leadership, he launched a charge without hesitation.

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