Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2127: :The Choice of Family in Luoxian County (Part 1)

The Yizhou Army is far from the Chang'an Army in combat effectiveness. If the war goes on in this way, the Yizhou Army will definitely lose in the end.

What worries the family that tends to Liu Bei the most is that the Yizhou Army has not dispatched all the elites of the Chang'an Army in this battle, that is to say, if the elites of the Chang'an Army are dispatched in the ensuing battle. In the Yizhou army, there will be an invincible scene. An elite force plays a huge role in such a decisive battle, and it can break the stalemate on the battlefield.

Many aristocratic families have made choices under such circumstances. Whether it is equipment or military strength, the Yizhou Army is at a disadvantage today. If you make a choice as soon as possible, there will be more benefits for the family. If the Yizhou Army fails to make a choice, you will get fewer things, and the time before and after may not be too long, but it will have a far-reaching impact on the family.

But all the heads of the aristocratic family are shrewd people. They don't want the power of the family to suffer too much in this battle. If this is the case, it makes sense to make a choice.

The Li family made the choice when the Yizhou Army was completely suppressed. The Yizhou Army has the Lien Crossbow Army's trump card. The family of Luoxian knows this situation, let alone Lu Bu. The news is still there. After the Yizhou army was dispatched, it was disseminated from Lu Bu's population, and its intention was obvious, and it was to allow the family to make a choice at the most critical moment.

The aristocratic family does not want to use it for others in this battle, nor do they want to be wiped out in this battle. As long as it is a family, they all think that the power of the family can be stronger. At this point, they have a common idea. of.

At this time, Liu Bei didn’t know that the fighting situation of the Yizhou army had already affected the decision of the family of Luoxian. Even Zhuge Liang didn’t expect that the forces under Lu Bu would be so rampant. He directly sneaked into Luoxian to win over the family. If Zhuge Liang was in If the time in Luo County is longer, it will definitely be able to detect it.

But since Zhuge Liang entered Luo County, he was preparing for a decisive battle with the Chang'an Army. The Battle of Minghe Mountain greatly improved the morale of the Yizhou Army, and at the same time made the family of Luoxian County have a greater impact on the Yizhou Army. Zhuge Liang believes that under such circumstances, the family will definitely have a wise choice.

In fact, the aristocratic family in Luo County would not be inclined to Lu Bu in this battle, so Zhuge Liang was satisfied. He needed the victory of this battle to stabilize Liu Bei's position in Yizhou. Only victory can let Liu Bei gain more. The loser on the battlefield will not benefit.

However, after the Liannujun took action, Zhuge Liang realized that something was wrong. Judging from the response of the Chang'an Army, it was clear that there was a certain precaution against the Yizhou Army's own crossbow carts. In this case, I want to be in this battle. Victory is even more difficult, and Zhuge Liang has no other choice. Once this battle is started, there is no retreat. Only by continuing to fight and winning can Yizhou be stabilized and the lost city can be captured. For Lian Nujun Zhuge Liang was confident that he believed that the Liannu Army would help the Yizhou Army defeat the Chang'an Army in this battle.

When the Lien Crossbow Army was dispatched to set off a **** storm on the battlefield and blocked the Chang’an Army, and the Chang’an Army’s Strong Crossbow Army and Lien Crossbow Carriage battled to form a one-sided suppression on the battlefield, the family of Luo County had lost confidence in Liu Bei. Although Liu Bei's greatest reliance in this battle caused considerable losses to the Chang'an Army, it did not affect the ultimate direction of the war.

The Huang family made a choice at this time. The three families had already made a choice before the end of the war. It can be seen that they had no hope of Liu Bei's victory in this battle.

After Zhao Shu, Wang Yue, and Qin Yan exchanged the news, they were overjoyed. The Zhang family, Huang family and Li family’s refuge means that their actions have more than 60% chances of success. This is not a small chance of success. If you plan properly, you can control the army without paying too much.

Zhang’s family advocate Tao came out trembling with the help of the maid, which surprised many people in the Zhang family. Since Liu Bei entered Luoxian, Zhang Tao has been ill in bed, and has not agreed to anyone’s request. Liu Bei even sent officials to express his condolences, which shows the influence of the Zhang family in the military.

Now that they saw the Patriarch appearing, the members of the Zhang family hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"Tell Li Hui, the Patriarch of the Li Family, that Huang Xiao, Patriarch of the Huang Family, come to Zhang Family." Zhang Tao said slowly.

The people of the Zhang family dare not neglect after receiving orders. Although Zhang Tao is old, he has an immeasurable influence in the Zhang family. Even though the contemporary family advocates respectfulness when facing Zhang Tao, whenever there is a big event When it happens, it is even more important to follow Zhang Tao's opinions.

Yizhou also has Zhang family However, the main power of Zhang family is in Luoxian. This is also the reason why the Huang family and Li family, who have greater influence in Chengdu, are jealous of Zhang family.

Luo County is the most important city in Guanghan County and a barrier to Chengdu City. No one dares to ignore the views of the most powerful family in Luo County, especially the old Patriarch of the Zhang family who invited the Li family and the Huang family to the family under such circumstances. Among them, it is even more intriguing.

The movement of the Zhang family is hidden. The generals in the army and the officials in the city are most concerned about the battle between the Yizhou army and the Chang'an army on the battlefield. The news from the battlefield is not good for the Yizhou army. Let the generals in the army give up because of this. When the Lien Crossbow Army was dispatched, after all, it caused serious damage to the Chang'an Army. Although the Lien Crossbow Army was temporarily suppressed by the enemy on the battlefield, if there is a chance, let the Lien Crossbow Army resume. Active on the battlefield, the Yizhou Army still has the hope of winning.

There are not a few generals in the army who have such thoughts. Regardless of whether they have a family figure behind them, in the war concerning the fate of Yizhou, they still hope that the Yizhou army can win.

After taking refuge in Lu Bu, although the lives of the lieutenant generals have been preserved, the generals in the army have to start from scratch after taking refuge. This is unacceptable for many generals in the army. They are unwilling to take refuge in the enemy, to a large extent. For this reason, anyone who can become a general in the army is a person with a certain status and status. Starting from the beginning, the hardship can be imagined. For ordinary soldiers, relying on the enemy to ensure their lives is guaranteed. It is extremely cost-effective, and they even hope that the Lord will be able to make such a decision at a critical moment, so that they don't need to work hard. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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