Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2199: : Holy, the enemy’s cavalry is catching up

There are about a thousand soldiers guarding the palace. Liu Qi still values ​​these thousand people. If these thousand people can be brought to his side, the usual safety will be more guaranteed, and Liu Bei is concerned about this matter. It seemed that he didn't notice it, and let Liu Qi win over the soldiers in the army.

In Liu Qi's view, these soldiers are his direct line, the imperial army of the great man, who can defeat the enemy at a critical moment. Now it seems that their strength is still too weak.

"General Li, you lead three hundred soldiers to resist the enemy. You must not be slack in the slightest. After I return to the army, there will definitely be reinforcements." Liu Qi cast his sights on Li Ti, the general guarding the palace.

Li Ti clasped his fist and said: "Holy, the situation is critical now. The enemy will catch up at any time. As the leader of the imperial forest army, how can he leave the holy."

Liu Qi snorted coldly: "The war is urgent. Could it be that General Li is afraid of the enemy's failure to do so. In the past, General Li was brave in front of me, but now the enemy has only a hundred cavalry."

"Here." Li Ti clasped his fist. Although he was unwilling in every possible way, Liu Qi is the sage after all, representing the supreme power. If he violated Liu Qi's order at this time and returned to the army, Liu Bei would definitely punish him. Yes, don’t look at ordinary times when Liu Qi had a high prestige among the soldiers guarding the palace. In fact, the soldiers guarding the palace were Liu Bei’s people, which means that Li Ti obeyed Liu Bei’s orders, and Liu Qi said The win was already informed to Liu Bei through Li Ti's mouth.

If Liu Qi learns about this, he doesn’t know how he feels, becoming the emperor of the Han in Yizhou would be imprisoned for Liu Qi, and Liu Qi’s actions are completely under Liu Bei’s control. This is also Liu Qi’s dissatisfaction with Liu Bei. As the emperor of the Han Dynasty, he was originally the supreme man. At least in Yizhou, officials in the DPRK and generals in the army must obey his orders. However, the real situation made Liu Qi a little discouraged, and the generals in the army obeyed. It was Liu Bei's order.

Due to Liu Bei’s power in Yizhou, the officials in the DPRK usually did not dare to oppose Liu Bei. Under these circumstances, he, the emperor, was a puppet. What kind of attitude did you treat Liu Qi at that time?

Li Ti ordered three hundred soldiers to stop the enemy, but he had more thoughts in his mind. In this battle, Liu Bei had already failed, and he was defeated very thoroughly. Even after escaping from Chengdu, what could he do? , Can it be possible to do something again in Yizhou? Li Ti has no confidence in Liu Bei. As for Liu Qi, he has no confidence in Liu Qi. Judging from Liu Qi’s past performance, he is an out-and-out faint king. If you are interested, you will deal with things in the media, and you will be left idle if you are not interested.

The Saint did not do more in the DPRK, which made the officials and generals in the army gradually lose their confidence, and Liu Bei's prestige in Yizhou forced them to obey, if they did not obey Liu Bei's orders in Yizhou. The consequences are unimaginable. In Yizhou, Liu Bei would not allow voices against him in the court hall. On this point, Liu Bei was quite firm.

Liu Bei’s methods are in sharp contrast with Liu Qi’s weakness. When Liu Qi was drawn in, Li Ti was quite excited. He didn’t want to assist the sage to achieve some achievements. However, after gradual observation, he found that Liu Qi was not at all. The Holy One who can make a difference.

At this critical moment, Li Ti has more ideas. The cavalry appointed by Liu Qi to resist the enemy is clearly because Liu Qi wants him to die. The enemy's cavalry chases after him, which means he just blocked the enemy. The general has been killed in battle, which is extremely unfavorable to the current situation.

After thinking about it, Li Ti decided to surrender. This is the best opportunity. If Liu Qi took him away, he would not have such an idea. In any case, Liu Qi is the most distinguished person of the Dahan and follows him. Liu Qi's side will not be wronged too much. Now the situation is different. Liu Qi has given up on him, so there is no need for him to continue working for Liu Qi.

After fighting for a while, Li Ti shouted: "Let go of your weapons, this general has already taken refuge in King Jin."

The soldiers in the army heard this, and after hesitating for a while, there was no objection. In a short time, they could appreciate the power of these cavalry. If they continue like this, they will definitely lose in the end. They will die on the battlefield. They will get more things, and if they surrender to the enemy, they can survive. At this time, the soldiers in the army will not believe in the rewards Liu Bei mentioned in the army before. Liu Bei cannot protect himself, even if they are on the battlefield. After slaying the enemy, whoever is going to ask for a reward, is it from King Jin?

In front of the reward, the soldiers in the army were moved, but the current facts have proved that Liu Bei failed from the battlefield in and was completely defeated. If he continued to follow Liu Bei, he could only die. The end.

After the soldiers in the army have such thoughts, it is easier for them to choose to take refuge in the enemy on the battlefield.

This was the situation where Li Ti ordered the lieutenant officers to give up resistance. After seeing this scene, Li Ti secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, it was the critical moment for the enemy cavalry to pursue. He surrendered, just not. Little credit.

After Dianman praised Li Ti, he ordered Li Ti to gather his soldiers and horses, and then continue to lead the cavalry to chase Liu Qi. It was not that he had confidence in Li Ti, but the current situation in the city, so that Dianman did not have much to say about Li Ti’s surrender. Suspected, King Jin’s army had already entered the city, and if they pretended to take refuge, they would only die even worse.

Dianman glanced at the team ahead, full of confidence. After defeating two enemy teams one after another, he believed that Liu Qi had no other means. From the second encounter with the enemy, he could tell that the Yizhou Army The soldiers have lost their fighting spirit on the battlefield. What kind of performance will such an army behave in the face of cavalry attack.

"Holy, the enemy cavalry has caught up."

Liu Qi's complexion became paler and paler, "I didn't send General Li to lead the soldiers to resist, why did the enemy catch up after a quarter of an hour."

"Holy, I'm afraid it was General Li who took refuge in the enemy."

Liu Qi snorted coldly: "These rebels violated my orders and will surely smash them into pieces in the future."

The generals were contemptuous on hearing this. At this moment, Liu Qi’s situation is not a simple matter to escape from Chengdu, let alone killing the surrendered generals in the future. If Liu Qi is really capable of such things, Yizhou It will not be the current situation. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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