Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2306: : How to calm down the southern counties

"Thank you, King Jin, and King Jin." Zhengang said excitedly. Lu Bu's ability to say these words means that he has temporarily accepted his surrender, and the next step depends on his performance.

Once a person has hope, he will be full of energy. Although he has become a prisoner of the Chang'an Army, Zheng Ang can still live.

"The Zheng Taishou has a certain understanding of the situation of the southern army. Now General Zhao Yun is capturing the army. If the Zheng Taishou has nothing to do, he will go to the army to help General Zhao." Lu Bu said.

"Subordinates take orders." Zheng Ang hurriedly left after saluting.

"The lord, Gao Ding and Zhu Bao are missing. If they return to their respective counties, they will probably have a lot of impact on the next war." Guo Jiadao.

The best result of this battle is to be able to capture all the prefects of the southern counties and counties. In this case, it will be easier for the army to punish the southern counties and counties. On the battlefield of nearly 100,000 people, the leader of the enemy army will be captured alive. It is an incredible thing, it is normal for Gao Ding and Zhu Bao to escape from the battlefield.

However, Liu Bei was not allowed to leave. This was also the reason why Dian Wei was watching Liu Bei before the war began. As long as Liu Bei's traces were discovered, Liu Bei should not be allowed to leave the battlefield. If Liu Bei continues to be active in Yizhou, It will be more difficult for him to pacify Yizhou.

After Liu Bei was discovered by the scout in the army, he was firmly locked by Dianwei.

However, Liu Bei no longer had much hope for resisting Lu Bu on the battlefield in Yizhou. Without sufficient strength in his hands, he would not have the slightest chance of winning against the Chang'an Army. It was impractical for Liu Bei to take refuge in other vassals.

"Even if they return to their respective counties, what can they do, they will eventually become prisoners of this king." Lu Bu said.

"My lord, among the southern counties, the three are the most powerful, but the power of the barbarians cannot be ignored." Guo Jia reminded that he has not been able to organize information about the southern counties and counties during this period of time. Therefore, in the current situation, there is a certain relationship between the inaction of the Yizhou army and the too many troops in the hands of the prefects of the southern counties, but the power of the barbarians should not be ignored.

The barbarians are repellent to most of the officials of the Han people. In the eyes of the Han people, they are the vulgar generation. In the eyes of the barbarian people, the Han people are the cowardly generation. The power of the barbarians is relatively united. If the army of the Han people attacked the barbarian territory , It may be the desperate resistance of the barbarians, and the barbarians are extremely brave on the battlefield, which is not comparable to the Han army.

On the battlefield of Yizhou, Gao Ding had a large number of barbarians, and these barbarians showed their mighty strength on the battlefield of Yizhou.

On the battlefield of Yizhou, the Chang'an Army paid a considerable price. If the army could suffer even smaller damages while pacifying the southern counties and counties, it would be of great significance to the Chang'an Army.

Lu Bu's complexion is a bit solemn, the barbarians are like those of the Qiang people, and the Chang'an army has been fighting in Yizhou for a long time. If they encounter the desperate resistance of the barbarian tribes in the process of pacifying the southern counties, they will definitely let them go. The army pays a greater price. This situation is not what Lu Bu wants to see. How to pacify the southern counties with the least cost is the most important thing at present.

In southern counties, Lu Bu will not give up.

"Fengxiao, in your opinion, how should the southern counties be the most appropriate?" Lu Bu asked.

"My lord, the subordinates' understanding of the southern counties is limited to the information sent, and the officials of Yizhou must have a lot of knowledge about the southern counties." Guo Jiadao.

"This king understands that this service is filial piety responsible. You must find out the situation in the southern counties as soon as possible. Although Yizhou is calm, there are many hidden dangers. If Gao Ding and Zhu Bao persuade the barbarian tribes If this happens, it will be a big trouble. This king doesn't want to see such a situation happen." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Guo Jia said, as a counselor, he must advise the monarch at a critical moment. A top counselor can help the monarch tremendously. Currently, under Lu Bu's command, there is no shortage of top counselors.

In the beginning, Lu Bu’s subordinates did lack counsellors, but now they have Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Jushou, Pang Tong, Li Ru, and Tian Feng. If the power of these counselors can be fully deployed on the battlefield in the future, it will The effect of the arrival must be huge, but there is Chen Gong in Xuzhou.

Although Lu Bu did not meet Chen Gong, Chen Gong's efforts in Xuzhou over the years are obvious to all.

Only when the rule is more stable, the counselor can get a higher status, especially now that the counsellor under his command sees the hope of calming the world from Lu Bu, the counselor will work harder to end this troubled world as soon as possible.

The Minister of Long, whose name has been left in history, has a huge attraction to literati. The weakness of the big man can be seen by literati with some insight The reason why many literati went to Xudu to seek refuge The imperial court is more dependent on the reason for Cao Cao's strong strength.

In the eyes of the family, their interests are far less important than those of the family. After taking refuge in Cao Cao, the family can develop faster. If Cao Cao can put down Lv Bu, their contributions will be equally great. The most important thing is that the current Cao Cao It supports the court.

As long as the Dahan's system can continue, the family will not be hurt.

The power of the family under the rule of the princes can affect the decision of the monarch to a certain extent. This situation is not what Lü Bu wants to see. What he needs is the support of the people. He was even more brutal in his eyes. Lu Bu didn't care about these things. As long as he could give the people a stable life, how could he become a thorn in the eyes of a family.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, Lu Bu, who was brutal and unkind, has stepped to the point where they look up to them. The strength of the Yizhou family is undoubtedly strong. Now it has become under Lu Bu's rule. It is not the Yizhou family willing to do so, but They have no other choice. Only after relying on Lu Bu can the family be saved from the turmoil in Yizhou, otherwise, the family will face even more miserable fate.

Lu Bu relied on absolute strength to stand among the princes, not the help of the family, whether in terms of talents or foundation, now Lu Bu does not need support from the family. If the family would help, Lu Bu would naturally welcome him. The talents in the aristocratic family are unwilling to go into official positions, and Lu Bu will not reluctantly.


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