Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2170: : Thunderbolt Siege (Part 1)

The disaster on the grassland was also quelled by Lu Bu. How powerful the Xianbei on the grassland were, but they gave their heads under the attack of Lu Bu's cavalry, and they were willing to bow their heads and call their ministers Lv Bu's life.

There are countless people from Wuhuan and Liaodong. Lu Bu's achievements are enough to make him stand on the top of a military commander. However, Lu Bu is not a lonely generation. The troubled times are beginning. He also wants to get more from the troubled times. The king is only the beginning. No matter, Cao Cao believed that when Lv Bu's strength was further improved, he would even become emperor. At this time, the emperor Lv Bu would be able to fight against other princes in the world.

Even if the Jiangdong Army and Cao Jun are united, Lu Bu will not be afraid. This is because he has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Like Lu Bu, Jiangdong is also moving on this road, and is closely following in Lu Bu's footsteps. Otherwise, after Lu Bu becomes king, why Sun Ce will become king, also without the imperial appointment, but the imperial court at that time Due to the situation in the world, it is necessary to recognize the identities of Lu Bu and Sun Ce. If possible, it would be Lu Bu and Sun Ce that the court most wanted to execute.

The Jingzhou battlefield has fallen into a stalemate. Cao Jun has nothing to do with Jiangdong Army. Jiangdong Army will not take the initiative to attack. Zhou Yu's purpose is very simple. United, but Jiangdong does not want to be at a disadvantage in this battle for hegemony.

Zhou Yu was also indifferent to Cao Cao. He believed that he could assist Sun Quan in his career.

Cao Cao has rich experience in leading soldiers, and Zhou Yu has outstanding strategy. He has resolved the Cao army’s offensives time and time again. As for Cao Cao wanting to rely on the rebellion of the family in the city to seize Xiling, how can Zhou Yu make Cao Cao so easy? Before the attack on Xiling, Zhou Yu controlled it. At this time, Zhou Yu would certainly not show any mercy to the aristocratic family. Once Xiling was lost, Jiangdong would be the biggest blow. It would not only be able to occupy Jiangxia firmly. Play a role in blocking Cao Jun, but also can make Jiangdong more secure.

Cao Cao is a man of wolf ambition. After capturing Jingzhou, he will certainly not let go so easily. If he sends his troops to attack Jiangdong, it will inevitably bring greater shock.

In fact, after the war reached this point, Cao Cao only needed to gradually stabilize the counties and counties in Jingzhou. It was impossible for the Jiangdong Army to do more in Jingzhou.

The aristocratic families in Jingzhou are repulsive to the Jiangdong Army. They do not want the Jiangdong Army to be strong in Jingzhou, mainly from Sun Quan. They do not see hope. In Jingzhou dominated by the aristocratic family, they do not get the support of the family and want to dominate in Jingzhou. , Unless there is a means like Lu Bu.

After conquering Jingzhou counties, Cao Cao sent Xu Du’s officials to Jingzhou. Most of these officials were from Jingzhou. Many of them belonged to Cao Cao’s direct lineages, in order to contain the power of Jingzhou officials in the future. Otherwise, after Jingzhou officials became more powerful , It will definitely have a certain impact on Xu Du.

As a monarch, the most important thing is to enable the officials under his command to maintain a balance, especially in the period of development under the rule. It is necessary to pay attention to this aspect and balance the interests of all aspects to achieve more long-term development.

Cao Cao did a good job in this regard. There were many families under his rule, but Cao Cao was able to take control of the family, which had higher requirements for the monarch's methods.

The war in Jingzhou is protracted, and the war in Yizhou has also progressed to a fierce degree. A thunderbolt was erected outside the city, forming an absolute deterrent to the defenders. In terms of equipment, the Yizhou Army has compared with the Chang'an Army. The large gap is also an important reason why Lu Bu can be invincible on the battlefield of Yizhou. The sophisticated equipment plays a huge role in such a war.

Liu Bei has a deep understanding of this aspect. It is because of the equipment of the Chang'an Army that the Yizhou Army has stepped to where it is today. If it weren’t for the sophisticated equipment of the Chang’an Army, it would be fighting against the enemy by virtue of the difficult terrain of Yizhou. It’s a relatively simple matter to gain an advantage.

However, the Yizhou Army had to fight Lu Bu on the battlefield in Luoxian County. This decisive battle has a profound impact on Yizhou. If possible, Liu Bei is unwilling to face such a decisive battle. The advantage of the city can give If the enemy caused more damage, Liu Bei would not go out easily.

Liu Bei was helpless. The equipment of the Chang'an Army made him feel the urgency. If he could not defend against the enemy’s offensive on the final battlefield, his years of hard work would disappear. As a prince with great aspirations, Liu Bei wanted Get more things when the troubled times come, and don't want to be eliminated for others like this.

At this time, no matter where the princes are facing Lv Bu, they are under great pressure. Who is Yuan Shao, but he is gradually defeated in the process of playing against Lv In Yuan Shao and Lv Bu When there was a dispute, no one thought that Lu Bu would win the final victory. After all, the Yuan family’s name was too big. The fourth generation and the third master attracted a lot of talents for Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao was the leader of the princes when they defeated Dong Zhuo. Among the most important figures, even Gongsun Zan, who possesses elite cavalry, defeated Yuan Shao.

The Chang'an Army outside the city is relying on its advantages in equipment to cause greater damage to the Yizhou Army. With the help of the fairy mirror, the Chang'an Army generals outside the city can still easily do it if they want to know the situation of the defending army. .

After seeing the situation of the defending army, Lu Bu ordered: "Let the Yizhou army try a fierce fire attack."

"Here." Chuan Lingbing moved towards the Perak Army ahead.

Fierce kerosene was an item that the Chang'an Army surprisingly won when it attacked Yizhou. Whether it was attacking Mianzhu or in a decisive battle, fierce kerosene played a significant role, and the attack on Chengdu City was no exception.

After facing the successive attacks of Chang'an Army's thunderbolt vehicles, the defenders could not raise their heads. Except for the soldiers who needed to observe the battle, the rest of the soldiers hid behind the female wall. Fortunately, the young men who have joined the army have ever faced such a battle. Their understanding of the battlefield is still through the veterans in the army. Now the situation on the battlefield is very different from the explanations of the veterans in the army.

The precise attack of the boulder made the defenders panic. When the enemy first attacked the city, the defenders still had a high fighting spirit. The six-foot-high wall gave them great confidence. However, as the battle progressed, they They found that the situation on the battlefield was very different from what they had imagined. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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