Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2142: : Imprisoned family

Ordinary people are most worried about the coming of war. Once the war comes, it means that they are likely to be displaced. What the people need is a stable life.

The same is true for the soldiers in the army. They have great expectations for the victory of this war. In their view, the Yizhou Army can win the battlefield. The victory of Mingheshan will let the soldiers in the army. Encouraged, they saw the hope of Yizhou Army's victory from Zhuge Liang. Who could have imagined that Yizhou Army was defeated. In the most important war, Yizhou Army failed. Liu Bei lost more than 60,000 yuan. Among the elite of the Yizhou army, there is also the confidence of the soldiers in Chengdu.

They are already a little disappointed with Liu Bei. Even if the same thing is applied to anyone, what could be more terrifying than failure? The aristocratic family in Yizhou don’t want to see failure. Their interests are only stable. Yizhou can bring them, but now, they can no longer see any hope from Liu Bei.

The hearts of the family are floating, and Guan Yu’s heart is also very heavy. The Yizhou army is destroyed on the battlefield, and it is difficult to defeat the enemy with the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the city. How powerful is the Chang'an army on the battlefield and has a city. Benefits are nothing to them. The battlefields in Fuguan and Mianzhu illustrate this point very well. Otherwise, the Yizhou army would not choose to fight against Lu Bu at such a time, and Liu Bei was also forced to fight. There is no way, if there are other better ways, Liu Bei would not choose to use a decisive battle to solve the problem.

A decisive battle means that as long as he fails, he will lose everything in front of him. It took Liu Bei to have the current power after years of hard work. He was naturally unwilling to lose like this. However, when facing the Chang'an Army on the battlefield, The Yizhou Army didn't have much chance of winning at all, and the final reliance was also ruthlessly crushed by Lu Bu on the battlefield.

After receiving news of Liu Bei's failure, Guan Yu was about to summon the heads of important families in the city in the Zhou Mufu. After the defeat, he knew that the Yizhou families would definitely have more ideas. This kind of thing is inevitable, as now Chengdu The main general in the city, what he has to do is to give Liu Bei a retreat, facing the Chang'an Army under Lu Bu's command, and get a chance to breathe.

The city of Chengdu is the prefecture of Yizhou. After continuous repairs by Liu Yan and Liu Zhang, the height of the city has reached six feet, with eight gates and the moat surrounding the city. The defending army, even if there are a hundred thousand army, can not break the city overnight, Guan Yu still has this confidence.

However, if you want to defend and live in the city, the most important thing is that the family in the city can continue to support Liu Bei. Guan Yu understands that it is difficult for the family to truly support Liu Bei at this time. The family can do nothing for the benefit of the family. When they see no hope from Liu Bei, will they still support Liu Bei like this?

Therefore, Guan Yu controlled the family's Patriarch, so that the family would not be disturbed in the coming war.

Facing Guan Yu’s orders, the aristocratic family naturally could not violate them. However, before heading to the prefecture, they had asked important figures in the family something. It was related to the fate of the aristocratic family. They had to be cautious. At the critical moment, once the family makes the wrong choice, it will bring a complete failure. At such a time, there is no luck.

Regardless of whether it is Guan Yu or Lu Bu, they are all martial artists in the family's eyes, but the fate of the family is temporarily in the hands of these two martial artists. The most important thing for the family's current is how to let Lu Bu become the master of Yizhou. The family has never been like this. Anxiously wanting to welcome Lu Bu into Chengdu.

In the past, when the Yizhou family talked about Lu Bu, they gritted their teeth and became angry at Lu Bu’s actions. Now their destiny depends on Lu Bu’s power. Isn’t it a joke? The reason why they told the family before leaving. The important figures in the Clan are to prevent important figures in the family from making wrong choices at critical moments, even if they die in the prefecture, as long as the family can be continued, they will die well.

Moreover, the influence of the aristocratic family is far from as simple as Guan Yu imagined. Whether in the officialdom or in the military, the aristocratic family has a great influence. The decision of the aristocratic family is difficult to make. The aristocratic family is huge. They will not let the family go to the brink of destruction because of the safety of the head of the family. Moreover, although the head of the family has a certain ability, under normal circumstances, they are very Fewer official positions in order to better manage family Unless Guan Yu can imprison all the civil servants and generals who are implicated in the family, then it is possible to avoid the family’s betrayal. Otherwise, If you want to influence the family's decision, it is difficult to make it. If you imprison civilians and generals related to the family's family, the city will truly be in chaos.

The power of the aristocratic family is intertwined, and if officials related to them are locked up, more than 60% of the officials will be Guan Yu's target.

In fact, Guan Yu also understands that his approach cannot fundamentally affect the family’s decision, but the family head still plays a very important role for the family. If possible, they would definitely hope that their family can survive, and they will not be a rat. Will hand over more things.

Guan Yu did not intend to rely on these families to persecute the family too much. If the opposite effect is achieved, it would not be great. The power of the family is powerful, unless it is completely offended by means of Lu Bu. Otherwise, if the power of the family is allowed to continue, sooner or later it will become a disaster.

What Guan Yu wanted most was to completely wipe out the aristocratic family in Yizhou and put to death all those related to the aristocratic family. In this case, with the strength of the city, it would be able to withstand the attack from the Chang'an army. The food and grass in Chengdu would be enough for ten thousand troops. If you need it, you don’t have to worry about food.

After gathering the heads of the aristocratic family in the prefecture, Guan Yu was relieved. The power of the aristocratic family was too terrible. If the family could not be restrained, it would affect the stability of Chengdu to a greater extent.

After Guan Yu comforted the head of the family, he wandered to the palace.

The Patriarch of the aristocratic family remained silent, but occasionally had eye contact, and was imprisoned in the prefecture. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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