Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2155: : Chase

Facing the Yizhou Army generals led by Guan Yu, the Chang'an Army was caught in a bitter battle. Zhao Yun led a hundred flying cavalry to face the 200 cavalrymen of the Yizhou Army, but they suppressed the enemy’s cavalry. The strength of the cavalry on both sides was not at all. On one level, the infantry in the army may be a little flustered when facing a surprise attack by the enemy, but as the cavalry in the army, they are always ready to fight. At night, with the weak light of fire, they can give the enemy Caused heavy losses.

Guan Yu in the Yizhou Army has a calm complexion. He is not touched by the bravery and skillful fighting of the flying cavalry. Only his pawns can inflict maximum damage on the enemy. This battle is the victory of the Yizhou Army. He wants to let him The back hand reserved by Zhuge Liang lost its effect in this battle.

Zhao Xing led two thousand soldiers and soldiers to ambush on the way. The intention was obvious, to prevent the soldiers of the Yizhou Army from being defeated by the Chang'an Army during the raid. In this way, the Yizhou Army could still turn defeat into victory.

The fighting on the three battlefields has progressed to a feverish degree. As the battle progressed, the army led by Yang Feng and the army led by Dianman had the advantage in the process of fighting against the Yizhou Army. The Yizhou Army was in the cavalry. Under the charge, the resistance seemed so fragile, and soldiers were constantly falling under the scimitar of the cavalry.

The subsequent cover-ups of the pawns caused the pawns on both sides to retreat steadily.

The soldiers under Zhou Cang and Huang Fu kept running away and couldn’t do anything about it. They led the army to retreat, but the army did not retreat fast. Now the Chang'an Army is at a disadvantage and has won more for Guan Yu. Time, in this battle, will be more likely to win.

After repelling Zhou Cang and Huang Fu, Dian Man and Yang Feng left the necessary soldiers to defend, and led the cavalry to kill Guan Yu.

The joining of the two cavalry forces gradually lost the advantage that the Yizhou Army had obtained on the battlefield. The combat effectiveness displayed by the cavalry on such a battlefield could not be achieved by relying on a large number of infantry.

After the situation on the battlefield came, Guan Yu had no choice but to order the army to retreat, but during this raid, the soldiers of the Yizhou Army had already caused considerable damage to the Chang'an Army.

The Yizhou Army’s raid was a huge disgrace for the Chang’an Army. Zhao Yun felt that he had played for Zhuge Liang. If it were not for the elite soldiers of the Chang’an Army, the Chang’an Army would be the one who lost at this time. He was the vanguard of the army. The coach, how can he let go of the enemy's defeat.

"General Yang Feng, you gather the soldiers in the camp to guard against the enemy. This general leads the cavalry to rush and kill." Zhao Yun ordered.

"Here." Yang Feng said with a fist. Although the strength of the Yizhou Army is not weak, he believes that when facing the flying cavalry charge, he will be at an absolute disadvantage. The situation on the battlefield just now illustrates it well.

More than four hundred flying horses chased in the direction of Guan Yu's retreat. After Guan Yu learned of this news, he was not surprised and rejoiced. He did not expect that flying horses would dare to chase in such a situation, if they could fly on the battlefield. It would be an even greater encouragement for the Yizhou Army if the ride was eliminated. At this time, even Guan Yu had to admire Zhuge Liang's calculations on the battlefield.

The possible behavior of the enemy on the battlefield is fully accounted for. It is not something ordinary people can do. If the Chang'an Army does not pursue it, the soldiers and horses that Zhao Xing was ordered to ambush can only be said to be redundant and ineffective. Now this The support of soldiers and horses has played its due role.

The flying cavalry's pursuit made the Yizhou Army look a little embarrassed. They were originally on the side of the assault. They suffered a lot of damage in the tenacious resistance of the enemy. Through this battle, many soldiers of the Yizhou Army have also been lost. Seeing how powerful the officers of the Chang'an Army are, they don’t have too many doubts about the defeat of the Yizhou Army on the decisive battlefield. This powerful strength is strange if the Yizhou Army can defeat them. NS.

The Yizhou Army prides itself on being elite. This is also a disadvantage of many military forces. They will not admit that they are worse than others. In a real battle, they can be distinguished from the elite. Can do this.

It is an indisputable fact that Guan Yu led the Yizhou army to escape, and the generals in the army were panicked, and even some soldiers chose to flee directly in such a dark night and continued to fight with the army. They could not see the hope of victory, and they even made a surprise attack. At that time, with such an advantage, it is impossible to win, let alone on the frontal battlefield, what will happen after the Yizhou army encounters the Changan army on the battlefield in the future.

Encouraged by Liu Bei and the standard of rewards in the army, the soldiers were still looking forward to this battle. However, when the battle really took place, they had different opinions. No one wanted to die in this battle. Soldiers eager for credit does not mean that they are willing to pay the price of their lives for the credit ~ ~ Guan Yu was furious after realizing this. As a strong general in the Yizhou army, the soldiers in the army were actually on the battlefield. There was a phenomenon of fleeing, which Guan Yu could not tolerate. The generals in the army began to restrain their soldiers after being reprimanded. Guan Yu had a high prestige in the Yizhou army. If Guan Yu executed them on the battlefield, they There is no place to reason.

Feiqi's pursuit made the Yizhou army continue to flee. Feiqi's only reliance on the bow and arrow in his hand made the Yizhou army panic. When they were escaping, they were always worried about the threat of the enemy's bow and arrow.

Just when Feiqi used bows and arrows to make the Yizhou Army pay a lot of money, preparing to enter the rear of the Yizhou Army and cause the greatest damage to the Yizhou Army, the drums of war sounded on both sides, and Zhao Xing led the two The soldiers who had been ambushing Qian had suddenly shot out, stopping Feiqi's pursuit.

Even if it is Feiqi, facing the sudden appearance of the enemy, it is a little flustered, and Guan Yu led the army to return. With Zhou Cang and Huang Fu's army, Feiqi wants to get out of the battlefield easily. A more difficult thing.

Zhao Yun obviously noticed this situation. Judging from the enemy's actions, it was clear that he had planned ahead for his own pursuit. If it weren't for the sudden attack of the enemy, the offensive of the flying cavalry came to a halt, and Guan Yu led the army again. Returning, wanting to defeat Feiqi on the battlefield is simply impossible.

Even if Zhao Yun didn’t want to admit the defeat of this battle, the current flying cavalry had no more choices. As the most important force in the vanguard army, he could not suffer too much damage on such a battlefield, and The strength of the cavalry is extremely important on the battlefield in Yizhou. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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