Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2096: : Never expected

However, victory in this battle is destined to be very difficult. In this regard, Zhuge Liang still has a clear understanding. The elite soldiers under Lu Bu can tell from the situation on the battlefield that when the enemy is fighting, they can To describe it as being fierce and not afraid of death, most of the soldiers in the army are like this, which shocked Zhuge Liang a lot.

"Military officer, the big thing is not good." A general came over on his horse, pale and shouted.

After seeing the situation, the soldiers along the way turned their eyes to the scouts who passed the news. Their expressions were full of doubts. Now that their soldiers have just taken advantage of the battlefield, the scouts have reported bad news about major events, and they will eventually let them. Feeling uneasy.

Today, on the battlefield where the two sides are fighting, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army have an absolute advantage in the front of the Chinese army. This is also the proud place of the Yizhou Army’s generals. It can let the world-famous Chang'an Army be in the hands of their own soldiers. The offensive was at a disadvantage, and the Yizhou army won the victory.

Of course, this is only the thought of the Chinese army towards the former army generals. If you shift your gaze to the west, no matter what Yizhou army generals see when they see the situation here, I believe they can only be shocked. Under the enemy’s attack, the state army soldiers were retreating steadily. There was even a one-sided situation on the battlefield. If the soldiers of the Lien Crossbow Army were here, they would find that in front of the enemy army, they were like continuous ballistas. Although the continuous ballista is inferior to the Yizhou Army in range, it is more than enough to deal with the soldiers of the Yizhou Army.

"What's going on ahead, tell me carefully." Zhuge Liang said with a deep face, his eyes full of killing intent when he looked at the scout, and he yelled like this near the Chinese army. What will the soldiers of the army have after hearing this? In this way, no matter what changes have taken place in the battle ahead, as a scout, you must put the feelings of the lieutenant soldiers first, and you should not affect an army because of your personal emotions.

The general was also aware of his failure, but the situation on the battlefield was absolutely terrifying for the Yizhou Army.

"Military division, there has been an enemy crossbow army on the western battlefield. Under the attack of the crossbow army, our army can't stop it. Today, more than two thousand soldiers have died!" the general hurriedly said.

Zhuge Liang's face paled when he heard the words, and he coldly snorted: "It's just the enemy's crossbow army. What's so terrible? The shield soldiers are told to step forward and block the pace of the crossbow army. Wu Yi is told to continue the raid. There must be no mistake in the enemy's middle army."

"Military officer, the shield soldiers on the right battlefield have rushed forward, but the results are not very good. Half of the shield soldiers have been damaged. The shields in their hands can hardly stop the enemy's crossbow arrows. "The general said.

Liu Bei said: "Impossible, the shield soldiers of our army retreated from the battlefields of Fuguan and Mianzhu. In the battlefields of Fuguan and Mianzhu, the enemy's crossbows could not penetrate the shield at all."

"My lord, it was not the crossbow arrows of the strong crossbow army that caused heavy casualties to the shield soldiers, but there were also ballistas among the enemy troops. After these ballistas arrived on the battlefield, they could continuously shoot out crossbow arrows, causing huge casualties to the shields. "The general said.

Zhuge Liang’s heart was shaken. The continuous ballista was the absolute secret of the Yizhou army, and it was used as a means of miraculous victory for Zhuge Liang. Unexpectedly, there was also a situation in which the continuous ballista appeared in the enemy army. In detail."

After hearing the general's familiarity, Zhuge Liang had a bad feeling.

During the decisive battle between the two armies, the Chang'an Army had too many places to watch out for. First of all, the enemy’s cavalry. The cavalry on the east was restrained by the cavalry led by Zhang Fei. On the battlefield on the west, it relied on infantry to block the enemy. The cavalry of the army, Zhuge Liang believes that the enemy's cavalry will not be dispatched easily. These cavalry are one of the important means for Lü Bu to win the final victory. When they were initially on the battlefield, they were more of a shock to their own army.

The second is the elite of the Changna army. Whether they are trapped in the camp, the first ascending the dead, the Euphorbia, or the Modao Army, they are extremely powerful on the battlefield. The emergence of the Modao Army makes the Yizhou Army cavalry pay. At a heavy price, the other three teams, as long as they appear on the battlefield, must be unstoppable. They can influence the direction of the war to a certain extent. Such elites are terrible.

Zhuge Liang is equally afraid of these elites. In the Yizhou Army, there are two elite infantry, the white-eared elite soldiers and the heavy armored soldiers. It would be a big problem to completely block the four elites. Zhuge Liang’s response method was to rely on the breakthrough of the Lien Crossbow Army. If you are prestigious on the battlefield, even the elite of the enemy will be difficult to stop. Otherwise, can you still call it the killer of the Yizhou It can be seen from the situation of the Euphorbia on the battlefield, this It is the elite of the Chang'an Army. When facing the Lien Crossbow Army on the battlefield, they retreat steadily and almost fell on the battlefield. This is the absolute power that the Lien Crossbow Army brings on the battlefield.

There is another elite enemy army that worries Zhuge Liang the most. It is the enemy's crossbow army. The crossbow army led by Chen Dao has received special attention from Zhuge Liang. If Chen Dao learns of this situation , How would you feel.

In Zhuge Liang’s view, the strongest crossbow army that can cause the greatest injury to the arrows of the Yizhou army is the Strong Crossbow Army. The same is true in ability.

So Zhuge Liang ordered the craftsmen in the army to build a huge shield overnight to defend against the enemy's crossbow arrows.

Unexpectedly, there were continuous ballistas in the enemy army. The enemy's continuous ballistas were the one that hit Zhuge Liang the most. What he was sure was that Lu Bu had already built it in front of Yizhou. The ballista was only used when fighting against the Yizhou Army.

"Tell our soldiers to stop the enemy's Liannu at all costs." Zhuge Liang ordered.

After the messenger rushed to the battlefield, Zhuge Liang turned his attention to the general who had just passed the order and said: "Speaking of the situation of the enemy's ballista in detail, don't have the slightest omission."

After listening to the situation on the battlefield, not only Zhuge Liang, but also Liu Bei's face was as deep as water. The Yizhou army relied on the most method, and now it has become a joke in front of the enemy. It is clear that there is the existence of Liannu in the enemy. , It’s just that in the previous battle, the Yizhou Army didn’t let the enemy come out with Liannu’s strength. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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