Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2153: : Yizhou Army Night Assault Camp (Part 2)

But seeing Zhou Cang's long sword crossed, he rode his horse to Yang Feng. As long as he killed the enemy's generals on the battlefield, he could plunge the enemy into a brief panic. The soldiers can also do more in this raid.

Yang Feng had just assassinated a soldier of the Yizhou Army with the long spear in his hand, and he felt a strong threat. He saw a tower-like man stalking his horse, with the long knife in his hand raised high.

With a cold snort, the long spear in Yang Feng's hand greeted him, and the swords and spears intersected, and Yang Feng's heart was shocked. From the point of view of strength, the enemy's generals did have good strength, but this was also in line with the enemy's generals. Related to the raid among the rebellious army.

Yang Feng was very angry. The enemy generals actually chose to attack under these circumstances. It didn't feel so open and upright. Especially the timing of Zhou Cang's choice was even more intriguing.

Zhou Cang has been following Guan Yu for a long time, and Guan Yu usually has a lot of guidance for Zhou Cang. Zhou Cang has also learned a lot about Guan Yu's combat methods on the battlefield, especially in such a chaotic army. Among them, how to cause harm to the enemy and generals to the greatest extent is also extremely important.

Yang Feng's ability to block this attack was completely beyond Zhou Cang's expectation. In his opinion, even with Yang Feng's high martial arts, it would be extremely difficult to block the blow he was determined to win on this chaotic battlefield. of.

The two generals fought together, Yang Feng's marksmanship was superb, and Zhou Cang's swordmanship was proficient.

The soldiers on both sides did not stop fighting because of the fighting between the generals, especially after the footmen of the Chang'an Army entered the battlefield. The situation on the battlefield was moving to the advantage of the Chang'an Army. The footmen of the Chang'an Army only needed to follow. The back of the cavalry can cause damage to the soldiers of the Yizhou Army, and the burning camps around make the soldiers in the army need not worry about accidentally hurting their robes on the battlefield.

The soldiers of the Chang'an Army are all in black, making it easier to distinguish the enemy from the enemy on the battlefield.

Even though the cavalry’s charge was initially met by the resistance of the pikemen, the cavalry was damaged. However, when the cavalry entered the enemy’s formation, it was difficult to block the cavalry’s attack with the power of the infantry. So, relying on the charge of the horses and the cavalry on the horseback does not require more actions to make the enemy formation into a panic, what will happen to the confrontation between the two parties if one of them is in panic? Impact.

At this moment, the screams of killing came from the west side of the camp. The sound was louder than the east side of the camp. The soldiers of the Chang'an Army tried their best to resist, but they did not have much effect. The sudden attack caused even more chaos to the Chang'an Army.

Huang Fu is just an ordinary general in the Yizhou army. Because of his family background, his position in the army is reasonable. Ordinary generals will not have too much difficulty when they see Huang Fu.

After ordering the soldiers in the army to charge, Huang Fu only commanded the soldiers in the center, and did not personally go into battle. There is no eye on the battlefield. Huang Fu has a deeper understanding of this point, as long as the soldiers in the army are facing the enemy. When he charges forward, he can cause damage to the enemy. As a general in the army, he is naturally the most important command in the middle.

After Zhao Yun learned the news on the west side of the camp, he asked in doubt, "Could it be that it was a noise?"

Under the current circumstances, if the enemy chooses such a strategy, it can indeed cause the greatest damage to its own soldiers. When facing the Yizhou Army's surprise attack, if the soldiers in the army are in chaos, another enemy army will join the battlefield. Will greatly affect the situation of the war.

"Leading Dianman led two hundred flying knights to defeat the enemy on the west side of the camp, and sent two thousand foot soldiers to the west side of the camp to kill the enemy!" Zhao Yun ordered.

The scouts kept coming to the battlefield, which gave Zhao Yun a more detailed understanding of the battle. Zhao Yun wanted to lead the cavalry forward to defeat the enemy, but he was the main general in the army. The more at this time, the more Keep calm.

The fighting on the east and west sides of the camp has progressed to a fierce degree, but with the addition of cavalry, it is very difficult for the Yizhou army to gain an advantage on the battlefield. The surprise attack allows them to occupy a certain advantage at the beginning, but the real After fighting together, the superiority of the Changan Army's bravery and skillful fighting gradually emerged. With cavalry charging in front, they can more easily tear apart the enemy's formation. If the Yizhou Army is raiding cavalry, the war's The outcome will be full of greater variables.

Zhou Cang and Yang Feng fought, and gradually felt uncomfortable. Yang Feng’s marksmanship was too weird. After only five rounds, Zhou Cang fell into passive defense. Faced with Yang Feng’s spear skills, Zhou Cang has a feeling that it is difficult to resist. If it weren't for his rich experience against the enemy on the Zhou Cang might have killed Yang Feng.

After such ten rounds, Zhou Cang strenuously smashed Yang Feng’s spear, rode his horse back to the formation, and commanded the soldiers in the army to continue fighting. This battle was not only the two infantry as the main assault force, but also Elites led by Guan Yu will appear on the battlefield. When the lieutenant generals led by Guan Yu appear, Zhou Cang believes that his army will inevitably gain a greater advantage.

There is no doubt about the elite of the Chang'an Army. During this battle, Zhou Cang had a deep understanding. However, Zhou Cang would not easily admit defeat. The Chang'an Army was not prepared for this raid, and most of the Chang'an Army’s soldiers It didn't come. This was the best time to defeat the enemy on the battlefield in one fell swoop.

No matter how much pressure the soldiers in the Yizhou Army have to bear when facing the enemy's charge, the soldiers in Zhou Cang commanded the army to resist.

The soldiers of the Yizhou Army had sufficient confidence in the army before the war began. However, after the war, they found that the situation was very different from what their generals said. The Chang'an Army was because of their raid. There was a certain amount of panic, but a counterattack was quickly launched under the charge of the cavalry. Under the charge of the cavalry, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army did not have much resistance. More and more robes fell on the attack of the enemy cavalry. Down, and the brave and well-fighting Chang'an Army is also making its own soldiers on the battlefield continue to be damaged. If this continues, more soldiers will die on the battlefield.

Soldiers in the army have their own ideas when facing difficult and difficult battles. They don't want to die like this, especially recruits and private soldiers of the family who have never experienced the battlefield. Their idea is how to save their lives on the battlefield. . If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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