Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2114: : Fierce Battle

Chapter 2114: Fierce battle (seeking subscription) (Page 1/1)

The war will not stop because of the low morale of the Yizhou army cavalry. This is a life-and-death contest.

Although Zhang Fei's heart was furious, facing the situation on the battlefield, he had no better way. He couldn't blame the soldiers in the army, because these cavalry soldiers followed him for a long time. It was extremely brave, but the enemy they were facing was too strong, even Zhang Fei himself did not have enough confidence, let alone the cavalry below.

Lu Bu kicked the Chituma lightly and killed him in Zhang Fei's direction. The Zhangba Snake Spear was in his hand, which had a great influence in Feiqi. A fierce general like Zhang Fei was facing Feiqi. At that time, it was completely sweeping.

Lu Bu's killing made Zhang Fei's heart sink. He knew that this would eventually be the result on the battlefield, and Lu Bu would not allow him to be presumptuous on the battlefield.

In fact, when the two cavalry were fighting, Zhang Fei could lead the cavalry to leave, but he did not do so. As a military commander, he has his own pride. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, Zhang Fei’s view is not Should choose to retreat, how strong the enemy can be, what he wants is to kill more powerful enemies on the battlefield.

When the cavalry on both sides saw their main generals slaying, they consciously stepped aside from the battlefield. The Yizhou army cavalry, who followed Zhang Da's choice to surrender next to him, set their sights on the place where the two generals were fighting.

Zhang Fei is an absolute warrior in the Yizhou army and has a high status in the army. This is why only a small part of the cavalry followed Zhang Da and chose to surrender. If the commander of the cavalry on the battlefield is replaced by someone else, I am afraid A different situation happened.

Zhang Fei is a fierce general of the Yizhou Army, and Lu Bu is the most famous general in the world. Many cavalry are still looking forward to the fight between the two. It is foreseeable that if Zhang Fei is in this battle, If they lose, many cavalry will directly give up resistance.

Zhang Fei, who came to kill Zhang Fei with a horse, is gradually improving. He knows that he has no other options. Lu Bu chooses to stay on the battlefield and will not give him the opportunity to leave easily. For the retreat of the Chinese army, even if it is What if he died on the battlefield, he did not regret that he had followed Liu Bei at first.

The three brothers have been on the battlefield for many years, and now they are defeated in Yizhou.

Zhangba's snake spear shook, and Zhang Fei burst out with a shout, stab Lu Bu, the sound of the snake spear tearing the air, particularly ear-piercing.

With a wave of the painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand, he firmly held Zhang Fei's snake spear, and the two peerless generals cast their eyes on each other.

Zhang Fei’s favorite thing is to fight head-to-head on the battlefield. Only this kind of battle can make Zhang Fei feel happy. Although the snake spear is a spear-like weapon, Zhang Fei is taking the road of opening and closing. It's not that Zhang Fei's knowledge of spear technique is not high, Zhang Fei's moves with snake spear are extremely exquisite, but in Zhang Fei's view, problems that can be solved with strength need something else.

When fighting against Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei felt helpless. Zhao Yun's marksmanship was endless, giving people a sense of endlessness. It was difficult to break through, and Zhao Yun's marksmanship was strong and invincible, Zhang Fei doesn't like to fight against such generals, what he yearns for is a duel in power.

Lu Bu's halberd painting style is short and clear. With Lu Bu's strength, he can win faster on the battlefield.

The snake spear collided with the painted halberd, splashing a little spark, but saw that the painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand moved again and took Zhang Fei's throat straight.

"Good come!" Zhang Fei shouted, the snake spear faced the painted halberd, and the two weapons collided in one place.

In addition to excitement, Zhang Fei’s expressions were dignified. Although the fight between the two was short, the power transmitted through the snake spear caused Zhang Fei’s heart to sink. From the previous fight, he could feel By the time Lu Bu's strength was strong, Zhang Fei had already used 90% of his strength, and from Lu Bu's look, he could tell that Lu Bu hadn't exhausted all his strength.

At the beginning, Lu Bu was outside the mutual barriers, just by drawing a halberd to fight him, Guan Yu and Liu Bei. Now facing him alone, Zhang Fei believes that Lu Bu has many methods that he has not used.

It was enough for Zhang Fei to be able to stop Lu Bu's pace on the battlefield. Zhao Yun led the cavalry chase and Lu Bu led the cavalry chase. Zhao Yun was the first of the five tiger generals in the Chang'an army, and Lu Bu was Chang'an. The commander of the army.

Zhang Fei thinks it is worthwhile to delay Lu Bu's offensive, even if he is killed on the battlefield.

In all fairness, Zhang Fei is a respectable general. Although his temper is slightly irritable, he will not hide in front of other people. What is important is what to say, such a person with upright personality, although not Liked by other people, he is a real military commander.

Compared with Zhang Fei, Liu Bei and Guan Yu seem to be inadequate. Liu Bei now wants to make use of tactics and Guan Yu's moves on the battlefield are determined. Such people are not good. Get along with the generation.

Guan Yu’s sword technique emphasizes surprises. On the battlefield, it is more of a sneak attack. With the weight of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, it can indeed have a very good effect when the enemy is caught off guard. If such a general is in After being suppressed by the enemy on the battlefield, it is basically impossible to kill the enemy again.

However, Zhang Fei has superb martial arts and powerful strength. When fighting the enemy, he appears more fierce, and the methods used are also upright. This is also where Lu Bu appreciates Zhang Fei.

In a blink of an eye, the two fought for more than ten times, and Zhang Fei could clearly feel that the strength from Lu Bu's halberd was getting heavier and heavier. This gave Zhang Fei a sense of trepidation. For Guan Yu, Zhang Fei would not fall under the wind, but when facing Lu Bu, he was under too much pressure.

Not only because of Lu Bu's name, but because of Lu Bu's power.

If the enemy on the battlefield is replaced by Cao Jun, Zhang Fei dared to directly lead the cavalry to attack the enemy army.

Zhang Fei let out a low cry, the spear swung open the halberd, and then took Lu Bu's chest at an extremely sharp speed.

This is the biggest threat Zhang Fei has posed to Lu Bu since the fight, but he came first after seeing Lu Bu's halberd painting, blocking the snake spear. "Yingde's martial arts has made considerable progress."

Zhang Fei's complexion was low and low, and his ultimate move was so easily blocked by Lu Bu. In the past, when facing the enemy, this move was able to kill many enemy generals.

But who is Lu Bu? He has experienced too many wars and faced too many generals.

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