Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2237: : Stability of Southern Counties

If it fails, it will disappear. As for fleeing Yizhou and taking refuge in other princes, Liu Bei would not do this. As the king of Hanzhong, although he did not want to give up, he still understands some truths, even if he fled to other vassals. Under the rule of the princes, he will not have a good end. The princes will not let him survive under the rule so easily, and he must be directly imprisoned.

That kind of feeling, but life is better than death, Liu Bei has his own persistence.

Thinking of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei was in a trance. No matter what kind of emotion he had for the two in the past, the three of them still had brotherhood, and Zhang Fei and Guan Yu died for him.

News about the southern counties quickly spread to Chengdu. After reading the news from the scouts, Lü Bu sneered. He didn't expect that after Liu Bei got off the battlefield, he would stay in Qianwei County and wanted to rely on the southern part. The soldiers and horses of the counties continued to confront their own army.

"Lord, there are 50,000 soldiers and horses in the southern counties and counties. Today, our army has only more than 30,000 men. Chengdu City has just belonged to the lord, so you should be more careful." Guo Jia reminded.

Lü Bu nodded. Liu Bei has considerable prestige in Yizhou. There must be forces to support Liu Bei in the city, but after the Chang'an Army entered the city, they temporarily hungered. If an opportunity arises, these people will not give up easily. There are more than 30,000 soldiers and horses to welcome Liu Bei to take control of Yizhou. It seems that there are a lot of them. If they fight decisively with the enemy after the arrival of the enemy, it will definitely make the city empty.

"When will Pang Tong lead the troops and horses to arrive?" Lu Bu asked.

"Lord, the situation in Luo County is not stable. Among the soldiers who surrendered, there are many people who are interested in Liu Bei." Guo Jiadao, after all, there were tens of thousands of troops in Luo County before. After joining the Chang'an Army, they must be Have their own minds.

Lu Bu said: "Leave Pang Tong in the army, Fan Jiang, Zhang Da and others assisted Pang Tong to stabilize the army, and Zhang Ren led an army of 10,000."

"Here." Guo Jia arched his hands.

"These people want to seize Yizhou from the king's hands. The soldiers in the king's army will not agree. No matter how elite the soldiers and horses of the southern counties are, the king will defeat them." Lu Bu slowly said. .

"The lord is wise!" Guo Jiadao.

"Send an order to let the generals in the army come to the palace to discuss matters." Lu Bu ordered. Since entering the city, Lu Bu has lived in the palace directly. Naturally, many people have secretly talked about Lu Bu's actions, but currently Lu Bu is in the city. But with absolute prestige, it is not said that Lu Bu lived in the palace. Even if Lu Bu declared to be the emperor, they would not dare to violate it.

Living in the imperial palace gave Lu Bu a more solemn and majestic feeling. Since he could enjoy it and let the imperial palace be wasted in the city, wouldn't it be a violent thing.

The generals in the army will naturally not violate Lu Bu’s decision. What they hope most is that Lu Bu can get a higher position. With Lu Bu’s prestige in the army, if they want to resist Lu Bu, they must defeat the generals in the army. The Chang'an Army is in How powerful the battlefield is. It has been well illustrated on the battlefield in Yizhou. The soldiers of the Chang'an Army are extremely crazy when dealing with the war, and the credit they yearn for needs to be obtained through the victory of the war.

"The southern counties and counties, since Liu Yan took control of Yizhou, have been in a bit of chaos. They have not obeyed the orders of the prefecture and shepherd's house, and have held their own troops. There are not a few officials in the southern counties who are implicated in the barbarians. If the barbarians are mixed. On the battlefield, it will be even more difficult to stabilize the southern counties." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu frowned. The stability of the southern counties is indeed a big problem. Even if the army of the southern counties is defeated on the battlefield, will the officials of the southern counties give up easily, although for the southern counties of Yizhou Barbarians, Lü Bu lacks understanding, but the barbarians in history Meng Huo and others still know Lü Bu, and Meng Huo, as a barbarian king, must be unique. Not to mention others, just the barbarians Meng Huo met is very big. After losing on the battlefield, he can continue to ask for help and then confront the army.

The place where the barbarians live in the southern counties does not mean that they can be defeated by relying on the elite of the army to enter it. Environmental issues still need to be considered. Otherwise, during the march, the soldiers don't know how they died.

"Fengxiao, the most important thing at the moment is to defeat the soldiers and horses of the southern counties. After defeating the soldiers and horses of the southern counties, the southern counties will surely be able to gradually stabilize." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia nodded, wanting to stabilize the southern counties, unless in this battle, all important officials and generals in the southern counties can be beheaded, just like ambushing Liu Bei.

However, this situation is difficult to meet after all. Besides, there are 50,000 soldiers and horses in the southern The biggest difference between these 50,000 people and the Yizhou Army is that the Yizhou Army is on the battlefield. Facing the Chang'an Army, morale was low, and the soldiers and horses of the southern counties did not know the strength of the Chang'an Army. They would not be afraid of the battlefield. In this way, they would be able to exert a stronger strength, thus giving Chang'an. The army brings more damage. As a counselor in the army, Guo Jia naturally has to consider this issue.

Only when the Chang'an Army wins the battlefield with the least cost can it have greater benefits for Lu Bu. The princes will fight, the world is chaotic, and they have strong strength to fight the world. Although Yizhou is important to Lu Bu, the war has been carried out to the present level. , Has completely occupied Yizhou, and the cost of the Chang'an Army on the battlefield is not high. However, Guo Jia understands that after occupying Yizhou, he will definitely not let Yizhou survive as before. .

Yizhou will be an important source of food and grass for the army in future wars. If the safety of Yizhou cannot be guaranteed, it will be the biggest loss for the Chang'an Army. The southern counties are unstable, and Lu Bu will not give up easily. Yes, since the southern counties wanted to take the opportunity to resist, he had to let the officials of the southern counties understand that if he could drive Liu Bei out of Yizhou, he would be able to defeat them as well.

Defeating the soldiers and horses in the southern counties will cost the soldiers and soldiers in the army a certain price, but these sacrifices have brought real stability in Yizhou. The officials of the southern counties will not obey the orders of the prefecture, and the two sides will meet sooner or later. There is a battle.

Since entering Yizhou, the Chang'an Army has gone through a series of bitter battles, defeating the Yizhou Army on the battlefield many times, demonstrating a strong combat capability, and causing Liu Bei to lose Yizhou with great contributions. If you love to read novels, how can you not pay attention to this official account, V letter search: rdww444 or hot web articles, let’s chat about web articles together~

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