Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2151: : Yizhou Army Night Assault Camp (Part 1)

After defeating the enemy, the Chang'an Army did not stop much, and began the next battle. Such a close battle is also a test for the soldiers in the army.

The assassins in Yizhou made a lot of credit for this raid. The secret guards in the Chang'an Army were very cleverly arranged. It was because these assassins discovered that they were walking on the rivers and lakes, and they were definitely better than the enemy’s hiding places. The soldiers in the army need to understand better.

Since the formation of Yizhou’s assassin team, they have suffered a lot of blows. Their leader failed in the first important assassination mission. They even took refuge in the enemy army, making the assassin team panic, but they are walking on The swordsmen on the rivers and lakes, everyone has their own pride, even if the enemy army is strong and capable, they must regain respect through their own efforts.

Among the assassins, there are not a few people who have such ideas. Their food and clothing in the city are all provided by Liu Bei. At the critical moment, they must show sufficient value.

Zhou Cang led two thousand soldiers to the east side of the camp quietly. After seeing the defense above the camp, he couldn't help but sigh that the Chang'an Army is well-trained. It is extremely difficult to maintain such a tight defense under such circumstances. Putting things on other victorious teams will not do better. This is the biggest difference between elite teams and ordinary teams.

Zhou Cang is the lieutenant of the Baier elite soldiers in the Yizhou Army, and the Baier elite soldiers are the absolute elite of the Yizhou Army. They will not have the slightest timidity when facing the enemy. What they show in front of the enemy is Defeating death, the soldiers behind him are far from the white-eared soldiers.

"The lieutenant general obeys the order and prepares to make a surprise attack on the enemy." Zhou Cang whispered. The soldiers in the army who are specifically responsible for clearing the enemy's obstacles outside the camp have made considerable progress.

Above the camp, a soldier noticed something wrong outside the camp through the burning torch, and several dark shadows appeared under the firelight.

"There is an enemy!" the soldiers yelled, and at the same time they rang the bronze gong in their hands. After a brief moment, the other soldiers above the camp quickly rang the bronze gong in their hands. Faced with a surprise attack, the soldiers in the army had done it before. A lot of training in this area, they understand what they should do in response to an enemy's surprise attack, so that they can avoid greater damage.

Zhou Cang heard the sound of the gong above the camp and immediately ordered: "The archer shoots the enemy!"

The dense arrows came towards the top of the camp. The sound of the gong did not stop because more than a dozen celebrities fell in a pool of blood. They had just passed the sound of the gong, and the sound of gongs in the camp came and went one after another.

"Kill!" Zhou Cang picked up the long knife and shouted.

The soldiers of the Yizhou Army descended like a tiger and came to the camp of the Chang'an Army. When fighting against the Chang'an Army, the Yizhou Army was always at a disadvantage. The Chang'an Army stood on a high mountain in the hearts of the soldiers of the Yizhou Army. Finally had a chance to get rid of such depression.

After the soldiers above the camp were shot and killed by the archers, Zhou Cang led the soldiers into the camp. At this time, the situation in the Chang'an military camp made Zhou Cang a little stunned.

In Zhou Cang’s impression, even the elite soldiers would be a little flustered in the face of the enemy's surprise attack. Such a situation is inevitable. However, in the Chang'an Army, he did not feel too much flustered. Emotions, the sound of gongs in the camp, were like orders from lieutenants of the Chang'an Army.

This situation in the Chang'an Army gave Zhou Cang a bad feeling. If the enemy forces gather too fast, the raid will lose the expected effect. The soldiers patrolling from the enemy’s secret post and the camp. Zhou Cang could see that the Chang'an Army did not have the slightest preparation when dealing with the surprise attack, but after the surprise attack, the enemy's reaction speed was much faster than that of an ordinary team.

From the Chang'an Army, Zhou Cang saw what a well-trained army is. If an army can reach this point in training, it would be proud of it.

"Hurry up!" Zhou Cang ordered. Only by causing chaos to the enemy as much as possible can we attract more soldiers and horses of the Chang'an Army to achieve the goal. If the Chang'an Army is given too much time to prepare, this raid There will be uncontrollable factors.

The cavalry in the army was the first to be dispatched. After Dianman heard the warning in the camp, he immediately ordered the cavalry to prepare for battle. At this time, Dianman did not blindly lead the cavalry forward. The enemy made a surprise attack. The cavalry’s army will definitely be in a panic. The cavalry’s charge is most likely to cause turmoil in the army. This gives the enemy the possibility of causing further damage to the army. The experience on the battlefield is still very rich. When facing the enemy's surprise attack, he knows how to take advantage of his cavalry.

The raid put the Chang'an army into a brief But the soldiers in the army still remembered what they should do after the raid. A torch was lit in the dark night. , The generals in the army rely on the fire to gather towards the predetermined location, they have to find their respective generals to deal with the upcoming situation.

Although the soldiers in the Chang'an Army are elite, there is no guarantee that every soldier can see things at night. Most of the soldiers can't see things clearly at night. This is a common ill of soldiers in this era. Otherwise, Zhang Liao led a hundred cavalry at the time. There won't be such a result when the Jizhou army is raided.

Panic is the most important factor that contributes to the heavy losses of the army in the face of the enemy's surprise attack. Panic soldiers are likely to face their weapons against the robe.

The generals of each department continue to command the soldiers in the army. As long as the soldiers in the army gather before the enemy arrives, they will have a greater chance of winning against the enemy.

Zhao Yun’s face was low and deep. The Yizhou army’s raid was unexpected. As the head of the army, he must keep a clear head when facing the enemy’s raid. If the wrong order is issued, the soldiers in the army will suffer even more damage, which Zhao Yun does not want to see.

The Yizhou Army is now absolutely weak on the battlefield. It stands to reason that the Yizhou Army will not surprise the Chang'an Army at this time. Zhuge Liang has made this choice. By doing the opposite, the Chang'an Army is somewhat unprepared. , But this is also a test of the soldiers’ ability to deal with emergencies. In the process of ordinary training, the Chang’an Army has not little training in this area, although at this time the soldiers in the army have soldiers and horses from other states and counties. The content of their usual training is roughly the same. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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