Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2149: : Zhuge's plot

It is undeniable that Liu Bei has a lot of methods. Under his encouragement, the morale of the lieutenant soldiers has improved somewhat. In more cases, the generals can dominate ordinary soldiers, and ordinary soldiers also obey orders on the battlefield. Acting, as long as the generals in the army feel the hope of winning, the morale of the army will gradually increase.

The vanguard army is camped outside the city. The generals in the army have more ideas. The enemy army has come from afar, and the enemy's vanguard is only thousands of people. If the enemy's vanguard can be defeated, it will certainly be able to alleviate the current Yizhou. Crisis.

However, Liu Bei refused the request of the military general. After fighting with Lu Bu, Liu Bei's deepest experience was that the Chang'an Army was rigorous in defense. If he wanted to attack the enemy, he must have suffered heavy losses. Among the enemy forces, he has an elite level. Cavalry, when these cavalry initiates a charge on the battlefield, who can stop them, what is most lacking in the Yizhou army is the strength to oppose the cavalry.

The white-eared elite soldiers that the Yizhou army relied on were lost in the decisive battle. It is not something that can be done overnight to reorganize the white-eared elite soldiers.

The current situation in Yizhou is extremely embarrassing. Liu Bei really wants to do something, but the combat power displayed by his soldiers cannot satisfy Liu Bei's ambitions.

As night fell, Zhuge Liang went to the Palace of Hanzhong. Judging from the situation in the white Japanese army, if the morale of the army cannot be boosted in the process of facing the enemy, the Yizhou army will definitely be in a passive position in the next battle. On the above, morale is a very illusory thing, but when the soldiers in the army have high morale, they can show far beyond ordinary combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

In the course of the battle against the Chang'an Army, Liu Bei did appear to be somewhat conservative. In the face of a strong enemy, he did not dare to do too much. He was just passively defending. The generals in the army would definitely have opinions before and no matter how much comfort he would have. It's not as refreshing as the last victory. The lieutenant soldiers need victory.

Knowing that Zhuge Liang wanted to see him, Liu Bei was taken aback for a moment and hurriedly ordered Zhuge Liang to enter the palace.

"Lord." Zhuge Liang saluted.

"I don't know why Kong Ming came here? But the messenger's affairs have changed?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang was dumb. It didn't take long for the messenger to leave the city. Whether it was from Iraq or Sun Gan and others heading to the south of Yizhou, they were probably still on the way.

"It's not for the messenger, but for the enemy outside the city." Zhuge Liang said slowly. He is a military commander of the army. The greatest value is to advise Liu Bei. When facing the enemy, he can let his side occupy more. Many advantages, this is the most important thing for a strategist.

When Liu Bei heard this, his face was surprised, "But Kong Ming has a plan to fight the enemy?"

"Master, the enemy has come from a long way, and the Chang'an Army has won successive victories. The soldiers in the army must be a little proud. If our army raided late at night, we might be able to achieve a victory. Now the morale of the generals in the army is low and wins. If you do, it can improve the morale of the army." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei frowned slightly. "Kong Ming, the enemy's commander is Zhao Yunye. Zhao Yun has fought on the battlefield for many years. He is quite strategic in leading the army. He is also brave and good at the Chang'an army. If the raid fails, it will be taken advantage of by the enemy, the soldiers in the army. Will be more fearful."

"Lord, as long as you have a proper strategy, you will definitely be able to win." Zhuge Liangyun said calmly.

Liu Bei was delighted when he saw Zhuge Liang with this look. In the past, when Zhuge Liang was making a plan, he must have a great confidence as long as he showed such a look. Just as Zhuge Liang said, the Yizhou army needs a fight too much today. Victory is inspiring.

"Kong Ming elaborated." Liu Bei hurriedly said.

After Zhuge Liang talked about the strategy slowly, Liu Bei couldn't help nodding. If Zhuge Liang's strategy can be successfully implemented, he will surely be able to win, and this strategy is very meticulous, even if Zhao Yun is a famous general under the Jin King’s account, he wants to Seeing through is not so simple. From the enemy's fight in the day, you can see how arrogant the Chang'an Army is, and the same situation will be the same for other armies.

"Kong Ming will be in charge of this matter. This king hopes to see the soldiers of the Yizhou Army win the battle against the enemy." Liu Bei said.

"Here." Zhuge Liang said with a sigh of relief. He commanded a decisive battle with the Chang'an Army in Luoxian County, causing the Yizhou Army to lose all losses. Zhuge Liang has an inescapable responsibility, and the Yizhou Crisis is now the occasion for employing people. If Yizhou emerges from this crisis, Liu Bei will definitely liquidate this matter, even if Liu Bei fails to do so, the generals in the army will definitely mention it.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were buried in the battlefield, and the strength of the Yizhou army was compromised. In the eyes of Liu Bei, if Liu Bei did not punish him, how could he convince the soldiers and officials in the DPRK? The imperial court can determine the direction of the imperial court, but some things still need to be done, and Zhuge Liang needs to show sufficient value in the process of fighting the enemy. Only in this way can the past failures be gradually wiped out. go.

After receiving Liu Bei’s promise, Zhuge Liang saw an opportunity, an opportunity to win. As a military division of the Yizhou Army, Zhuge Liang has experienced many wars over the years. The ability to command the army is not comparable to Liu Bei. Liu Bei was also able to compare it. This is why he commanded the army to fight the enemy to the death.

The more critical the situation is, the more it can reflect the value of a counselor. The situation in the Yizhou army is urgent, and it is time for Zhuge Liang to show his value.

After receiving Liu Bei's order, the generals hesitated.

In the palace, the generals of various ministries gathered in the hall. Apart from Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, the hall was also the important generals in the army. Outside the hall was guarded by soldiers, giving people a sense of dignity.

Sitting in the upper position, Liu Beiduan glanced around at the generals in the hall and slowly said: "Now the city is full of rumors, and the generals are in panic. There are only a few thousand enemy troops outside the city. This king has tens of thousands of elite men in his hands. Can't it be defeated by a mere enemy?"

The generals in the army looked at Liu Bei with some doubts. Today, in the city, Liu Bei tried his best to prevent the army from going out of the city to fight with the enemy. Unexpectedly, Liu Bei changed his decision in an instant. The general did not react for a while.

Guan Yu got up and said, "Big brother, but he has an order, and he won't hesitate to die in the end."

"Follow the order of the King of Hanzhong." The generals in the army expressed their attitudes. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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