Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2122: : Liu Bei is worried

With such a terrain, Zhou Cang was absolutely confident that he could stop the enemy cavalry from chasing.

"General, the enemy's cavalry appeared." The deputy said in a low voice, as if raising the voice would alarm the flying cavalry who was approaching. "

"The soldiers in the Chuanling Army are ready to teach them a severe lesson if the enemy arrives." Zhou Cang ordered.

Perhaps it is because of the advantage in terrain. When facing the upcoming flying knight, the soldiers in the Yizhou army did not have the fear before. The archer even took out the arrow and placed it on the bowstring, waiting for the enemy. After the army approached, it gave the enemy a fatal blow.

Lü Bu led the flying cavalry rumbled over. At a place two arrows away from the ambush of Zhou Cang and the others, Lü Bu gave an order, and the flying cavalry stopped his progress. More than five hundred cavalry stood quietly on the battlefield, occasionally Only the snoring of war horses can be heard.

Dian Weice immediately shouted: "Listen to the Yizhou army ahead, you are waiting here in ambush. I really think that King Jin has nothing to prepare, so he quickly put down his weapons and walked out. King Jin will not be blamed. If you stubbornly resist, it will be a dead end!"

The energetic voice kept echoing. Zhou Cang's expression changed drastically after hearing Dian Wei's shout. The Yizhou army was lying in ambush here. Although it was in a hurry, Feiqi must have been even more in pursuit of his own soldiers. In a hurry, what he didn't expect was that the enemy could still be able to control the situation on the battlefield under such circumstances. This ability was enough to shock Zhou Cang.

If the same thing were put on Zhou Cang's body, when facing the enemy's embarrassment and fleeing, he would definitely chase and kill him directly.

When the two armies are fighting, the role of scouts is extremely important. The reason why Lu Bu can get news of the enemy on the battlefield is inseparable from the role of scouts. The cavalry in the army is scouts on the battlefield in the face of the army, and in secret, Flying eagles, black ice platform, and shadow guards are all scouts on the battlefield. They can inquire about the situation on the battlefield in time to facilitate the master's judgment on the situation on the battlefield. The role of such scouts in a war is huge.

Liu Bei also understands the importance of scouts, but the combat effectiveness of the Yizhou cavalry determines what kind of news they will provide to the army on the battlefield.

"General, what should I do?" the lieutenant asked in a low voice.

Zhou Cang said in a low voice, "Don't care about the enemy. As long as the king of Hanzhong and the others lead the army to leave, I will complete the task. chance."

"The general is wise." The lieutenant complimented that the battlefield at this time is indeed not suitable for escape. The Yizhou army is full of infantry. In the face of the cavalry's charge, the obstacle of the infantry is so ridiculous.

"The soldiers in the Chuanling Army are on guard and don't give the enemy a chance." Zhou Cang said.

Following Guan Yu's side for many years, Zhou Cang still has some experience in leading the battle. On the battlefield at this time, only by making more use of the advantages of the terrain can it be possible to block the enemy's pursuit. Zhou Cang was surprised to find his own trail, but Zhou Cang was also shocked by the speed at which these cavalry pursued. Wu Ban led his infantry to resist the chase of the cavalry. There were quite a few heavy cavalry in Wu Ban’s team. In such a short time, the army led by Wu Ban was defeated by Feiqi.

As for the real situation on the battlefield, it is naturally not something Zhou Cang can consider at this time. What he needs to do is to block the enemy while protecting the lieutenants of the army to a greater extent.

Seeing that there was no movement from the enemy, Dian Wei called out again.

Lü Buce immediately looked at the mountains that were gradually shrouded in darkness. He felt a little helpless. His cavalry chased him. It seemed that he could only reach this point. If the elite infantry in the army could reach the battlefield faster, surely Can cause more damage to the enemy.

Knowing that Lu Bu led the cavalry to leave, Zhou Cang still did not dare to retreat easily, but the cavalry led by Lu Bu would definitely cost him a heavy price if he turned to chase.

After Lu Bu led the cavalry to leave, he did let Dianwei lead two hundred cavalry to lie in ambush not far away. If the enemy forces withdrew, he could catch up immediately.

In the Yizhou Army, Liu Bei has only more than 300 soldiers by his side. This is the last force that the Yizhou Army can mobilize, and these more than 300 people must protect Liu Bei and ensure Liu Bei’s safety. This battle is for Yizhou. It was cruel to the army. The fifty thousand troops who fought were the elite of the Yizhou army, but they suffered such severe losses in this battle.

The performance of the Chang'an Army on the battlefield was too crazy. The failure of the Yizhou Army meant that Liu Bei would lose more things. This situation was the last thing Liu Bei wanted to see.

As Luo County is getting closer and closer, Liu Bei's mood is not at all relaxed. Zhuge Liang analyzes that he feels more and more reasonable. There are tens of thousands of defenders in Luo County. If the defenders learn about the situation on the battlefield, they will definitely be. Dispatch elite soldiers to help out to welcome the army into the city, but this time the guards Feng Xi and Fan Jiang of Luoxian County are too abnormal.

Feng Xi is a well-known general in the Yizhou army, and Fan Jiang is Zhang Fei’s lieutenant general. In Liu Bei’s view, it is impossible for Fan Jiang to betray the Yizhou army. In the past, Fan Jiang was a famous figure in the army. , As Zhang Fei's lieutenant, when walking in the army, he is also an extremely powerful figure.

However, after the situation on the battlefield reached the point where it is now, Liu Bei is skeptical of everything. When the battle is defeated, any situation is possible. If Fan Jiang and Feng Xi take refuge in the enemy, it means that they have cut off from going to Luo. County roads.

"Kong Ming, in your opinion, would the aristocratic family in Luoxian take refuge in King Jin at such a time? After all, the king Jin treated the aristocratic family very cruelly." Liu Bei asked in a low voice. After all, this matter is important. If the ordinary soldiers knew about it, it would definitely cause a lot of turmoil.

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment and said: "Lord, although Lu Bu's treatment of the family is cruel, but under such circumstances, the family cannot guarantee that they will not take risks. The failure of the Yizhou army definitely makes the Yizhou family feel the crisis of the matter, not just Luo. In the county, I am afraid that many families in Chengdu have secretly surrendered to Lu Bu, so it is the most unwise to go to Luoxian, but as long as the soldiers and horses in Luoxian come out of the city, it means that Luoxian has no problem for the time being. "

No matter what choices the generals in the army and the families in the city will have when the Yizhou Army is defeated, Liu Bei is the chief general in the army. This cannot be changed. As long as Liu Bei appears in the army, before Feng Xi and Fan Jiang All of the decisions will be useless, of course, it is Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei's guess now. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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