Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2159: :Wish to take refuge

Lü Bu smiled upon hearing the words: "This king has now captured the three counties, and the saint's order to give up the land of the three counties does not appear to be sincere. If Liu Bei is willing to hand over the Shu county, this king may stop."

Yi Ji said: "The king of Jin is joking. Shu County is the foundation of the court. King Jin doesn't want to be a rebellious person, right?"

Shu County is of great significance to Yizhou. Yizhou is rich and prosperous. However, the only counties that are truly prosperous are Shu County, Guanghan County, Hanzhong County and Ba County. , It means that Liu Bei's power will gradually withdraw from Yizhou. The counties in the south of Yizhou are indeed vast, but it is impossible to do more with the counties in the south of Yizhou.

"In the eyes of the Yizhou imperial court, this king is a man of great rebellion, right? This imperial leader led the army to attack Yizhou, but the imperial court has been criticizing and criticizing. Is it necessary for this king to show the content of the Yizhou imperial court in the Dahan Daily for the envoy to see? "Lü Bu sneered.

Yi Ji's complexion changed slightly. He suddenly felt that trying to take advantage of Lu Bu's verbal confrontation turned out to be a difficult thing. Lu Bu was just a military commander and it was so difficult to deal with. What kind of advisors under his command would be It’s great, but the Iraqi know their mission and try their best to hold the Chang’an Army’s footsteps and buy more time for Liu Bei. If this operation is successful, it will have a profound impact on Yizhou.

Liu Bei didn't want to admit defeat easily in this battle, and the officials who were loyal to Liu Bei did the same. They hoped that Liu Bei could come out of this crisis and lead the Yizhou army to a stronger path.

"The King Jin led the army to attack Yizhou for no reason, and now that the Sage has forgiven King Jin's sins, is King Jin still so aggressive?" Yi Ji said without fear.

Lü Bu laughed and said, "Aggressive? What if this king is the imperial court of Yizhou? What kind of saint, it's just a joke. The puppet in Liu Bei's hand dare to be so arrogant in front of this king. What can be done? This king will kill you directly, and Liu Bei dare not say too much."

Yi Ji suddenly felt that he was going to the Chang'an Army. It was indeed risking his life. The two sides are now enemies. Anything can happen. In fact, Liu Bei asked him to go to the Chang'an Army at this time. Perhaps he had already thought of his possibility. Will be beheaded in the army.

The generals in the tent saw the performance of the Iraqi nationality and laughed a lot. Although the performance of the Iraqi nationality is remarkable, in terms of strength, the Yizhou Army and the Changan Army are too far apart, which will inevitably lead to Yizhou’s performance. When facing King Jin, the messenger lacked confidence.

"Yizhou Army sent troops and horses to attack the king's vanguard army just yesterday, causing great damage to the soldiers of the vanguard army. This is Liu Bei's sincerity?" Lu Bu coldly snorted.

Many generals in the army did not know about the enemy's surprise attack on the vanguard army. Now that they learned of Liu Bei's behavior, some generals were angry and threatened to kill the messenger, if it was when the big man was stable, even if it was Lu Bu. There is a tyrannical force in his hand, and he definitely does not dare to do so. The messenger of the court represents absolute majesty, and those who dare to provoke the majesty of the court will not be forgiven.

With the turmoil again and again, the majesty of the court gradually disappeared among the princes. For their own interests, the princes did not even put the messengers of the court in their eyes. This has become a very common thing, even if they are the messengers of Yizhou, I am also mentally prepared for such things.

"The official is the messenger of the imperial court!" Yi Ji said sternly.

Lu Bu coughed slightly, and the generals in the tent suddenly became quiet. "Could the messenger not worry about his own life?"

Yi Ji said: "As an envoy of the imperial court, the dignity of the imperial court must not be violated even if it does not matter if you die."

Lu Bu nodded secretly. Judging from the performance of the Iraqi, there is indeed something to be praised. His subordinates are relatively short of talents in this area. Li Su is more enthusiastic about the affairs of envoys, but Li Su is important to Lu Bu's subordinates. Officials, certainly can't go to the princes' place as a messenger easily.

"This king cannot agree with the messenger's remarks. As the saying goes, good birds choose trees and live in them. As today, there is not only Yizhou's court. How should the court of Xudu be counted?" Lu Bu asked.

Yi Jidao: "Yizhou court is orthodox, Shengshang is the eldest son of the first emperor, and Liu Cong is just the youngest son. If the name is not correct, then the words will be unsatisfactory."

Lu Bu whispered to Dian Wei next to him. After a quarter of an hour, only three people, Lu Bu, Guo Jia, and Yi Ji were left in the tent. Dian Wei was ordered to guard the camp gate.

"Yi Jibo, right? Liu Bei brought you from Jingzhou to Yizhou, but now it is at the most critical moment of Yizhou to let you go as an ambassador to this king. His intentions must be that you already understand it. Follow these monarchs, is it right? If you can’t see hope, this king is also a talented man. If you are willing to take refuge in this, you will not worry about getting reused in the future.” Lu Bu said slowly.

The Yiji was slightly taken aback. He knew that the task was very difficult to complete this time. What he didn't expect was that Lu Bu would make a solicitation at this time. It is impossible to say that it is impossible to face Lu Bu's solicitation. The situation is quite clear to the Iraqi. Even after the arrival of reinforcements from the southern counties and counties of Yizhou, it is extremely difficult to change the current situation in Yizhou.

The Yizhou Army was defeated one after another, and the elite of the army lost all on the battlefield. Even though the army of the southern counties is elite, can it still be better than the elite soldiers of Yizhou? The barbarians are not afraid of death on the battlefield. When they face the brave and well-fighting Chang'an Army, what will it be like? Just encountering a strong crossbow army, these troops are not able to deal with it, not to mention that there are still sharp weapons such as crossbow carts in the Chang'an army.

Seeing that Yi Ji was silent, Guo Jia smiled slightly, knowing that Yi Ji must have more thoughts about Liu Bei, and the same thing would be true even if it was put on other people. The current situation in Yizhou is no longer sufficient. To support Liu Bei’s ambitions, his officials will certainly have more thoughts under such circumstances. The Iraqi envoy to the Chang’an Army is inherently extremely risky, and Lu Bu’s solicitation is fatal to the Iraqi. lure.

Yi Ji is a member of a family. Although his family is not big, he still belongs to the family. If it were placed in the past, when faced with Lu Bu's solicitation, Yi Ji would definitely not be moved. However, the situation is different now. Lu Bu is the largest prince in the world. His strength is not comparable to that of other princes. After Yizhou is stabilized, his strength will be greatly improved. Even if he is to dominate the world, it is extremely possible. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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