Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2146: : The vanguard is coming

Liu Qi snorted coldly: "If I were wise, how could the big man fall into the current situation, and how could Yizhou be in danger today."

Zhuge Liang's complexion turned red. Yizhou was in the current situation. As the chief general of the Yizhou army, he had an inescapable responsibility. I will plead guilty to the people of the world."

"Military strategist, let's go back." Liu Qi waved his hand and said.

Zhuge Liang took a deep look at Liu Qi, bowed back, and came to see Liu Qi in the palace, just to make these things imprinted by the court, even if Liu Bei has high prestige among the officials of the court, Liu Qi After all, it is the sage of the big man, and has a high prestige among the people of Yizhou.

From Liu Qi’s attitude, Zhuge Liang was aware of Liu Qi’s negativity, but Liu Qi’s emotions were taken for granted in Zhuge Liang’s view. The same thing would not be good even if it were put on any monarch, it was obviously a big man. The emperor has no authority in his hands and can only follow the advice of his courtiers.

But now Zhuge Liang will not do anything other than pity Liu Qi. Now it is the most critical time in Yizhou. Liu Bei is more important than Liu Qi in Zhuge Liang’s eyes. Liu Qi is hardly ever more important in Zhuge Liang’s eyes. Liu Qi's deeds, if they develop according to the current situation, Liu Qi will die in less than a year.

Lu Bu attacked Yizhou and made Zhuge Liang’s plans have to lag behind. Otherwise, after Liu Qi’s death, Liu Beishun would logically become the new emperor of the Han Dynasty, which would make the officials of Yizhou more cohesive. Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong, and the emperor. There is a big difference. Even if Liu Qi does not have power in his hands, the officials are extremely respectful when dealing with Liu Qi.

Zhuge Liang even surely had many aristocratic families secretly preparing to help Liu Qi seize power from the imperial court. This was a fatal temptation for an emperor. However, Liu Bei's control of the imperial palace gradually extinguished his thoughts and offended Liu Qi. After that, at most they scolded, and after offending Liu Bei, he died. They could still distinguish the difference between the two clearly.

After the orders were delivered, Chengdu became busy immediately, and the atmosphere of the coming war spread among the ordinary people. This war concerning the fate of Yizhou will determine the future belonging of Yizhou. The emperor’s order is here. The planting played a great role. In the hearts of ordinary people, the emperor is the supreme existence, although they usually hear more about the Hanzhong King, and it does not affect the emperor's status in the hearts of the people.

The young and strong among the targeted people aroused great repercussions among the people. For a time, young and strong followers gathered. After seeing this situation, Liu Bei was extremely satisfied.

After receiving the order sent by Zhuge Liang, Yi Ji did not dare to neglect. He followed Liu Bei from Jingzhou to Yizhou and experienced too many things. Although he worked very hard under Liu Bei's account, it was very difficult to enter Liu Bei's core. It is difficult. At this point, Yi Ji has a clear understanding. To get Liu Bei's recognition, he must show enough ability. Similar to Sun Gan, after entering Yizhou, Yi Ji is more of a court. The envoys of the ambassadors went to various parties, but the results were not very good. The Han court had a great influence in Yizhou. After leaving Yizhou, it appeared to be a little insufficient in front of the princes. The powerful princes did not benefit at all. The face of the state court.

Under the leadership of Lu Bu, Cao Cao and Sun Ce showed no scorn for the Yizhou court and ignored the orthodox status of the Yizhou court, which made the officials of Yizhou very shameless. In an era with more right to speak, it is very simple to let the princes recognize it. As long as you can have a strong performance on the battlefield, the messenger will be able to gain greater dignity.

As the messenger of the imperial court, it is an extremely glorious thing in itself, but the feelings of Yi Ji at this time are sad. Lu Bu and Liu Bei have reached an endless situation. Lu Bu led the army to attack Chengdu City during this time, and Liu Bei was here. Later, he was sent to the Chang'an Army as an envoy of the imperial court. Liu Bei's intentions can be understood after a little thought. As for saying that this order came from the imperial palace, the Iraqi sneered even more. What is in the imperial palace today? In this situation, the Iraqi is still very clear. In order to gain control of Yizhou, it is impossible for Liu Qi to have more power.

The most likely situation in the Chang'an army is the death of the army, the enmity between the two sides, how can he end well as an envoy, but Iraqi has no more choices.

Zhao Yun led the five thousand army to the city of Chengdu one day after Liu Bei entered Chengdu. The five thousand army was rigorously formed. The cavalry in the army was awe-inspiring and shocked the defenders of the city. They had heard about it before. Let’s find out how powerful the soldiers and horses under Lu Bu's command soldiers have only really seen them today. Most of the soldiers who stayed in the city for Liu Bei are old and weak, and they can only be used to defend the city. .

Seeing the pioneer army led by Zhao Yun outside the city, and then looking at the surrounding soldiers, they always have a feeling of shame and shame. Compared with the Chang'an Army, the strength of the Yizhou Army is too weak, and many young men hold their weapons. Shaking gently.

The young men who joined the army have a small number of people in the city. They are mixed with the soldiers in the army to make them adapt to the battlefield as soon as possible. Now, after seeing the enemy army, they feel fear, some young men. When Zhuang joined the army, he was full of confidence, but now that they really felt the atmosphere of the coming war, they were scared.

The army in the city has a reward for killing the enemy. This reward is the same as the previous standard for the decisive battle between the Yizhou Army and the Chang'an Army. This order caused a lot of shock in the army. It is the so-called heavy reward. There must be brave men underneath. The soldiers in the army cannot remain calm when faced with rich rewards. Ordinary soldiers are no exception. Many young men who join the army are forced by life. After they enter the army, Although there is a risk of life, it is able to eat and wear promises without worrying about food and clothing, and it can also reduce the burden on the family.

The most important thing is that there have been very few wars in Yizhou before. This is not only the perception of Yizhou officials, but also the common people’s perception. Joining the army, you just have some training every day, so you don’t have to worry about food and clothing. Reluctant to act, it was the arrival of Lu Bu leading the army that changed everything. If the Yizhou Army cannot win this battle, all the soldiers in the army will become Lu Bu's prisoners. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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