Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2093: : The time has come to teach the enemy a lesson

To judge the enemy’s movements is faster than just relying on scouts in the past, and it is of great significance to the commanding generals. In such an engagement, if you respond in advance, you will occupy the battlefield. The first opportunity.

The flying cavalry is powerful. In the previous battles, the generals of the Yizhou army seemed to have a deep experience again. If possible, they are unwilling to face the flying cavalry again on the battlefield. When the infantry is against the cavalry, With too much weakness, even a soldier with armor protection on his body can hardly be protected under the charge of the cavalry.

The Yizhou Army, which has not experienced war in the past, can see the cruelty of war on the battlefield today, especially the cavalry suppressing the infantry on the battlefield.

The superiority of the cavalry made Zhao Yun led Feiqi to quickly open a hole in the Yizhou Army, and their goal was the Lien Crossbow Army. Great damage can prevent more soldiers from dying on the battlefield. It was only because of the Yizhou cavalry that two thousand soldiers of the Chang’an Army were killed on the battlefield. Such a speed of killing shocked Zhao Yun. If the crossbow army had more time, wouldn't it be able to sweep the Chang'an army?

The crossbow car, which was retreating in a hurry, encountered Feiqi. Facing the soldiers who controlled the crossbow car, Feiqi did not hesitate to show the scimitar in his hand, and a famous crossbowman died on the battlefield. .

There is no mercy on such a battlefield. Only when the enemy is completely dead can they feel at ease.

When the soldiers of the Yizhou Army faced the flying cavalry again, they had to step forward. The order that their generals received before they set off was to do their best to cooperate with Wu Yi on the battlefield, even if a soldier was destroyed. After receiving this order, the officers and men of the various divisions looked at Wu Yi obviously differently. It was hard for them to imagine that Wu Yi, who was not well-known in the army before, suddenly had such a high status.

Such an order came from the commander in the army, and the generals of the Yizhou Army naturally did not dare to violate the slightest. Seeing the Lien Crossbow Army suffered heavy casualties under the hooves of the flying horses, the generals of the Yizhou Army rushed forward desperately.

After finally getting rid of the entanglement between Feiqi and the bed crossbow, Wu Yi let out a sigh of relief, the situation just now was too thrilling.

After seeing the situation of the former army, Lu Bu's expression was a little low. How miserable his soldiers were under the attack of the Lien Crossbow Army before. Lü Bu saw it with his own eyes and estimated the number of continuous ballistas in the Yizhou Army. Mistakes led to no more correct judgments about the situation on the battlefield.

Through this battle, Lu Bu also saw the new killer ballista on the battlefield. As long as the ballista kept moving on the battlefield, it could cause constant damage to the enemy. The lethality and the efficiency of killing the enemy are amazing.

"It was the enemy's continuous ballista raging in our army, and now it's time for our army's strong crossbow forces and continuous ballistas to teach the enemy a lesson." Lu Bu said slowly, the Yizhou Army's continuous ballista. It’s terrible. Lu Bu admits this. If he didn’t get the news of the continuous ballista before, if he encountered the enemy’s continuous ballista on the battlefield, he would even send a continuous ballista and a strong crossbow army to suppress the enemy. After the attack, I am afraid that there will be very little left of these two armies.

Chen Dao's position is on the right side of the army. There are two hundred continuous ballistas in the strong crossbow army. This is also an important basis for Chen Dao's charge. The continuous ballista can shoot eight crossbow arrows continuously on the battlefield. Hundreds of continuous ballistas also means that just a continuous ballista can pour one thousand and six hundred crossbow arrows at the enemy. Under the power of one thousand and six hundred crossbows, no matter how strong the enemy’s defense is. , There will be omissions, and the strong crossbow army that follows is the real killing on the battlefield.

On such a decisive battlefield, the Crossbow Army cannot act as a forward to cause huge damage to the enemy when charging. Chen Dao still feels rather regretful. Among the strength of this decisive battle, the Strong Crossbow Army alone has eight thousand. In general, the fighting method of the strong crossbow army is definitely a sweeping trend against the enemy.

After receiving Lu Bu's order, Chen Dao shouted: "Strong crossbow army, dispatch!"

The soldiers in front of the Crossbow Army slowly stepped out of the way, and when they were sixty steps away from the ground where the two fighting parties were fighting, Chen Dao gave an order, and the soldiers armed with the crossbow quickly deployed their formation. The soldiers with the closest range, the powerful crossbow in their hands can cause damage to the enemy within a distance of 110 steps.

The battle on the west side of the battlefield is proceeding intensively. Different from the tension of the Chinese army and the east side, the war on the west side is in a stalemate. Wu Ban, who commanded the Yizhou army, is quite satisfied with the current situation. As long as they can contain the enemy, with Zhuge Liang’s means, they will definitely be able to cause more damage to the enemy Since the beginning of the engagement, Wu Ban was still extremely worried about the situation on the battlefield. They faced What kind of army it is, Wu Ban still knows very well. If the enemy is given a chance on the battlefield, it will bring heavy losses. There is no need to consider this point.

The soldiers under King Jin’s tent were brave and good at fighting, and they had proved the horror of the Chang'an Army in previous battles in Yizhou.

Even if there was no tense situation in the war on the west side, Wu Ban felt the tremendous pressure. The soldiers of the Chang'an Army were more powerful than the Yizhou Army. Often the death of two Yizhou sergeants might be exchanged. Just the death of a soldier of the Chang'an Army, what worries Wu Ban the most is that there are thousands of flying knights not far from them, and the thousands of flying knights are Li Yan, the deputy commander of the flying knights.

Li Yan wandered on the battlefield. The enemy cavalry was placed on the east side, which made Li Yan feel a little idle. The biggest role of the flying cavalry at this time was to deter the enemy and make it difficult for the enemy to exert normal combat effectiveness. The flying knights under Li Yan did not take action in this battle, but their influence on the battlefield cannot be underestimated. The soldiers of the Yizhou Army who are fighting should always pay attention to the situation of the flying knights. After riding into the battlefield, Wu Ban knows how much damage the Yizhou Army will cause.

Among the Yizhou Army on the west side, the means to resist the cavalry is to rely on the pikemen and archers. As long as the flying cavalry is close to them, there will definitely be a one-sided situation.

The military order is like a mountain, and this is the order Wu Ban received. He has no way. If possible, Wu Ban would rather stay in the direction of the Chinese army than patrol the soldiers with flying knights around him. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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